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Posts posted by Heagachongoose

  1. As long as your wife has had some time on a dirt bike I recommend a 500 for all the points listed above. If not then the 250 is a solid choice but even then assuming your wife is sensible, I still would not rule out a 500. Compared to a 250 sure a 500 has more torque but it is predictable and easily controlled. Even for a beginner.


    Regarding the blast. Any bike will be dependable if it is taken care of. As long as you find a blast that is not abused I doubt you will have trouble with it. Honestly I enjoy the blast. They're well.... a blast :D

    That said. I would not recommend them for any new rider. They are entirely too squirrely. Fit and finish is sub par and is all over just a cheesy bike IMO. Dependable and capable for what it is? Yes. Something I would have my wife ride on? No.

  2. Mmmmm. Definitely sounded like forced induction in the 6-8 second segment. The remainder of the video almost sounds like an electric motor.... The chirping is definitely not a blow off valve. At least not any of the kind I am familiar with. I highly doubt that. It could very well still be a farce induction setup. The chirp may be a secondary electric motor used to keep the crank spinning at speed like in this article. Maybe a more developed version?


    But I hear 4 cylinders there. Sad face.

  3. I know its comparing apples to oranges but has anybody ran Q3's and angel gt's on the same bike? How do they compare performance-wise? How does turn in compare? Similar tire shape? My two favorite things about the q3 are the solid feel, no squirming no play, and the tall profile. Obviously the Pirelli will last longer and the q3 is going to be stickier. It is after all a sport/track tire. I've been running the dunlops all season and I love them. I'm just getting tired of replacing my rear tire every month and the angel gt is definitely on my check out list. 


    Sorry for the thread jack. This is semi relevant though I suppose :p

  4. Once while severely intoxicated I bought a Spider-Man suit and ran around scioto county pestering local civilians, aka fighting crime. That could qualify as cosplay I suppose? Lol.

    Just roll up your pants legs, wear loafers and some funky glasses and you'll be golden. No way they'd turn you down. I'm half tempted to slap a few decals and some chrome on the bike and argue it's validity as a custom. Bah. I've been looking for a good excuse to pull out my good set of trousers silk jacket and gold cuff links. What a sporting occasion.

    In all seriousness it is for a good cause and they would do well not to limit themselves. I wish them well and succes for the sake of the cause.

  5. great ride for me!  500 miles today and one "oh shit" moment when the front washed out in some gravel.  There are some great roads down that way that I hadn't been on before.  Thanks for leading.

    Thanks for coming along man. It was a good time for sure and was nice meeting you. All the credit goes to drc32-0 though. I never would have found any of those if he hadn't recommended them to me. Lol hopefully your wife didn't complain about you being late too much :p

  6. Might be interested in this one....probably can do it if it's a little later like noon or 1 meetup.  Where is the meet spot?

    Meeting at the super quick just north of Portsmouth on 23 at 12:30ish. Probably hitting some local roads for a bit then heading east towards Ironton/Ashland. Then heading towards gallapolis. Idk where you're coming from blitz, I'm assuming north, but we can meet you wherever.

  7. Looks like everyone that had planned on going backed out due to work or other issues. No biggie though. I still plan on running around Lawrence county the majority of the day though. Probably wont venture into Wv/Ky though. Sometime in the next few weeks I plan on making a full day out of Wv but the 23rd is purely going to be southeastern Ohio for me. If you want I can meet up with you somewhere.

  8. No problem. I ended up all over the place. Ran up and down 555 a few times and hit some other goodies out that way then made my way across and down into West Virginia. West into Kentucky and then back into Ohio. Give or take, somewhere around 13 hours of good hard riding on some awesome roads. 790/775 are still my favorite roads I have ever been on though. Finally made it onto hannan trace. Excellent road. Ill be hitting that one quite often now. Just a great area there.


    We will have to meet up next time :)

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