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Everything posted by ninjachic

  1. Go back and read the rest of what I said now that I finished it. My phone likes to send comments before I finish them. Really miss Internet when I don't have it available.
  2. There is. And people "create" coincidences just to start shit. Personally this while thing has obviously gotten way out I hand. Look at how many rumors and coincidences and arguements have been started because of this. This is exactly part of what those crazies want. They want to start shit and guess what, it's working because people have nothing better to do. Example: look at how many threads on OR have started because of this. And please no one take this personally. Right now you can't open up a web browser, turn on the tv, or the radio without seeing nothing but all about this shit. And everyone just wants to point fingers at society. Well everyone is part of society. So stop blaming the government and everyone else and start blaming yourself. Because the only person who is in control of your life is you, and NOT anyone else. The goverment isn't gonna do much about this anyways. And what they do do, isn't gonna make much of a difference because kids these days are raised to figure out how to break rules. People need to stop expecting the government to raise their kids and learn to raise them on their own. Sorry Paul that I went off in your thread. Nothing personal. Just finally snapped about all this.
  3. Well if I knew of a place, I'd help but I know nothing of Cleveland so I can do nothing but sit around for someone who does know the area to pick something.
  4. Yeah I kinda like to have a better idea as to whats going on so that was I can figure out whether or not i'll be able to go.
  5. Scruit - I completely agree with you. btw I'm stealing this for my facebook. Hope you dont mind.
  6. Jesus Christ! How the fuck do you expect me to read all of that!!
  7. Well considering I work with them and spend a very good amount of time with then during the week every week, I'd rather make it seem like I care to make my life a little better than be a total bitch and make my life a living hell.
  8. well then maybe i can crash with you in indy! I did ask nicely? or do I need to add pretty pretty pretty please to it?
  9. and I still dont have money for this. Hence the does anyone have a place I can crash?
  10. I'd def be interested in going. Any one know of a place I could crash at for the night?
  11. So i decided to kill them with kindness and get them beads for their pandora bracelets. found out that macy's had donatella beads which fit the pandora and donatella is going out of business so all of their beads are $10 each and I had a macy's coupon thing so I only paid $10 for both. and since they dont say donatella on the beads, I'm taking some of my mom's pandora boxes to wrap them in. So they think I spent money on them when I really didnt.
  12. Yeah I'm sure that's not all you enjoy!!!!
  13. Gee how long did it take you to figure that one out?
  14. Well considering I just bought a condo and still have my apt and need to fix my car and bike, probably won't have money.
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