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Posts posted by Heagachongoose

  1. I had a yoshi rs-3 on my old ex500. That thing purred like a kitten. Wasn't loud but it definitely wasn't quiet. Very nice full warm tone to it. I liked it. Never heard an rs-3 on a 4 banger though so I can't really comment there. Honestly I feel like you'd be happy with just about any slip on that isn't complete shit as long as a difference in sound is all your going for.

  2. A corner map display would be pretty nifty. I like the GPS part. The shifting tint face shield is pretty cool too. If only it was a tri-mode, tinted, clear, and yellow. That's something I wouldn't mind having. Other than that the speed display is the only other thing I would deem useful. It might save me from a few go fast certificates.

    Honestly it's a cool idea but I'm not sure if I see the practicality in it. Or what about the unknown health risks? I'm not sure how I feel about having a powered battery radiating molecules within six inches of my brain for extended periods of time. Not to mention the constant flux of waves of information going to and from the helmet. Long term usage could yield long term damage that you wouldn't even know about for for possibly decades to come. Not trying to be paranoid or anything. Just kind of makes you wonder..

    And what happens if you drop the damn thing? I bet the first time it makes ground contact you immediately gain a $1400 paperweight.

    That being said. If I had a spare $1400 laying in my wallet I'd pick one up in a jiffy.

    Personally I think it should have been set up as a Bluetooth device and ran via application rather than being a standalone device. That just makes more sense to me. Google should be coming out with google glass equipped visors soon anyways. Efficiently rendering this product obsolete. Cool idea though. But it's not ready. Just a stepping stone.

  3. Cool. I may bring a friend or two to tag along. Just looked at a general weather report for the lower ohio area. 86 with some scattered cloud cover. I'll look at a more precise forecast later tomorrow and see how things look. Either way rain doesn't bother me. I will be in Hebron Sunday regardless, in the event of excessively rains I would still like to at least meet up.

  4. I know this a bit late notice for some of you but I'm trying to get a decent sized group together for a ride on saturday August 23rd. Here is a rough route I have ran a few times that I plotted out real quick. ROUTE Ride is roughly 200 miles of some good twisties and a few scenic routes.

    The plotted route is tentative and open to suggestions. Through the link the route is completely editable. In case there is anything I have missed out on or someone wanted to add, feel free to modify the map in the link and pm me the link to the new map with any changes. There will be plenty of places to fuel up and to eat along the way. I'll brainstorm a bit and see if I cant think of anywhere cool to stop along the way. Hillbilly Hot Dogs is in Huntington but that's about all I can think of at the moment.

    I can ride out and meet anyone on their way in. As far as I know now, there will be a few guys possibly coming in from the Cincinnatti/Dayton area and also a few From Columbus. Hoping to get a decent sized group together and to meet some new faces up.gif

    Stands up at 11?? Sound good? Gives the travellers a bit of extra time to sleep in?


  5. I might be up for a ride on Sunday,the 16th.would you be interested in meeting in Zanesvllle and heading down that way?

    The route would look something like this...

    669,377,792,676,555,550,33,691,356,50,32,689,325 into Galia county and hitting some of the good stuff in that area.         




    Cool. Do you mean saturday 8/16?? If so then yes. I would be interested in doing that.

  6. Went to check these roads out te other day. Some great riding. Thanks for the suggestions. I think my personal favorite was either 141 from kitts hill in a few miles or 790. Timed it just right on 790 and passed through right as the sun set over the hills. Parts of 775 were pretty good too. 218 was intense at some points. Seemed like every curve in the road was a blind 90 degree turn lol

  7. Justinnick1, thanks for the suggestions. Unmarked curves don't bother me. In my opinion if you aren't riding at a pace to be able to handle unexpected situations as a rider then you shouldn't be riding at that pace as a motorcyclist. Thanks for the heads up. Clean? Low traffic? Sounds like winners to me :D

    And nope I've never seen the big Muskie bucket. I'm assuming that is the picture pictured correct? Seems like quite the sight. I will have to stop and gander.

  8. Drc32-0, I'm sure we could work out another date for a ride later in august. I'm always down for a ride.

    If you could put a quick loop together that would be awesome. Much appreciated.

    And no. I have not. I've done a bit of riding in Lawrence county but not much. Never set foot (or wheel) in galia county. I hardly venture east unless I'm down south in Kentucky or West Virginia. The roads are too good down there to ride anywhere else! But I am always open to new roads. What do you suggest out that way?

  9. South central ohio/Portsmouth area

    oh 140 from 93 to 52

    Oh 93 from mcarthur on north

    Oh 139 from Portsmouth to Jackson

    Oh 125 - favorite road ever.

    Blue creek from oh 125 to oh 52

    Oh335 from Portsmouth to oh 32

    Woods ridge from swagger (pronounced swauger) valley rd to oh 139

    Swagger calley road from minford to Portsmouth

    Shawnee state forest bicycle trails lol.

    Oh 348

    Oh 220

    Rose mount hill rd Portsmouth

    Maple Bennet/fuert hill Portsmouth

    Oh 279 oak hill to oh 139

    Ky AA10

    Ky 1

    Ky 2

    Ky 538

    Ky 738

    Ky 7

    Ky 9

    Greenbo lake park roads.

    Lots of others I can't think of right now.

  10. Hey. Looking to get a group ride up and going for Saturday August the 2nd. Rain or shine. But. I'm not familiar with any motorcycling roads outside of Kentucky and scioto county ohio. Looking for suggestions for a fun and challenging route. The curvier the better :yes: clean roads preferred. Obviously lol.

    The obvious ones that come to my mind are

    Anything in the hocking area

    555??? Still covered in gravel?

    I don't know where else.

    Looking to stay within 100 miles south or west of Columbus. As Far East as hocking but no further.

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