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Posts posted by nk140

  1. Nice job all weekend guys. I was starting to feel really good on the bike until my mishap in Turn 12 in the first 600 race. I need to work on Turn 3 and 13 still but all this footage is really helping me figure out what I am doing wrong. Hopefully see you at Beaver. After all my electrical gremlins the past 3 rounds, I think I can start concentrating on riding again.

  2. well, brandon had the idear to check the TPS (also because we were going to basically just start swapping every fucking thing, but wanted to try the TPS first). after some mucking about, we (and I use the word "we" very loosely) figured out that the symptoms of my bike matched the TPS being shorted out and the bike trying to open the throttle bodies without knowing how much fueling to provide via TPS, which puts it into limp mode and stall it.


    this lead "us" to trace the TPS wires to the main harness bundle, and along the big bundle, there was a spot on the frame that was sharp and we found a TINY TINY (like, almost as tiny as r1antdick's erect wiener) nick in the bundle which exposed the wire that fed the 5V signal to the TPS.  By tiny, not only do I mean smaller than kevin's vestigial penis, but also, it was just a pink spot the size of a pin head showing through the friction tape/electrical tape.


    sadly, we didn't have any electrical tape or friction tape, so just to test it out, we taped up with some painters tape and slapped it back together, fired it up and voila! no more codes. we ran out, spent 45 minutes at walmart getting various tapes and other items for a rape kit, and got back and put about 14 pounds of tape on the spot where it wore through and covered up the sharp spots on the frame as best we could.  i didn't get to test ride it but we're all but certain it is fixed.


    so, yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


    Awesome.  Now what races are you doing at Putnam?

  3. According to GPS, the difference in speed he had on me at Putnam should have put him into the 11s on the Panigale.  Maybe low 12s.  Track day pace...  I suspect that considering he wants the outright track record (1:09 flat), he's going to be on the "A" game and we all will just be watching...

    If he does 09s that would be awesome. I will be on the hot pit wall for the 1000cc race.

  4. He will be on an 1198S as he retired the 1098R and has some repairs to make on his 1199.  But, no matter what he races, he's most likely going to wax us all and even Gene...


    Matt makes it look effortless too.  I was wondering about the 848 because he could do the 750.  I would be cool to see him just pull 2-3 seconds a lap on me.

  5. Obviously Matt Carr will be out with us as well as Gene Burcham.  I think Neyra also is coming as well as myself.  I know a lot of the Junkies will most likely be there again this year.  Should be a packed raceday event.  Won't be there for the track day, however...


    Awesome.  I love seeing the 1000cc bikes go around Putnam.  Matt going to be on the 1098?  Doesn't he also ride a 848?

  6. Also I've never been to Putnam, just saw they have garage spaces. Is it worth it? How many can you fit in a garage?


    If I'm taking 4 bikes in the trailer it would be nice to leave the generators at home.


    I know you can get 4 bikes in each bay.  The problem is that the breakers trip with more than 3 sets of warmers.  If you had a neighbor that wasn't using all of his capacity then problem solved.  Also you are not allowed to keep fuel in the garage.  You have to roll it just outside the garage door to fill up.  Personally I wouldn't get a garage, but if you need the extra space in the truck/trailer do it.  I think garages are $50/day.

  7. Quit being pussies.  You should all ride.  I was at Putnam last September for the track day weekend and we only had 20 total bikes spread over 3 groups.  Todd lost his ass. 


    Todd did do a good thing partnering with Indy Ducati.  Indy Ducati runs great track days and has an amazing customer following.  The track day should be near a sell out.  Hell I tried to sign up for an Indy Ducati day 2 weeks early this spring and all groups were sold out already.


    I should be able to help anyone with a tow in the Advanced group.  Indy Ducati is supplying control riders so I won't be able to help any intermediate or novice riders.

  8. Ya my last 2 years were pretty crash-free. Not sure what's going on this season, but I gotta get it figured out. The 2 times I went down that I lost the front, it just had no feel and I didn't know it was coming.


    As far as Putnam I know I want to make it out. I've had Friday scheduled off of work for awhile now so I can get an early start to head out there. Never been to the track so I'll need to get as much practice in as possible.



    No front end feel for me either, but it is getting better every weekend after some small tweaks.


    Look me up at Putnam.  I have tons of laps there.  Just don't crash like Murse before the end of the first lap of the first session.

  9. We were standing by the wall on the front straight and saw you're low speed lowside in T1.  Sucks you had to wait to get back to the bike and get back in the race.


    EDIT:  I loved the re-tech though.   :lol:


    Super slow crash in Turn 13.  Slowest crash I have ever had.  I got lazy and didn't pick up the throttle when I should have.  I think over 120 race laps plus probably another 100+ track day laps was too much for the front tire too.  I only had a small bit of rash on the exhaust can and frame slider.  Nothing else was touched.  Jeff at the flag tower was surprised that there was no damage.  What is ironic, I ordered a full exhaust last week and it will be here tomorrow.  Karma for the exhaust.  Too bad I was going to sell the slip-on this week to recoup some of the full exhaust cost.  Guess I will keep it as a spare can now.

  10. Tons of crashes in the 600 Expert class this weekend.  Had my first off in 2.5 years while leading 600 SB race 2.


    Brandon your luck hasn't been all that great this year.  Ryan has crashed 2-3 times this year as well.  I hope to not add to my total.  Hopefully most of you guys will make the trip to Putnam. 

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