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Everything posted by motocat12

  1. Police serving warrant for failing to appear... Well yeah things like that will tend to get you pulled over more than the average citizen
  2. Is there really any other version?
  3. Last year I rode in and smelled the smoking section before I even parked the bike and took off my helmet. Haven't been back
  4. In Chrome when I click the grey new notification popup bar it takes me to the thread but the bell icon at the top stays red with a #1.
  5. The best in college vs the worst in the NFL... who's taking bets? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_College_All-Star_Game
  6. Yeah, After you train your brain to require xtra chemicals to start with. It's easy to say because 90% of people manage not to get addicted in the first place. Either he got addicted after he had kids, or the ex wife got impregnated by an addict. It's bad enough for kids to have addicts for parents bar none, depending on one for a lifesaving transplant , add it to the list of let downs.
  7. There's a triathlon out in CA where uni students volunteer and one water stop on the long course was always topless, well way back in the crazy early 2000s it used to be I wonder about these days.
  8. It's both the Suckiest and the Epicest because it's the only contest in existence.
  9. Proof required or else made up "Tonik's Descent" would win No searching google and reposting top 10 ,you have to have seen it. Extra points if you know someone who bought a house on the street and get to make fun of their address. Farmers Delight Dr 40.169874, -82.973220
  10. Had a compulsive liar roommate in college (from NEO) who swore up and down his Taurus SHO broke down in the desert and a mechanic only had a rwd mustang tranission so put that in to fix it.
  11. motocat12


    I read some doctor online recommended Nyquil Koolaid cockltails
  12. Whenever I talk about your new bike, I'm calling it the katana.
  13. new vfr....I thought you were a pro grom rider
  14. It's name is retro... went from the 1st muscle car to looking like a jellybean taurus
  15. http://abc6onyourside.com/news/local/7-year-old-in-need-of-bone-marrow-transplant worthless humans. Can donate without bone drilling now... interesting
  16. Beats having to watch the new ghostbusters remake to learn how to do it. Ghostbusters> Mellisa Mcarthy>Mike and Molly> Arrested for Molly. Full Circled, it all makes sense now.
  17. Android Kitkat when connected to wifi with no internet access(see TWC post above) isn't smart enough the use enabled Data...
  18. ^Am I the only one(cheapass) who would rather buy a dumped R1 and build up my own?
  19. It sounds like he rode up and beat her with his helmet.
  20. And it takes 4 posts just to say what gas can say in 1.
  21. multiple meaning 2 abreast or 3 abreast http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4511.55v1 (B) Persons riding bicycles or motorcycles upon a roadway shall ride not more than two abreast in a single lane
  22. Memories, when window sorting files by dates was rational rather than literal.
  23. When did Moderation go out of style? Library turned entire parking lot into Handicapped Zone. Old bitty won't dare park in a handicapped spot but damned if she won't park closer, block the door, and be inside longer than I was.
  24. If it wasn't for the The Pre PT, Plymouth Prowler in 97 we may not have any of the still going retro re-design. Could always be worse chevy ssr GTO
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