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  1. I don't think anybody is disputing that tesla owners are "car people" or that speed sells. I think the mfgs just want to own the revenue stream from the space. The aftermarket will still produce wheels and brake kits and such, but engines/trannies/superchargers/nitrous will see a decline as electrics become more common and what will it be replaced with? There is already a problem with mfgs, warranties, and aftermarket parts - if they gained control over the aftermarket through an app store style setup, then how much of an aftermarket is there really? what I meant by electric car culture is smart phone culture - is that Tesla looks at its cars like rolling smart phones, where as all the established automakers look at electrics as cars first. Because of that Tesla is able to innovate and get adoption by non car people who also want customization and not soulless transportation - afterall, smartphones aren't soulless and their culture is all about personalization and personal expression. The problem with Tesla looking at their cars as giant smart phones is that cars have a ton of consumer protection laws for a lot of reasons (99% of them being the past super shady business practices of mfg's and dealers) and Tesla is actively working on ways to get them to not apply to it's cars. I am interested in seeing how this plays out. Yes phones are super expensive but they aren't expensive like a car, and there is already a turf war over warranties and jailbreaking in the phone space. I feel like once they start looking at the costs associated with third party and warranty coverage it will do a quick about face. I don't think anybody really likes this approach who is a consumer.
  2. Yeah...What Tesla kinda proved is that the electric car culture is smart phone culture, not car culture. With smart phones, when you sell a phone it gets reset back to base spec and then you as the used phone buyer download all the customized apps and subscriptions to tailor it to your needs. Tesla looks at its cars like phones and it's soft options as apps. here is the problem at the heart of the matter: the Monroney Sticker and buyer's guide. Basically, if your options can be revoked that has to be disclosed on the Monroney when the car is sold new. The buyers guide is the monroney for used cars and it lists similar options. So person A buys a new Tesla and spends for something like FSD (auto-drive). When person A sells or trades the car in they think that FSD goes with the car because they weren't warned. The used dealer or second buyer takes the car thinking they have bought this option, only for Tesla to shut it off - thus stealing the value of the car from the used dealer and/or the next buyer. In many cases Tesla doesn't turn if off until after the used dealer discloses the option in the buyer's guide and sells it to the next owner, Because it was sold in the buyer's guide - the dealer is now on the hook for the cost of the option and the dealer now has a cause of action against Tesla. BMW and the other mfg's are going to figure out the legal language needed to disclose this and it looks like the industry is heading to making physical cars some form of base model with options being pay to play customizable or subscription based. In some ways this actually is good for the consumer because other than color choice it means that used car buyers can actually get cars with options they need instead of having to search out specifically optioned vehicles. here are the problems I have with it: - I don't think the mfg's are planning to allow third party development of "options" like smart phones allow third party development of apps. I think this is how they mfg's are going to make up for the revenue lost from selling parts since electric vehicles don't have that many parts and the few they have basically total the vehicle. This gives them a monopoly on car customization and destroys a large part of the aftermarket - Right to repair is going to go away almost overnight since even if you are the most magical coder in the world, the mfg can just brick your car if it determines you tampered with the code without authorization. anybody else have thoughts?
  3. so I am curious....were you allowed to keep the options the previous owner paid for? (specifically the Ludicrous mode and tech package). The internet is rife right now with examples of Tesla trying to treat options like smart phone apps or subscription services and shutting them off upon transfer to a new owner and then making you pay for them all over again. It's caused quite a few lawsuits.
  4. Did he get a plate? or was it a hit and run? In the past, whenever I was in an accident, I tried to get the car VIN if I could. Why? Plates can be stolen, but a VIN usually ties the car back to an owner and puts them on the hook for being responsible.
  5. congrats, you know how google works. now use it to look up medical immunity. Edit: This is going to take too long, EVERY vaccine is some kind of medicine to help you with the the thing it is vaccinating you from. Immunity is a resistance, which means the harmful disease still enters your system - your immune system has just been trained to fight it more efficiently. Since you brought up an alcohol shot, just like everyone has a different tolerance to alcohol, people have different tolerances to vaccines. For most their immune system gets really good at killing the disease as soon as it enters their system. For Some it is not as efficient and they might experience symptoms, for a few, the symptoms will be quite severe, and for a very small amount Death could still be the outcome. In every case, those people were still better off vaccinated than not - just as someone who is a regular drinker will have a higher tolerance than someone drinking for the first time. This is true for EVERY vaccine in the history of human kind. No vaccine mechanically, chemically, or physically blocks the disease from entering your system, every one of them trains your immune system to kill it quickly before it can become a raging infection. This is also why vaccinated people have shorter contagious periods as well. The problem isn't the vaccine, it's you. You don't understand immunity and what you think it is laughably unrealistic.
  6. because the Dunning-Kruger effect is real.
  7. Science is constantly changing. That's how science works - it adapts to new information and adjusts accordingly. Yes a lot of people are making big bucks from this. The Scientists at the CDC are not. Most of the people making the big bucks, Amazon, Walmart, etc..., don't have access or even interaction with the scientists working with the politicians on the public response plan (unless you have some out there conspiracy theory that they do, in which case you should have lead with that). There is a difference between being opportunistic and being in charge. A vaccine is a type of medicine. A shot is a delivery method for medicine. So they are both. Based on everything you have said, you don't really seem to understand anything about a) how vaccines work, b) how they are administered, and c) basic concepts of medicine.
  8. Generally speaking people don't mock people whose opinion they value and whose knowledge and intelligence they recognize as being greater than their own. Other than to call him names and ask if people are still listening to him, you haven't really addressed anything he has said in substance nor provided any proof for your comments. Also what is it that I am avoiding that was posted? you want me to opine on your statement that he is Alfred E Newman?
  9. you want to know what's really good comic relief? reading your comments on how you are smarter or know more than Dr. Fauci on infectious diseases. Pure. Comedy. Gold.
  10. because it costs money to host and the software is so old there is no place to host it that is affordable, or at least that is how I am reading the below:
  11. facebook, where all the good arguing happens;)
  12. did it have mfg plates? They build them in Normal, Ill., about 5 hours away from here.
  13. “Did you just cum inside me” written on the wing. Classy. I want to hate this thing but I can’t. It’s amazing.
  14. awesome work. Car is looking great
  15. Watts to Freedom (WTF) mode is proof that GM "gets" EV car culture. None of the other car/bike mfg's who are making EV's (esp Harley Davidson) get that EV culture is smartphone/videogame/social media/meme/pop culture. Tesla gets it, that's why Tesla has been eating everyone's lunch for so long. Now if GM could only make an easter egg of Cleetus McFarland saying "hell yeah brother" when you engage WTF mode... BTW, hummer wheelies is why I have faith that hot rodding will persist in the EV age. Right now there is some code monkey reading this and in about 6 months will "jailbrake" whatever controls are keeping hummer wheelies away from the public, that they will then sell as a "tune". Also, Hummer Wheelies is the name of my Chickenfoot cover band....or at least it should be
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