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Everything posted by GuardRail-Mike

  1. Dont blame ya, It's a nice looking bike. Wanna Race! I kid I kid
  2. Nice looking forward to seeing it. Gonna repaint it blue?
  3. This is what it looks like for reference
  4. Tomorrow I have class and a test so unfortunately have to go. But weds. Im free. You a Mechanic there mike? And thanks Isaac's Papa good to know if thats what it takes
  5. This is completley Irrelevant but seeing as how I do not want to make a new topic and this one is so popular...... Anyone see any reason in taking my bike to IP for 600 mile service? Seeing as how its been dropped I think Warranty is out the window. I'm thinking just change it myself and not waste the money for them to do nothing.. Be gentle.......
  6. Nope from what people have told me I'm going to need to drill it out and re tap. If it ends up being larger then 6mm any input on wether or not a helio coil would work? Can it hold the bikes weight on a stand? any input? Tyler is going to try and weld a nut or something on it to try and get it out.
  7. Wow that place looks awesome Hoblick! lol If I ever have a garage ill have to remember this stuff... 500 seems like a great deal GLWS!
  8. Hmm ill have to look into that thanks!
  9. So.... I need to extract a bolt from a broken off swing arm spool. Its fairly messed up. A friend is going to check with one of his mechanic friends he knows but im wondering if there is anyone close to me (reynoldsburg) who would be willing to help! I have most of the tool possibly not the extractor. I can ride to your place if your a pro and willing to lend a hand PS: it is a 6mm thread so its pretty small, may need a kit to get something that small :/
  10. Hey Brian looking for some info on a tune and would like to set something up soon. Best way to reach ya?

  11. Being an avid R6 fan.... even broken r6.... They are awesome and just like everyone else has said its plenty fast enough and will most likely never ride it to its full potential lol. But to each his own if you like R1 more go for it Tom Tom. Then you can brag to Mr. Anderson that you bike is faster HAHA
  12. just trying to be supportive Do it! >
  13. Do it Tom Tom! Join the Yamaha nation!
  14. What an awesome read... Thanks again OR! You might wanna just call it quits Ironhead. Props to steve.... You win this thread! You mad bro>? Ha!
  15. I have scala G9... Love it works awesome .... distance is amazing everything you could want..... would buy again
  16. reaffirms for me how quick shit can happen out there.... and to not take it for granted.
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