I'm really not familiar with using google maps that way or I would. The big highlights in scioto county 125, 140, 93, 522, 650, 335, 139, woods ridge (chip seal), Greenbriar rd, Jackson fork rd, and if you feel like venturing into Pike county 335 continues into Pike and gets very interesting. 327 is also good. Park service roads (paved) in Shawnee state forest have some amazing views and turns, Pike forest too. As for Lawrence county; 141, 775, 217, 218, 243, 650, 93, 522, 790 (my favorite road in existence.), Hannan Trace rd, Basically any paved county road here is awesome. Lawrence co = low traffic very little patrolling EXCEPT in the Hanging rock area. HRPD has one of the highest citation rates in the country. Roads are usually clear. A few tricky places with badly marked signage. 5/6 20 degree hairpins. Scioto county: 125, 522, woods ridge, greenbriar, jackson fork, 335, park rds are all pretty clear. the rest are moderately trafficked. Roads are USUALLY pretty clear. I tried to get a ride assembled last summer but no bites. Here in the next month or so I will put together an other one. And hopefully have things mapped out by then lol