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Posts posted by DerekClouser

  1.  Perscription drugs are a HUGE problem, the mother of 2 of my granddaughters overdosed & died last weekend from perscription drugs.. Nobody in the whole of human history has died from smoking pot! Pot is not a drug it is a weed that you dry & smoke, but the feds say it is as bad as herion or cocaine. BULLSHIT!


    A) It's prescription not perscription - but that's not really relevant to the argument

    B) Mushrooms are a fungus that grows out of the ground too and I'd think we'd all agree the effects of mushrooms are a danger to society.

    C) If you think that there hasn't been a car accident death or accident caused because someone was high, you're sadly mistaken. I don't smoke weed, but I've seen people high and it affects your response time. There's absolutely no chance in hell that there has NEVER been a case where an accident was caused because someone was high.


    The argument here isn't whether or not weed should be legalized. Personally I don't care either way, I really don't think it will change much. The point is under the current system where weed is illegal, tax payers should have the right to refuse to pay towards a program that awards law breakers.



    does this include testing for alcohol or tobacco? why should people be drinking beer or smoking cigs while receiving benefits? 


    Drinking beer and smoking cigarettes are currently legal at the federal level. If marijuana was legal federally, I'd agree with everyone that it shouldn't be tested for before receiving welfare.

  2. She did take responsibility. She plead guilty, did her sentence and then turned her life into a trouble free (remember, not even a ticket) existence for 35 years. She did EXACTLY what is expected of people that break the law. Do the penalty as prescribed by law, and then turn your life around.  And now she gets punished again a second time. That is bullshit.  Do you know how many 'bad' criminals got fired because of this new law. By bad I mean felons, wife beaters, armed robbers and the like.


    Zero. Not one. In fact, she was the only person I am aware of in the entire State that lost there job because of this new law.  But the folks that wrote that law now run around pointing to it saying how much safer your children are because we passed it.


    It's a bullshit law that did absolutely nothing.



    Your argument is futile. If you are going to say the law didn't affect anyone, then why bitch about it?

  3. So, instead of clamoring for the abolishing of drug prohibition, your stance is to side with the lawmakers? I mean, if I have weed in my car and I get pulled over by the police, you believe it's completely just for them to haul me to jail and slap me with a felony charge? Legality aside.. let's look at this from a justification standpoint for a moment.

    Do I believe weed is a terrible drug and hurts society? No.

    Do I believe heroin is a terrible drug and hurts society? Yes.

    If a cop pulls someone over for having weed in the car, do I think they should be arrested? No.

    If a cop pulls someone over for having heroin in the car, do I think they should be arrested? Yes.

    Do I believe that marijuana will be legalized in the next 10 years? Yes, probably.

    Do I believe it will change anything? No, people who smoke pot, will still smoke pot, they'll just be even more open about it, but that doesn't change the fact that it's currently illegal. And if you are going to arrest someone who is carrying heroin, then you need to arrest or punish those who carry other illegal drugs as well and taxpayers shouldn't have to pay to those who commit illegal crimes as the law stands today.

    Let me ask you this though... do you want your kids smoking pot when they get older??

    If the answer is no, then why?

    By legalizing pot, you are still going to get those who smoke pot to continue, and will even invite those who possibly wouldn't have, to do it as well. So do you really want to invite your children and friend's children to smoke pot, when they may have possibly not decided to do it in the past?

    Also remember that weed is a gateway drug. Arguments could be made to the addictiveness of the drug, but statistics show that it leads to other drug use.

    • Upvote 1
  4. What if i go on vacation and visit my great uncle buck in seattle? or aunt anita twice removed in boulder?


    The fact that it's legal in some states now is enough reason to give up this stupid drug war... that includes drug testing.


    Welfare is federally funded. Marijuana is still illegal federally. Therefore, they should be allowed to drug test and marijuana would be a fail and loss of welfare, especially here in OH.


    This actually was a decent point and I think it could be argued either way, but I'll stick with what I just said to refute. If you were looking at welfare for people in Colorado or Washington, now we're getting into a real tough situation.  As for private employers, I believe it would be up the employer on how they would want to handle this specific situation and employees and potential new hires would adhere to the policies of that specific company.

  5. "No one is taking your rights away from you..."

    LoL. Yeah, except the right to do with my body as I fucking please. Just because it's a controlled substance doesn't mean it's not a civil liberties infringement. Exactly where do you rights come from? Mine come with me upon my exit from the canal...and possibly before that.


    And I'm all for everyone's rights as well,


    You can do whatever you please to your body, but certain employers and tax payers should have the right to refuse to pay towards people who do illegal activities.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Drug tests for government employees? Fuck you very much. It never ceases to amaze me how people are so quick to give up other people's rights. That it's what got us in this NSA mess. First it was just overseas, now the NSA it's giving info on domestics selling drugs to the DEA.

    Why government employees? Is it because you think you have some special rights because you pay my salary? Well guess what, I pay yours somehow. I pay it off you work at a motorcycle dealer, or maybe you are the one that makes the f'd up Big Macs I keep getting. Whatever you do I pay for it.

    Last big thing for us was forced background checks. New state law about four years ago. We had a 57 year old bus driver, perfect record at work her entire career. No tickets, no accidents....nothing. law passes, she fails because 35 years ago she got tagged for misdemeanor pot. Bam fired and retirement shot to hell.

    All because some politician made some feel good law to get re-elected.

    Same with welfare drug testing. Stupid feel good law so a politician can get his sheep to vote for him again.


    No one is taking your rights away from you. No where is it legal in the state of Ohio to smoke marijuana or other illegal drugs.


    My father taught me a lesson a long time ago, no choices without consequences. You make bad choices, you deserve bad consequences. She made a bad choice to carry an illegal drug and got busted for it. Whether you believe it should be legal or not doesn't change the fact that it's currently illegal. That decision cost her a 35 year tenured job, not some politician. People need to take responsibility for THEIR decisions.


    And guess what, no one is forcing you to work for the state. If you can't pass a drug test or background check, then work at McDonalds selling those perfect Big Macs you love so much. Maybe then people won't make terrible decisions if they know it'll possibly affect their job down the line.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I've been fighting with the GoPro app for hours yesterday and today.  Sad, because all I really want to do is crop out the beginning boredom of getting to the grid and sitting until the session starts.  Another thing I don't understand is the file size increases by almost a gig on each video AFTER I chop 5 minutes of time off of each, so apparently converting to an AVI file type really blows up the file size?  

    I may just dump them as is and let the public sift past the BS :dunno:



    If you haven't already uploaded the full video, I can edit the video for you

  8. Wait, be careful what you wish for.....this is the same "informed and educated" public who says it's okay to abort a baby in the fourth trimester....just sayin'.


    And the same populace who said the poor response to Hurricane Katrina was because of President Obama. A higher percentage than the % who said it was President Bush's fault.

  9. Magz I agree with you, weird I know.


    On top of that, why hasn't OP called 911 yet?  Seems that's what people do when there are fast food issues, well that or pull a gun on someone.  Or discharge a shotgun in the air, cuz that's smart too.


    But Biden told me to do that...

    • Upvote 1
  10. I found out something about myself today. I can be calm under pressure and keep my head in a life-threatening situation. How do I know this? Read on...

    As I was riding my motorcycle home from work today, minding my own business and whistling happy tunes inside my helmet, I found myself in a pretty precarious situation. I happened to bump into a "Bald Faced Hornet". When I say "bump into" I mean literally. 

    The hornet flew into my face shield while I was riding on Route 36. So what? I hit bugs all the time. This one, though, was the size of a AA battery and hit with a thud, and startled me a little. Then it tried to fly off but wound up into my chest. A little dazed, apparently, it tried to fly away but seemed to prefer the pocket of calm air behind my windshield and finally landed on my tank bag to gather it's thoughts and take stock of where it was. It looked up at me, and I looked back at it.

    (Let me digress for a moment and say I hate stinging insects with a passion. You would too if you'd been stung in the face 14 times by a swarm of Paper Wasps. Back to the story.)

    Still hurtling down Route 36, the Hornet and I shared our brief encounter, but alas, all good things must come to an end. So I lifted up my hand and tried to gently brush the hornet off my tank bag. It was having none of it. It flew around back onto my tank bag. Right, you little bugger, a little more forceful this time. Push, fly, land. It looked up at me like a stoner kid; "Sup, brah?"

    Tired of its little hornet shenanigans, I swiped at it with passion and vigor. I hit the tank bad and sent the little bastard arse-over-tit into the air. I raised a triumphant fist into the air as I saw it lose control and fall down. Down. Right down, into the saddle. Between my legs. And disappeared under my crotch.

    Now, as any of you gross bachelor types will (refuse to) admit, sometimes you drop food while you are sitting down and have to go digging between your legs for it? Yeah? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

    So there I am, speeding down Route 36 with a hornet (the size of a baby carrot with red-hot needle where his arse should be) that has decided to play hide-and-seek "down under". Now, I'm sure you can imagine that this is NOT an ideal scenario for me. At any moment it could sting me in the unmentionables, yet I cannot do anything about it while I'm doing 65mph. This is where grace under fire comes in. Did I panic and dump the bike? No. I stayed the course, despite the fact my love spuds were in MORTAL danger.

    (I digress again - I had an epiphany - I always wondered how bike magazines got such great 60-0 braking distances on test bikes. How do they do it? They drop a bald-faced hornet down the test rider's boxers. Job done.) 

    I stopped that bike so damn fast I swear it's 4 inches shorter now. And speaking of 4 inches shorter, my wedding tackle had involuntarily relocated to up under my lungs. I also managed to achieve this Newton-defying act of braking with one hand, while the other hand dug into my crotch desperately grabbing handfuls of anything down there hoping to evict the hornet from the vicinity of my trouser torpedo.

    I hopped off the bike like I'd been launched by one of those inflatable blobs that people jump on the other side of and started frantically swatting at my little buddy. It must have been quite a sight to see my by the side of the highway reaching down with both hands battering my nethers like my hairy brain was on fire.

    Finally I saw the hornet fly away without so much as a "by your leave". I was unscathed. Mr Happy remained true to his name. I took a moment to pay homage to my "unstung hero". 

    I got back on the bike and rode home, with my legs clutching the bike so tight I thing I left knee-shaped dents in the tank.



    I'd say I was literally laughing out loud. Not only because of the punny words you used for your unit and carriage, but also because on our ride on Saturday, Brian (whaler) had a bee go into his helmet and it looked like he was having a seizure. Both stories combined made me laugh uncontrollably. +1 for that.

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