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Posts posted by nk140

  1. Alright, suckas!  Got my forks back from Reuben and put them on the bike last night.  Let me just say, just from compressing them and riding the bike around a parking lot and breaking really hard, they feel absolutely amazing compared to what they felt like before.  Reuben said that he actually couldn't find anything really major wrong with them internally, but the caps that go over the springs inside were put on upside down.  I think that was preventing the preload from being adjusted correctly, which is why the just always felt like they were under max preload and super stiff (Like John seeing all the guys at the track).  He fixed that and refreshed them all around. Going to pull the shock off tonight and mess with it a little just to make sure everything is good to go.


    I am super freakin pumped to go racing this weekend and hope that I can actually get my season started finally!  (I'm also looking forward to breaking in Marty's new trailer if you know what I mean)


    Glad you got them sorted.  What else was wrong with your bike at Beave?  I saw you pack up pretty early on Saturday.

  2. Just mention something to Todd.  If there's no three hour teams signed up I'm sure he's open to splitting it up.


    Thanks Marty.  I was going to say something to him this weekend about it.  I think the 600cc expert racing would be closer if the classes were spread out.  I know Tom runs away from everyone after the first few corners.  He is a machine but it would be nice for a few others to have a chance of keeping him in sight.  I am getting more and more comfortable with the close quarters of the first few corners of mayhem.


    I know Todd will have a hard time justifying it with the few 1000cc bikes out there.  I know he split them at Putnam last year with success, but Putnam had 3-4 times the 1000cc bikes on grid.

  3. I hear ya guys on battling in the 600 Expert class. I wish it was closer. I would really like to see the 1000cc bikes in a different race. I know I get hung up trying to pass them since I don't like the really close passes that the faster 600cc racers feel comfortable making. I guess that is on me though.

  4. he said he went 1:01's, and the picture looks dry... 


    btw, nothing better than lapping a wet beaver... :)


    I did 1:01s on a dry track in the first race of the day, 750GT.  Rained at lunch did the first 600 race on a soaking wet track.  The second 600 race was on a drying track, but the race line was fully dry.  No one dropped below a minute at least the 600cc guys didn't.  There were some 1:00s.

  5. Loved the Beave as this was my first trip there.  Next time I will only go if I have a someone to ride share with.  Wish Saturday was dry all day to get a bit more practice in.  Sunday was fun except for riding in the first 600 race on a fully wet track on DOTs.  I refuse to buy rains but I figured I would help dry out the track.  I did get into the 1:01s a few times during the first race.


    Turn 5 I think from the 750GT



    Turn 10 from 600 race 2



  6. You can get in on Friday, a lot of us will likely be there Fri night as well. They do close the gates at some point, but can't remember what time. I know we bitched about it last year and seemed like they kept them open later.


    They have garages....but only for the kart track. No electric either so bring your genny. The facilities are WAY better than Nelson, the pits and the road in have all been recently repaved, and there are decent bathrooms/showers.

    I hope I can get there before they close. I don't think I will be able to leave work early on Friday, so it will be about 7 hours+ to get there. Which means I wouldn't get there until 10:30 or so.

  7. Well, rough weekend for me to say the least. I'm definitely rusty, but the bike was nearly unrideable once I got to 15's or so. In race one I was doing 16's which is 3 full seconds off my pace from last year. And I felt like I was pushing the bike as hard as I could. It was just very stiff and wanted to run super wide out of the corners. I think I have some serious geometry and suspension issues goin on. I think the front may need to be lowered and the suspension loosened up. In race two I binned it in turn 13. I have no idea what happened, the front just tucked and that was it. My thumb is bruised up pretty good but its not broken or anything. Broken radiator, brake lever, and rearset.


    I found that with mine during the first round.  Almost the exact that you are saying.  I lowered the front 5mm and upped the rear 1mm.  Felt better but I think I still need to change it a bit more.  The GP carts are crazy stiff.  I took a few turns of preload out of mine and it fixed most of my issues.  I know your bike is an 07 and mine an 09 and they are very different but try 5mm front since the GP carts increase front ride height by 12mm.

  8. Got the videos to play here at work. I still need to work on staying on the throttle longer between 3-4, this seems to be where I always get passed. And I know I can brake a little later into 12.


    Also, your videos had me looking up the whole time trying to see further down the track, lol. :D


    Yeah...it had me doing the same thing as well.  I will point it up more next time.

  9. Cool, I'm sure I'll see myself in your videos getting passed a couple times. Can't view them at work so I'll have to check them out at home tonight.


    The round went pretty well for me. Setting sag on the bike definitely helped smooth it out. Had to take out several turns of preload in the front and rear. Helped the bike feel a lot more planted over the bumps and it showed. Set a new personal best of 1:13.125 in the 2nd sprint. Hoping that with a few more suspension tweaks and more time on the new bike I'll break into the 12's next round.


    Nice on the PB.  You are in the vids for more laps than I would have liked.  I thought you were riding great and it felt like you were going faster than before.  Definitely made it hard on my to get around you.  I didn't get to see the lap times but I was told by Cox I may have got back into the 11s.

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