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Posts posted by DerekClouser

  1. Why did he only get off 6 shots? Must be a revolver. Too bad both perpetrators didn't get what they deserve.


    But they did? One paid the ultimate penalty and one is going to be facing charges of carjacking and was shot in the process? He'll do his time for it. 

    As for the guy who defended himself... good for him. This is why I've always considered getting my CCW, because not that I feel it will ever happen to me, but if it did, I don't want to be helpless.

  2. So having had electrical issues with my r/r over heating, I'm doing all I can to try and prevent it in the future. One thing I heard was air gaps from the heatsink would hurt and I should consider using a paste.


    Just got shipped the new R/R so I suppose the next step is to get the paste and a CPU fan to help disperse heat.


    What would be a good heat sink paste I could pick up?

  3. From experience with high amp connectors, any corrosion will cause resistance, heat and a melt down.

    Make sure all the relevant connections are very clean, and capable of the load.


    And stay that way.


    We considered cutting both the plugs off the stator connector and solder them directly together... that should prevent any issues with connection there.

  4. This has been a huge problem for the RR and VFR's of those years. Big problem was that they attached it to the aluminum frame but left an air gap so no heat sink. I was told to get some heat sink paste and apply it between the R/R and the frame to help keep it cool.


    I built an RR with a complete Carbon fiber Monocoque frame and had to move the R/R behind the motor. From a VFR website I found that people were getting a CPU aluminum heat sink and mounting it on the R/R to help with the heat issue. I mounted mine on a heat sink and also mounted a small cpu fan since mine was behind the motor.  I never had an issue after that.


    This sounds like a possible problem, I was mounting it straight to the frame, but the Rick's R/R didn't have any screws included and the previous R/R had a much beefier body so the screws they included were too long. I found some screws that worked, but it's possible that there could have been an air gap... We'll look into using paste among other options to help disperse heat.

  5. I assume Riks is a rewind.  Could it have more winds than OEM and be putting out more watts and frying the RR?


    More airflow certainly can't hurt.  I've heard of people putting computer fans on RRs.



    Yea we discussed the CPU fan this time. Probably going to be what we end up doing.


    Update: Purchased a R1 R/R this time, but unfortunately just doesn't fit the plug I recently put on for the CBR. I'm sending it back and going back to a CBR R/R. Hopefully I can find one with MOSFET technology...


    When will the law change to let us shoot bad drivers' cars with paintballs full of paintstripper?



    Regardless of who is at fault here, you got to try and be better about protecting yourself. The law doesn't matter if you aren't around to defend yourself. In that dense traffic if you go down, your risk of being hit and ran over by another car is very high.


    Instead of staring down the person moving into your lane, you should have been focusing on where you should go to clear yourself and avoid the accident. You target fixated on the car moving over which kept you in the exact spot you almost didn't want to be.


    Ride as though no one sees you and always keep escape options open. Ride safe!

  7. The "good" R/Rs have a p/n like FH0xx aa and are newer design MOSFET technology. The "crap" R/Rs have a p/n SH xxxxA. (At least the OEM parts made by Shindengen.) ---- btw highly recommend -  www.roadstercycle.com



    Honda was cheaping out on chargings systems for quite awhile and yours year is from the middle of it. My '98 VFR was part of that too. I rebuilt the whole thing.   -- Anyhoo, here's a list to check the system. Start out buy confirming the battery is good. 


    Go through all your connectors for burnt leads, dig deep. Crispy wires? Not good. Your gonna have to fix that!  Individual spade connectors dont have enuff cajones to handle the stator to R/R connection. Some guys do a direct solder hookup and others (me) used automotive type Delphi MetriPack connectors that handle high current. 


    Then---Go through this starting point quick list.  You will need a multimeter too.


    - Recharge battery overnite - then to take it to Autozone, Batteries Plus,  or similar to load test. -- Good? Bad? – An iffy battery can fake you out and act like a bad R/R. Buy new if needed.

    - With good battery fire it up, warm up for a minute or two.


    These are R/R quick checks---

    --- With voltmeter at battery get voltages -- idle volts? 5000 rpm volts? What’s the numbers? Should be in 13ish min idle and in 14s at revs. If in the 12s at idle, try at 1900 rpm.


    - Check stator

    - 1. Pull connector apart. Set meter to resistance. Check pin to pin, 3 yellow wires, A to B, B to C, C to A. What’s  the numbers? 3 separate readings --Should be less than 1.0 ohms.  (Engine off)

    - 2. Check continuity from each A,B,C pin to ground, -- -should be infinity - nada nothing. no continuity.  --   3 separate checks. (Engine off, again connector is apart)

    - 3. Crank it back up. Do another pin to pin thing, but set meter on AC volts. idle and 5000 rpms. What's da numbers? Should start 15 -20ish and climb 50ish and more.  Again – 3 readings, connector still apart.

    - Repeat hot.

    This quick list will catch the obvious stuff, but if you need to dig deeper check this chart.


    Yea I've got that pdf saved on my computer from all the issues I've been having with it. I'll look at the part number today when it gets shipped. I've done those tests 100 times and they always have the right meter readings when I make the changes but just seems to get really really hot after a short time of riding.

  8. I would have left the thicker wires on. Think of electricity as water, the smaller the pipe (wire) the higher the pressure for a given volume. The pressure in this case is heat generated by so much power trying to go through a limited amount of wire. If the r1r/r is supposed to be better, go for it. I would try and find out what gauge wire is supposed to be used where.


    Yea, we put the bigger gauge on this time, but the R/R was already shot, waiting on the new one to see if it was the issue, but I dont want to go through another R/R until I check through other items.

  9. Okay, so here's the deal.


    I have a 98 CBR 900 rr


    I've replaced the Reg/Rect and Stator 2x within the last 3 months.


    The RR has again overheated and melted. Wires that connect from the stator seem okay.


    When we originally replaced the R/R, it didn't have the OEM wiring harness, so we individually re-wired each wire with a spade connector and placed each into the R/R.

    After replacing it again, I bought the wiring harness and re-wired it into the harness to make sure that wasn't the issue. When I went to put on the wiring harness, I realized the 2 wires going back to the battery were a much thicker gauge. When we re-wired originally we used all the same size wires.


    Would this have been the reason I've been frying my R/R??

    I've just recently bought a 2001 R1 R/R because I was told that they were better for my bike. Hopefully this fixes the issues...


    This most recent time after the bike shut off, I could smell an electrical burn coming from the R/R area.


    Any other ideas I should check out?


    Edit: Each time I run a voltage check after replacing the units, they all seemed to charge normally. 13.3 startup - 12.x running, and about 14.0 when revving to 5k. Then after a couple times riding, I've noticed the overheating issues

  10. If, however, it came out that he fell asleep, I have infinitely more sympathy and understanding, and for that the victim's bills should be paid, the option for a civil claim is still on the table as is their right, the cop should be off the road for a while, but I see no reason why he should be forced to step down from his job.


    How's that fair? If I fell asleep at my job, I'd certainly be fired...


    No excuses for falling asleep on the job.

  11. I thought that the issue was the peaceful demonstration of a group of motorcyclists in opposition to a group of muslims demonstrating on the anniversary of the muslim attack on our country?


    Don't you think it's wrong to stereotype an entire culture/religion because of a few radicals? I don't think it was a Muslim attack on our country, but rather a terrorist attack. 

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  12. Gotta work assuming you mean 9/10 not 8/10. Hope the weather is nice & you have a good ride.


    Definitely 9/10 lol - my bad -



    Iron pony is having a victory demo day that day. Should check it out if your gonna be passing through xbus


    Call me a novice, but what is that? Is it a Harley demo?




    Can a mod fix the title to say 9-10 instead of 8-10 cause I'm a moron?

  13. Got the day off...


    Planning on Riding down to Hocking Hills (maybe towards Marietta) from Medina - Probably 83 the entire way through New Concord. So if anyone wants to meet up Tuesday morning, we can meet in Lodi, Millersburg, Coshocton, or New Concord.



    So far myself and Brian (whaler) are going.

  14. Which would make sense if the red cross payed your charity forward and gave the shit out, but they profit millions of dollars from it. I'm all for altruism, but not when the middleman is taking a cut.


    The Red Cross is a non-profit organization. They make zero profit off your blood.


    And yes I'm aware they pay their top executives an exorbitant amount of money, but I have no issues with people who run charitable organizations to be compensated well for their generosity.

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  15. For those who don't donate, that's your prerogative, but take this short time to listen to my story.


    My twin brother passed away in a motorcycle accident because he lost too much blood and they didn't have enough to support him.


    It takes 2 hours out of your day to donate. Even if people just donated once a year, it would save so many lives, so other families didn't have to go through a loss because they didn't have enough blood to help their family member.


    I can't tell you how many nights I sat up depressed because in college when I needed extra cash I donated plasma. I would have gladly donated 1000% of the money back to have gone back in time and donated blood instead, in hopes that it would have kept my brother alive.


    It's easy to sit behind a computer and bash the red cross and how you wouldn't donate, but I assure you, you'd sit back and wish you had if you have went through anything like I did.


    I ask you all who refuse to donate, to at least suck it up and try once a year. You never know how much it could come back to you in a dire situation. 


    OP, I understand your situation, and I can  understand your frustration and I thank you for all the donations you and your wife made. I plead to you to find a new donor place to continue to donate.


    I can assure you, most would think differently if they had to go through the nightmare I went through.

  16. the CAUSE of the death in that case is a car accident, not marijuana. sure, its a marijuana RELATED death, and the drug use can be a contributing factor, but its not the CAUSE.

    pretty sure what he was trying to say is that you can't OD on it like you can pretty much everything else out there


    i thought the whole point here was that we dont want people wasting government assitance? the guy who proposed the law said "It is time that we recognize that many families are trying to survive in drug-induced poverty". but somehow alcohol induced poverty is OK? how is it a waste if someone buys a dime bag, but if they buy a case of beer and a carton of smokes it's not? just "because beer is legal" is a weak argument against it.

    the only people this will catch are people who smoke pot anyway. since it stays in your system for 30+ days, and the hard drugs, the ones that are truly dangerous and "poverty inducing" are out of your system in a day or three. so someone smokes a joint on a friday night, then three weeks later they get tested and boom, they are in trouble... three weeks later. but if you use meth, you're fine just as long as you dont use the day before your drug test. then you can go back to spending every dollar on tweaking out. how does that fix anything?

    if the true point was to HELP PEOPLE, then alcohol and tobacco would be included, as they cause much more harm to society than anyone smoking a joint.

    the real fact of the matter is that this isnt about helping people, and it's not about saving taxpayer money. first, its political play so this guy can say "hay look what i tried to do" and a bunch of people who are ignorant to the true facts about welfare drug use rates and testing costs will say "HAY U DID GREAT JOB!!!1".

     it plays off their prejudice that everyone on welfare is using drugs, when it's simply not true. the welfare drug use rate mirrors that of the general public. about 3%. every other state where this has been tried, has found that they spent more money on the testing than they saved by kicking 7 people off the programs. do you spend 30K to save 4K?


    second, its about MAKING money. who owns the drug testing company that this guy wants to use? how much did they donate to his campaign? is this something like florida where the governor pushed really hard for welfare drug testing, and then the company that won the contract to do the testing just happened to be OWNED by his wife? its definitely about money, but not saving taxpayer money. its more about putting money in the pocket of this guy and his buddies.



    You've swayed my opinion. Well done.

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