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Everything posted by GuardRail-Mike

  1. Oh nice lol I completely overlooked that. Nice find! Looks like Recon found a solution. That view new content works just fine. Wow your occupation wasnt lying Casper "super Geek" lol Nah IM JK BRO I am just jealous because I have no idea where to start with writing script lol. Once again awesome Job!
  2. This is pretty awesome Casper, Great job. Is there a way to bring back the home page? I liked it because it listed all the most recent threads I just logged on and did not see it but I would not put it past me to have overlooked it!
  3. Glad your not messed up to bad man. Get healed up and back on the road
  4. Wow if he crashed hopes hes alright. It really has been a string of crashes since I went down O.o Shit happens quick out there
  5. Ahhhhh so your the reason I'm still waiting to hear about my out of commission r6!
  6. Cool thanks gunner! I'm going to have some hr person I know look over my résumé and help me with a cover letter.
  7. I had no idea such a thing existed lol never heard the reference
  8. Feel my resume is good, looking at that link it said send them a cv and a cover letter. Is a cv the same thing as a resume and what should a cover page have on it or was I looking at the wrong place
  9. Well shit sign me up starting at 15 an hour to travel and they pay for gas lol. You apply through intralot? that link you posted
  10. And what exactly do you do lol?
  11. I dont mind hard work if they pay me lol @gunner No degree still in school trying to find something different while continuing school @Grape yea never got the last PM but that make since lol and sounds good to me
  12. Hvac seems really cool, However I would really have to move to a warmer climate state lol I would hate winters. And I was trying to find something I can do sooner HVAC will require school unless I were to find an apprenticeship somewhere. Right now I'm loss prevention/ safety services at limited brands. The job is the easiest thing ever but knowing your not doing a damn thing make you feel like your wasting your time there and being bored out of your mind doesnt help.
  13. Killswitch Engage - In due time Awesome song!
  14. Anyone know of a job that pays apoximately 12 bucks an hour and is monday through friday. I would like weekends off and my job crazy boring and I'm slowly loosing my mind. Currently in school... no degree yet
  15. Not sure waiting on MPH hopefully soon! Seems like its taking forever... then again im not very patient

  16. Haha Matt, thats what I thought for awhile but with medical bills and the chance of loosing the wrong body part and never being able to ride again.... not worth it. I know your joking though!
  17. Thats where I work! However I am nothing but a lowly security guard.
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