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Everything posted by DerekClouser

  1. So I recently purchased a new integrated tail light as my previous one didn't have 2 color scheme and was fairly dim. I bought a new 2 color red -brake amber - turn signals - I also needed to replace the flasher relay. I bought a new one from the same place I bought the integrated tail light. It seemed fairly simple to install by removing the old one and plug-n-play the new one. When I installed the new one, the blinkers stopped blinking and would just stay lit. I assumed maybe they sent me the wrong flasher relay. When I called the guy, he told me I installed it wrong and would ship me the instructions.He asked me to send him an email so he could send them and I had mentioned that I already did earlier this morning. Then he got rude and said that I would have to wait for him to get into the office and send them. I'm at work and unfortunately I don't have the part number, but I purchased it from xdcycle.com ( I wouldn't recommend using them ever ). Any help would be greatly appreciated. Bike: 98 CBR900rr
  2. FWIW - a man probably could have avoided the accident all together.
  3. Are you inferring that women are bad drivers? If so, well done.
  4. Putting on makeup is one I see frequently.
  5. Do you not see why you got ticketed? You could have easily just played nice in the sandbox and spoke with the guy and I'm sure he'd have let you off without a ticket. I understand your rights, but I also believe that you could have easily had a friendly conversation without attempting to prove you being a dick by invoking your 5th amendment right before he even began to question you about it. When you give a cop an attitude, he's going to ticket you out of spite for thinking you know the law better than him, which is how he took the situation when you said "I'm invoking my 5th amendment rights". I've been pulled over several times and been completely polite the entire time, showed a conscious effort that their safety was important to me (by putting both my hands on the steering wheel, not making any quick movements, etc.), calling them sir or ma'am and I've never had any issues with the police. They've been more than courteous to me back and usually let me off with a warning (one time I was doing 55 in a 25), followed by a hand shake thanking them for their service. Maybe you should try it sometime and you wouldn't think cops are all assholes.
  6. The fact that a lot of people don't want to be portrayed being an asshole even when they are. People have the tendency to be much more professional if they know they are being recorded. Sure it doesn't change the fact that you were breaking the law, but let's be honest, if a Cop pulls you over and writes you a ticket for 3 over, 1 of 2 things happened: either you gave the cop a hard time so they wrote you a ticket out of spite, or they were being a complete asshole and odds are you'll get it dismissed in court. I've talked to numerous cops who say that they won't write tickets for anything under 10 mph over the posted limits (provided the weather doesn't dictate otherwise).
  7. Only reason I don't like rescue tools attached to the key chain is in a panic situation, sometimes it's hard to focus on getting the car in park so you can get your key out of the ignition. Nevertheless, it's still far better than not having one at all.
  8. http://investigations.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/14/20964293-new-york-cops-arrest-seven-motorcyclists-for-reckless-riding Definitely a response to the SUV/biker incident.
  9. Not that I condone this cop's behavior, but that's what he gets for being a Michigan fan
  10. This is why you need a helmet camera!!!
  11. Rode it yesterday, all the tree debris has cleared up.
  12. I'm sure it would be easier on Casper if we came up with a list of achievements for him to look into implementing. Obviously there would be the newbie achievements (First Post, First Thread Created, First Image uploaded, adding a friend, accepting a friend request, etc) There would need to be the veteran achievements (ie milestones such as 1k posts, maybe profile views or something) There should be awesome achievements like attending the Epic Rides, like a badge for each major event attended. Supporter achievement, Sponsor Achievement I'd like to see even some cool badges that could be issued by a Sponsor that would indicate that the user utilized a sponsor for a purchase. Like for example, Alan could issue a badge to a member if they ordered stickers from his website. That would be a cool feature for the Sponsors to have. Not sure how hard this would be to implement but would be nice nonetheless. I'd maybe say keep the ideas coming and maybe alan can put the achievements into the OP.
  13. Who wants to gang up and ride down to those great roads of Southern Ohio - As always time & route is up to whomever wants to lead, can meet in Millersburg or Bolivar (seem to be the common meetup places) Probably close to one of the last opportunities to get out and ride. Supposed to be beautiful about 75+ and sunny on Saturday.
  14. This is why I bought a helmet cam and always have it running while I ride in case one of many things happen: 1) I get in an accident, I can review the footage to see who is at fault or what I did wrong that I can fix for the next time. (assuming the footage makes it through the accident) 2) I get pulled over, I am not witness-less if the cop wants to infringe upon my rights. 3) If something crazy happens like the time the dude hit a dog in front of me and ran from the accident. Used the footage to obtain his License plate. Also pretty nice to have to review through the winter time of all the rides you did throughout the riding season. Helps you get through it Glad to hear you are relatively okay, sounds like they've accepted responsibility. Hope they give you a fair price for the bike, but in the event they don't, make sure you take them to the cleaners for your medical problems to make up for it. Best of luck man and not that it really helps, but at least this happened at the end of the riding season so you won't have to wake up on too more warm days wishing you could be out riding.
  15. DerekClouser

    Side Shot

    From the album: My Bike

  16. DerekClouser

    Side View

    From the album: My Bike

  17. The guy who shot the viral video has spoken out. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-505263_162-57606470/new-video-of-nyc-motorcycle-road-rage-attack-shows-men-kicking-suv-driver/ He claims that the bikers were slowing down cars that got intermingled in the ride so that all the other bikes could pass safely. Also alleges that the SUV either threw a water bottle out his sun roof or sprayed water out of a water bottle at them. Appears to be what started the whole confrontation. Edit: He also claims that the battery on his camera died at the moment the video ends and that he didn't edit any of the video. He was merely a witness and does not expect to be charged for anything.
  18. Good read. Nice change of pace to see positive experience articles instead of all the drama in today's society. Probably broke into the Park
  19. More news http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/10/07/20850173-fourth-biker-charged-in-new-york-suv-chase-cops-seek-two-more All down for charging this guy, but gang assault? I might be overly cautious, but I'm a bit worried about that charge.
  20. It doesn't appear that they really care about their pilots or to make sure their equipment is safe for travel so it probably is a huge blessing in disguise. Good job on the emergency landing... Glad to hear you are okay.
  21. Weird I posted from my phone this morning but it didn't show up. Wanted say we weren't making it, was raining here early this morning and more rain the forecast. Don't mind riding in rain if it happens but didn't want to leave in it.
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