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Chuck Clay

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Posts posted by Chuck Clay

  1. I like riding with some of the race school riders......(they are my speed).some not so much but yeah I remember Brian and Dan.


    I told the Aprilia mile race school rider that was park beside me, if he didnt like me passing him in the bus stop then don't pass me on front straight......but he said that he was having a blast

  2. I asked when I ran there this past April......I was told a HD group was running a exhibition race last year, so not sure if it will happen again soon?????


    I was running against heavyweight flat trackers and money bikes against my ole cr500 which is kinda unfair too.......

  3. Ive been racing at Nelson since 1989, it was the worst I've seen it.......but I still had fun until the chain broke on the start of race 1 just before the bridge.


    It was a honor to race one of Sam's bikes no matter how rough and bumpy the track was......I'd do it again tomorrow if I could bumps and all.

  4. I hope that I'm not the cause^^^^^  if so I deserve a kick in the balls!!!! .... but there is a difference in being scare when  passed by a faster rider and someone pushing you off the track riding above their skills.

  5. Taft was taken out at Nelson too.......towing someone.


    Something I don't understand....these people never get called out in riders meetings, seems that just the ones that maybe a few inches too close get yelled at in riders meeting and never the ones that deserve it?????

  6. It wasn't a wise move for early session in any group.......but looks like the rookie when in too hot, then used rear brake upsetting bike making it stand up in the corner.


    It seems like at every trackday you have someone riding above there abilities in just about all groups, which is fine just don't crash your track buddies doing it.....Craig tried that move on me once and got smoke in his eyes so I'll bet when you were in preschool your carpet square was never big enough either???? 

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