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Posts posted by Heagachongoose

  1. Coming off of the bikes you mentioned the Xb will feel severely underpowered to you. But the torque and overall character of the bike is intoxicating. I came off a litre bike to my first XB and there is no comparison speed wise but I could push the Buell much harder and ultimately ride it faster through anything other than straight fast paced roads. They are seriously awesome bikes and honestly the most fun I have ever had on two wheels. To this day I regret selling my Xb9r. A very well engineered and fantastic performing bike for what it is. I could write a novel on the Xb or 1125 series. If you would like any more in depth information feel free to pm me. Xb's are super reliable and  also easy to be had cheap, for the most part. Although I have noticed a slight but steady increase in price the last year or so. I personally would jump on it. Just up to personal opinion I suppose.  

  2. Just an update. Didn't end up going because of snow in the mountains and incessant storms and low temps everywhere else. Decided to postpone a week and hope for better weather......

    This weekend doesn't look any better.... Lol. Much sad.

  3. RCBS...did you take 676 all the way to 555?Personally I like the area between Dale and 555 better than 536,especially now that it has good pavement.

    If you're looking for other VERY twisty roads you might try...530 from Lowell to 145,and 217 from 218 to Miller south of Gallipolis.The other end of 217 near 141 has some very tight turns also.

    Just be careful on the first pass on these roads,they all have some turns that could ruin your day.

    I second this. I'll be running around 217/141 early Thursday morning. I'll grab the camera and see if I can't get some decent footage for ya chuck.

  4. Hotels. Motels most likely actually. Somewhere cheap and janky with a ground floor so we can pull the bikes in if needed. It will probably be cool enough to where it may snow up in the mountains.

  5. HI all. This is open to all OR riders. Feel free to meetup whenever or join in on the whole thing. Just pm me if anyone wants to meet up and I will get you specefics. First off, gentle pace, this is mostly a scenery trip although there will plenty of curvy mountain roads to romp around on the pace will be mostly reserved. Think meduim fast-ish. 3 day trip. Departing friday at 1 and taking 33 all the way to WV. I know I'm already missing lots of good roads but they are roads I already know and I would like to get to WV as quickly as possible. From there heading south to fayetteville. No definite "Set in stone" route, jut going to go with it. Decided that after much reading and staring at maps that it really didnt matter and it would be the best way to get the most out of the trip. Below is a basic intenerary and general maps.

    Day 1: Hebron OH to Fayetteville WV. 33 to wv and then south through the Gauley bridge, Hawks Nest, and New river gorge bridge regions.


    Day 2: Fayetteville WV to Elkins WV. North East from Fayetteville out to 250E across the mountains to Va then north and back over the ridge via 33W. Hitting some mountain passes and whatnot if we have the time. 33W to Elkins.


    Day 3: Elkins WV to Hebron OH. No idea where to go with this one. Just going to wing it.


    Sadly the weather is lookng sub par and chilly but oh well. It;s going to be great. Peak colors are also supposed to be this weekend. Got some new goodies I'm trying out this trip so I'll be posting a few reviews soon.

    Some other good stuff. I take no credit for these maps. They are reposted from either this forum or a FJR forum which I found thanks to drc32-0.







  6. I will actually be in the area around that time. The plan is to be in Fayetteville friday night and heading out east towards Virginia saturday. Wanting to run a few mountain passes and 250/33 at the Virginia border before the end of saturday so I may have a bit of time to run around in the morning. No promises though lol.

  7. I Think the route/event was good how it was. It was a very nice mix of some not challenging but fun comfortable roads and good scenery. Perfect for a large group ride of varying skill levels like we had. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I rode nearly 2 hours to get to the meetup point in groveport and had no trouble with that or my return home in the night. Although I understand it is not so easy for others, I am perfectly fine with that and it was worth it. I feel that the epic ride should not change. Maybe an alternate more/less technical route but my favorite part of the experience was being able to meet and socialize with new people. Making a multi day event where people come and go as they please would be AWESOME. But I feel that you would lose some of one of the things that makes the epic ride so epic, the social aspect of it.

    That being said. I purpose we maintain the fall/spring epic rides as they are with minor changes/expansions as preferred and ADD an entirely new multi day event in a more exotic area, WV for example.

    I feel that since this was my first big ride with the OR group I really don't have much room to talk about the events or other goings on but that is my $.02 anyways.

  8. You are not alone lol. I literally Just put a new set of tires on. I wont have time to run them until my trip to the meetup point tomorrow. I'm not worried about it. Just be careful and watch your throttle the first few times you drop into a turn. The road will eat up the mold release and whatnot pretty quick.

    Much yes. Very mega. Such wheelie.

    Looking forward to meeting everybody tomorrow. Here is my number in case someone needs to get ahold of me for some reason,

    1740 tree 576892

  9. Hey guys. Looking to buy an action camera. Looking for really good audio video quality. Wifi and the other goodies are nice but not necessary I suppose. Ideally I am looking for a sony as100v but I am willing to settle on whatever. EXPANDABLE STORAGE and a good battery/charger are a must.


  10. Ok. So first off big thanks to everyone sharing all the information in this thread and others. I've been reading up on all that I can and have come up with nearly 5 pages of notes which I will be assembling into routes soon. Looks like myself and a friend will be spending 3 days in West Virginia oct 3-5th. It's going to be a good time. Riding looks like it will mainly be focused on the hawks nest/new river gorge area and some portions south of there. Then out east to the big mountain passes and passing into virginia multiple times. Any good suggestions on places to stay? It's going to be a little chilly for camping :(

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