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Everything posted by HeavyDuty

  1. I put the pin on my American Legion vest the decal on my bike windshield the rest I will put on the wall in the man cave. I did have a good time on the trip and hope to do it again some time.
  2. What the hell were you thinking Congrats I have been talking to the dealer for a trade on the Blackened Cayenne Sunglow colored one.
  3. Note to self! Do not advance on cops when they have their guns out screaming SHOOT ME MAN SHOOT ME NOW. this is old news
  4. Back 50 some years ago they use to teach drivers etiquette in drivers training. I think etiquette is pretty much and obsolete word in today’s society. But that would be a completely different conversation.
  5. 2 years ago Ohio was going to put that law on the ballets for a vote but the Ohio state highway patrol shot it down saying there was no way for them to enforce it. I think the truth is they like having the azzhats block traffic it keeps the speed down and giving them less to do.
  6. I never have that problem on my Harley everyone always moves right out of the way and then gives me a wave as I go by LMAO that stuff happens with all bikes. Ohio is only 1 of 3 states in the US that allows drivers to block the left lane and not move over to let other drivers pass. In any other state you could get a ticket for blocking the flow of traffic.
  7. The comfort of my bike is not the issue the problem is last time the better half and I were out in Yellowstone on the way home we rode 2 - 18 hour days in none stop rain and temps in the 50s she will not do that again.
  8. The wife and I have been talking about hitting the black hills for 10 days next summer but if we do go I will most likely do the dirty deed and trailer my bike out.
  9. Finally got my Iron Butt acceptance E-mail today should get the certificates in the next 2 weeks IBA# 58863
  10. Imagine spending all that money and ending up with this
  11. Both are out of surgery now and we have received positive reports on their status. While there are a lot of breaks and bruises there does not seem to be any issues that they won't be able to overcome with some good healing time.
  12. We had about 150 People show up for the ride we made some good money on the raffles and collected a truck load of toys. Less than 20 miles out the lead rider in the second group had a dear run in to him causing a serious high side crash at over 50mph requiring him and his wife to be life flight to Metro both with severe injuries I’m waiting to hear back from their son later tonight when they are out of surgery Praying everything goes well.
  13. Dunlop D402F Mt90B16 Black wall front tire Dunlop D104 150/80B16 Black wall rear tire Price and shipping cost.
  14. One year I road in on my bike to get mine done when I got it there was a big bug smashed on my forehead almost right between my eyes they never said a word and would not retake it took 4 years to get it redone.
  15. What is the problem they are all good kids just having some fun lucky the kid did not have a gun or the mall would have been on fire by now.
  16. This poker run is open to everyone no one cares what type of bike you ride. If you are X military and have thought about joining the Legion this ride will give you a chance to see a few of the posts in our area. Most of the posts will have free food at each of the stops AMERICAN LEGION RIDERS 331 TOYS FOR TOTS POKER RUN - Ravenna ALR 331 Sunday Sept 14, 2014 Registration starts at 8:30am, First bike out at 10:00am, Last bike out at 11:30am, Last bike in at 5:00pm Register at the Ravenna Post, 109 Elm St Ravenna, OH Fee is a new unwrapped toy or $10 cash donation at the door. Route: Painesville 336, Madison 112, Windham 674, and Lake Milton 737 - directions provided at door. Come early and enjoy a huge stack of pancakes, sausage, coffee and juice for only $5 a person during registration 50/50 raffle - 1/2 to the winner of the 50/50 and 1/2 to the winning poker hand. A Chinese auction and ton of door prizes!!
  17. Just checked the Iron butt message board Tonik and Connie got lucky there are people that have been waiting 2 years for their certs to bad there is no way to check if Iron Butt even got the form. I will wait another month and void the check if I have not heard anything by then.
  18. I still have not heard anything back but its only been 3 months
  19. HeavyDuty


    I wonder what happened to this way of thinking.
  20. Not happy the tire only has 5000 miles on it.
  21. Try this one Super turn out every year. A Memorial Day Demonstration in Washington DC Rolling Thunder is an annual Memorial Day demonstration where thousands of motorcycles ride through Washington, DC seeking to improve veteran benefits and resolve POW/MIA issues. This is a wonderful patriotic event that expands and gets larger and larger each year. http://dc.about.com/od/specialevents/a/RollingThunder.htm
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