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    05 F4I(sold)
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  1. Fuses are good, no corrosion anywhere. I'm almost certain it's the neutral switch, but I will verify that tomorrow. Unfortunately I haven't had much time to mess with it, but I will try bypassing the neutral switch and hopefully that works. If not I will hook up a new battery and then go on from there in order from easiest to more complex solutions that everyone has provided. I'll throw this video up of why I'm almost positive it is the neutral switch since I'm not 100% but that's a quick and easy thing to figure out. I'll know tomorrow for sure when I have all day to either work on it or actually ride if I get it fixed. I really appreciate all of the advice guys.
  2. I did not pay attention to the grounds, I just looked for any frayed, cut or burnt wires.
  3. If it had a bad neutral switch it should work with the clutch pulled regardless, correct or no?
  4. It won't start in gear even with the clutch pulled? Kick stand sensor was one of my very first thoughts, but that checked out just fine. Clutch in doesn't do anything regardless, which is why I didn't bother with it last night. It will start with the neutral light off though and the clutch not pulled in. That part just seems to work as it pleases. I might try removing the kick stand sensor though, just to 100% eliminate that possiblity.
  5. I never took it out of neutral or hit the clutch in the video, but that doesn't seem to effect anything. It just looks like it isn't in neutral, but it is. I do mention in the video that the neutral light does have issues when it started flickering. Sometimes it doesn't even come on at all, but will start regardless if the light is on. I'm thinking that is a separate display issue. I'll check those again, maybe I missed something when checking all of the wiring the first time.
  6. I can't attempt to push start it where I live, it's way too flat. It will push start every single time if i pop the clutch and will not die on me. Many times even 4-10h after this issue occurs it will not start either(I've had to push start it after work a few times after thinking I had the issue solved) but after a day of rest, this whole video will repeat itself over and over again every single time like clockwork. I just don't know where else to look. I mean I could be missing something with the starter, but even after the bike goes down to "room temperature" it doesn't matter, only very long periods of time seem to make a difference in whether it will start again or not. And then back to unlimited starts for a little bit.
  7. The ONLY thing missed in this video was that I put the kick stand up/stood the bike up(didn't hop on it), shut it off and tried to turn it back on before actually taking it for a spin and then nothing, it would not start.
  8. 4.5 min of the bike starting every single time without a hitch. Can't be the battery or starter in my opinion. Once the next video uploads I'll submit it. It was taken less than a minute after this one.
  9. The only similar issues I could find had to do with cold starts and once a bike got hot it would die out. I tried the fix for this, but nothing. As far as starters go they would still crank, but not turn. I get absolutely nothing except for the head light going out and the fades dash when I hit the starter. Otherwise it fires up without an issue, not a single struggle, but then won't start again after turned off. I couldn't find anything at all about that. The battery isn't an issue. I have killed it trying to start it though, but it charges back just fine and holds the charge. My first thought was the starter, but I'm really not thinking it is the starter, it looks to be good, but if I replace something out of a pure guess, that would probably be the first thing. I have not tried cleaning it, but if I rapidly turn the bike on and off it will work. It's not till really about the 3 minute mark of running till this issue starts. I tried to use that theory to eliminate the starter, but I'm not sure how effective that is? I'll try that this weekend. This number will not be accurate, mainly because I only used a multimeter with the bike off after doing some reading. I was hitting 13.5ish, which should have been more than capable of starting the bike and that was after multiple attempt starts without letting it hit full capacity again(hence it may have read higher on a full charge) but still won't start regardless if it had a full charge or not. I'll try to take a video of what it is doing, it may be better than me just trying to explain it.
  10. Ok, so I'm going to make one last attempt to figure out what is wrong with my bike before taking it to the shop to have them fix it. As of right now I pretty much have my bike completely stripped down. It will start.. once... and then needs a long period of rest(a few hours-day) before it starts again. I've eliminated the batterie, fuses, electric start, wiring harness. I just can't figure it out. It will push start every single time, but will only electronic start when it hasn't been started for a period of time, regardless if it's hot or not. When it's actually running I don't see any issues. Bike is fuel injected. Bad starter? Bad plugs? Bad? Something else? I'm at a total loss. I really can't see it being a bad starter or a fuel issue. Could it possibly have to do with the stator? Rectifier? I'm just completely lost at this point and need a push in the right direction. It will run for hours with no issues though. Any advice would be appreciated, taking it to the shop is kind of a last resort type of deal for me, but will if I have to.
  11. Looking for an honest, fair bike shop around Columbus to take care of all my service needs. I had a great place that I went to in Franklin when I was in Dayton, but looking for something more local.
  12. Riders discount has always done good by me. Definitely highly recommend.
  13. Believe it or not the banana seats are the newer F4Is. If I'm not mistaken the 04-07 is banana and 00-03 is the split seat. Although, you can do a split seat conversion for the newer ones.
  14. Haven't been on OR in a while. Kind of stopped riding for a while when I made this profile in 2015. Couldn't get in to my old account, lol, so I'm sure most people won't recognize this account. Y'all might remember me as Exarch back when I joined in 2011, for those who aren't senile yet, lol. Anywho, I had much more important things to worry about than riding(or so I thought), none of which matter now. Moved from Dayton to Columbus since then too, so who know, maybe I'll meet some of you Columbus fuckers, maybe not.
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