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Everything posted by HeavyDuty

  1. All ready looks like I will have to change the dates to leave June 10th and return June 21st so I already lost 3 days. I will probably run the same route out as we did for the SoreButtapalooza 1100 miles the first day. I want to spend about 3 days in the black hills area we missed a lot when we were there and that area is one of my top favorites. Then out to Yellowstone for 2 days and then two 900 mile super slab days home. I’d like to try the 1500 day on the way home but after the 1100 last year I had to look down to make sure my feet were on the ground at the hotel. I talked to all the hotel clerks at the hotels we stayed at they were only a little over half full so I may wing it and not make any reservations this time. The wife and I road this back in June of 77 Yellowstone still had over 6 feet of snow in the mountains but all of the roads were clear and dry.
  2. In the planning stages for a 2 week bike trip out to the Black hills, Yellow Stone Park, and the Grand Tetons with a few other stops along the way shooting for some time in June
  3. I bet you have never talked your self out of a ticket LOL
  4. Does it matter? He is still dead.
  5. Eric Garner had only been arrested 41 different times before this video was taken it’s not like he was a career criminal was it? This or something like it was bound to happen sooner or later. As far as the 12 year old he was out playing gangster with a modified toy gun what would of any of you concealed carry people have done if he ran up to you and your family and pointed it at you? My guess is most of you would have just thrown your wallet at him. It is not as easy to kill someone as you might think. I have no idea what the protocol is or what they talked about before they drove up on the kid but my first reaction was the driver pulled up to fast and close to give his partner any other choice once the kid reached for the gun.
  6. New federal law to make the police job easier and make everyone happy. A police officer must ask the criminal for permission to arrest him. If the criminal refuses the police officer must leave the area immediately without any further interaction with the criminal. Problem solved
  7. DONE Been doing it for over 40 years.
  8. The guy in New York was only getting arrested for illegally selling cigarettes. He was a big man and made the decision to resist arrest and escalate the situation nothing good will ever come from that. What were the cops suppose to do just say never mind and walk away. They were only trying to get him under control so they could take him in. In any situation were a cop is dealing with criminals they can never back down or lose it is not an option. If you choose to resist arrest and escalate things it is on you. It is a shame he died over an f-ing cigarette but he made that choice. Cops have the worst job in this country they have to deal with scum everyday even good citizens treat them like shit. Now these asshats in Washington are trying to make it impossible for them to do their jobs and give criminals like Brown the upper hand.
  9. I like the video of all those nice boys helping get all of the liquor out of the liquor store before it burned down they were so helpful.
  10. I went out for about 4 hours today I will ride for a few hours tomorrow and then winterize the bike.
  11. By definition they are all criminals they are all here illegally
  12. Now that riding season is almost over I will start to work on all of the video I took on the trip with the GoPro. I’m trying to talk the wife into going back for a week or 2 out next summer.
  13. HeavyDuty


    Another great day Wednesday I rode out to Alliance then to Sharron Pa and back thru Warren stopped at Little Wings for lunch then down 422 cut down thru Garrettsville and home to Ravenna. I wanted to ride to Columbus for lunch today but it would not stop raining.
  14. I will give it a try Thursday if the chance of rain drops to 20% 2.5 hours in a cold rain one way might be tough.
  15. They are there so the bald guys can use them for a comb over. LOL
  16. Wash your beard weekly that’s a long time between washings I wash my beard every day when I take a shower. But I am a hairy kind of guy I look like a Sasquatch. When we are camping it can get dangerous running around in the woods with my shirt off. LOL
  17. I have had a beard for 39 years I shaved if off about 30 years ago and the wife slept on the sofa for about 10 days until it grew back. It has been short, ZZ Top style and everything in between. I am working on getting it back to the ZZ Top style now. What the hell is beard oil I have never used anything on my beard except bar soap. I have all the hair on my head but I keep it less then an inch long.
  18. But don't you think the CDC might have wanted to be on top of this?
  19. The CDC could not contain the first case of Ebola that came to the United States and at least 2 nurses end up getting the disease as of now. Then they screw up and let one of them fly across the country 2 times while she was sick. Can you really trust them to be able to handle a real epidemic when it comes?
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