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Posts posted by 8Rider6

  1. So, I just looked up the meet location, looks to be about 2 hours northeast of me (nothern columbus). If the route's going to be SE Ohio, any chance of a 2nd meetup location around Lancaster/Logan for those of us not in NE Ohio? If not, I'll just plan on hitting the road early around 6:45-7:00 or so... If anyone else around Columbus is interested, we could meet up at Iron Pony or something before heading Northeast to meet the rest in Bolivar.

  2. ^^

    Cops love holiday pay.  Be extra aware on the super slab.  I doubt you'll see many of them on the fun SEO roads.



    This is true... Last year on memorial day I got pulled over when I was on my bike... The funny thing is, I was definitely not speeding, I was behind a bunch of traffic on the road the cop said I was speeding on which were never doing anymore than 5mph over.


    I asked him what he clocked me at and he said, "I didn't clock you, it was just visual." to why I replied "I really don't think I was speeding", then he said "you were definitely movin'..." ... Needless to say they let me off with a "warning." They also acted like it was a big deal I had a CCW but wasn't carrying even though that's the first thing I told them after the asked for my license (one put his hand on his holster)... Some cops... They were probably expecting me to be drunk and used "speeding" as an excuse to pull me over. I guess I look like a trouble maker, apparently.


    I rode in Hocking last Saturday and I saw more or less no cops. 1 with it's sirens on traveling the opposite direction, then a fire chief SUV as well, but that was it all day.

  3. Uh sure Jbot, sure.  Weirdo.



    It appears Time Warner may only carry it on digital cable? I just have their standard cable and when I go to channel 1144 (listed as Velocity for Columbus here: http://tvlistings.timewarnercable.com/digitalcable/findTvListings/viewChannelLineUp/?headendId=OH34532X) it just flips me back to my previous channel. I was expecting it to say something like "This is a premium channel, please call ###-###-#### for ordering information).

  4. Contour +2 goes on left side of helmet. Hero 3 Black goes either on the fork mount, adhesive mount on the flyscreen, or tank suction cup mount. That'd be pretty nice to have it charge while riding... I do have a couple battery banks I could probably use to charge it with. You guys have USB rigs connected to your battery?

  5. For those who have ordered from them, how long has it taken for them to contact you to collect payment and set up shipping? I placed and order last Wednesday and have not heard from them other than the confirmation e-mail.


    I ordered my springs from them for F4i shocks I put on my 919. I got the order ready to go online, then called and placed the order and it was pretty quick, placed the order Monday and received it on my door Friday. You can always call them instead of waiting for them to call you to expidite the order. Their online system isn't really up to everyone elses standards.

  6. Post is deleted, did you pick it up?


    Nope, the link was being finicky after I first posted it, said deleted for some reason when you click the link from here, but if you copy and paste into your browser, it worked. Now it looks like it's really gone, someone probably picked it up... I'm seeing a few others for ~$500-800 more that are probably a better purchase.

  7. So, the 2013 Isle of Man TT is drawing near...


    Does anyone know who/where live coverage exists so we in the US can watch the events live? I don't really want to settle for just a 1 or 1.5 hour highlight special. I know last year apparently Velocity covered it, but I don't think they're doing it this year. Does ITV4 steam all the events live, or do they just provide highlights of the race afterwards? I'd honestly be willing to pay for a good live internet steam coverage of the event.


    I googled this as well and couldn't really find anything conclusive.

  8. Now I run Waze on the smartphone on a mount, and the tomtom does it's thing as a backup.

    Also considering running a 7 inch tablet with navigation in the Jeep.



    Does Waze allow you to plan a custom route point by point, then navigate to each point sequentially til you reach your final destination? I would just use my phone, but the standard google navigation doesn't allow this, and most of the time if I'm riding recreationally on the bike, I don't want to ride the shortest/default/highway route.

  9. I may be interested if we hit some nice twisties... Although I'm off work, I am starting a class today that's on Mondays from 6-9pm, I'm not sure if class will be held that night or not, if so I'd definitely need to be headed back to Columbus by ~2-3pm, probably.

    I'm sure I'm not fast by most people's standards here, I've been riding for ~4 seasons, but mostly around town/commuting riding. I road to Hocking the first time to hit some twisties this weekend at a pace I was comfortable with.

  10. http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/3813032436.html

    All I can tell from the photos in the cracked side fairings, which I couldn't care less about, I'd just remove them... Of course I'd check the handlebars, brake lever, footpegs & controls, but other than that, I'm not sure if there's an easy way to tell if there's frame damage or anything more severe. Would it likely be worth hunting down a different one for ~$600-800 more and avoid any potential headaches, or a little $$$ savings something already a bit dinged up would be better for the track?

    I'm looking into getting an SV650 at some point primarily as a track bike... I was going to use my 919, but I just read my policy and my current insurance would not cover it if I did wreck at the track, even if not being used in a race. I really don't want to risk taking that kind of hit at this point and being out of commission on 2 wheels for possibly a year if it were damaged more than ~$1,000 repair could fix.

    So, I'm thinking I may hold off on the track til I get another bike and insure it with someone that will cover track days (I've heard from more than 1 source State Farm does). Even if they wouldn't cover a particular claim, at least I'd still have the 9er for the street... Or should I just stop pussing out and do my first track day this season with the 9er? :lol:

  11. You do realize there are 3 levels of the Hero 3? White black and silver, the white is the shittiest and cheapest. silver is middle and is where the roam 2 sits as video quality, and the black is where the Roam +2 is as specs but it comes with the added gps feature. Last I had heard, Gopro havent fixed their issue with the camera locking up after 9999 pictures/videos or a combination of the two.

    If you're responding to me, yes, of course I do, I have the Black edition as well as a Contour +2, the GoPro by far has better video quality. I highly doubt GoPro haven't fixed that as the article you posted(if it was you) was talking about an issue that was years old. I'm pretty sure there would be much more of an issue made of it if it hadn't been fix and were still happening on the new model.

    Looks like it was fixed years ago...


    The article I believe you posted:


    Read one of the comments at the bottom:

    "Chris Hammond Says:

    March 27, 2013 at 7:14 pm What people should realize in this “review” is that it is for the original GoPro HeroHD, not for the Hero3. I too had the original bug, but it was fixed by firmware updates YEARS ago."

  12. This is the model I'm looking at.

    I'd like the +2 but I'm not sure I want to spend double for the GPS stuff. Actually the only reason I'd really go for it is the removable battery. I'd hate to lose the camera because the battery takes a shit. Still, I can buy two Roams for the price of one +2. I'll have to think about that.

    Keep in mind the models that are waterproof, you can't change/remove the battery. This means you've only got 1 charge to use. Depending on your resolution and video options, that's MUCH less than the 3.5 hours they say.

    Shooting 720p and 60fps you can count on ~1.5 hours of recording, maybe 2. I got the +2 and I don't really use the GPS, it kills battery life. I do like they bluetooth feature on it so you can use your phone as a viewfinder when you're setting it up and you can use an external mic. The stock mic picks up a lot of wind noise, not so good.

    Overall I would really say the GoPro Hero 3 is a better product, but the Contours do have a nice profile that makes them better suited for helmet cams and a rotatable lens so you have more placement options. For just slapping on your tank though, I think the GoPro is better. You can remove/swap the battery, and it has better video and audio quality out of the box.

  13. Thanks, I am pretty fond of it. You are more than welcome to go with me sometime, matter of fact I encourage it. There will be absolutely no pushing it from me, just follow me and RELAX, don't gaze, don't space out, don't over think. The bike wants to go where you tell it to, relaxed body position and look where you want to go. Worst thing you can do is to look down at the road while in the curve, but looking on down the road to where you want to go is what you wanna do. Any braking needs to be done before the curve if you can avoid it, use those gears to scrub off some speed. Staying in a lower gear in the twisty bits and choosing the proper gear to use is ideal, engine braking is usually your friend. Don't be afraid to rev that bad boy, those SV's love to rev!!! I am still a bit sheepish and paranoid about going offroad again due to my shoulder injury last year, but I am also not quite physically ready or healed enough to do so. But I will none the less, much to the concern from my Wifey. I think 541 would be a great road for you to get some confidence back on, no real surprises on that road. Hit me up sometime, we can go out even if it is just for a bit, can always ride around Hoover and Alum Creek area to start out.

    If I'm feeling better (been sick since Friday) and the weather's nice, I might be game sometime Saturday or Sunday.

  14. I am in Westerville. :)

    Hey, me too!

    I could use some people to ride with. Are they any decent roads closer around Westerville/Columbus besides going to Hocking or other places at least 1-2 hours away?

    Around here, I usually ride around Worthington Road, Africa Road, Jaycox, Cheshire, etc... Those are the "best" roads I've managed to find that are still somewhat close.

  15. Anyone going be there may 13th and or 14th?

    I was wanting to, a couple people I know are going to be there and it would be one of their, and my first track days, but I'm not going to be able to make it the 13th or 14th. I'll be waiting probably til sometime in June or July.

  16. Just wanted to say thanks to Ryan for the work he did on my 919.

    New tires, pulled my old forks and installed some 2006 F4i forks with new internals, F3 shock in the rear and new chain and sprockets. Handles like a completely different bike.

    Since I got it about a year ago, I remember the first turn I took somewhat aggressively, the bike felt very unsettled and I had to go much wider than I intended. That remained up til now. Now it handles better than the bike I had before this one.

    He got the job done a lot faster than I thought too! Might get some pics up later.

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