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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. It's stuff like this that keeps me saying you have a knowledge problem. I'm sorry but if you think this is what BLM is protesting then I am really disappointed in you. The overall protest message of BLM is the treatment of Black People in the justice system. Yes that does include Black People wrongfully shot by police (which I might add is not what your chart is showing), but it also includes wrongful incarceration, harsher sentencing and penalties based on race, racial profiling by law enforcement, acquittal of those who would otherwise be held accountable, and all the various ills black people suffer under our current justice system due to racial bias. If you go to their website, they acknowledge their primary visibility has been around police brutality, which includes but is not limited to murder, but it is not their only issue. Remember a lot of their initial visibility came in connection to the Trayvon Martin case. You like charts? This is also some (but not all) of what BLM is protesting: http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2015/08/150805_CRIME_Discrim-Chart01.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2015/08/150805_CRIME_Discrim-Chart02.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2015/08/150805_CRIME_Discrim-Chart03.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2015/08/150805_CRIME_Discrim-Chart04.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2015/08/150805_CRIME_Discrim-Chart05.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2015/08/150805_CRIME_Discrim-Chart06.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2015/08/150805_CRIME_Discrim-Chart07.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg http://www.slate.com/content/dam/slate/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2015/08/150805_CRIME_Discrim-Chart08.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg
  2. I get that you are angry but really I want you to think about what you are saying here: 1) the shooter took his own life. This isn't a case were the police had a choice in whether to shoot the guy or not, he beat them to the punch. There have been mass shooting cases where the people that commit it are taken alive, we just had a trial for one: https://www.wsj.com/articles/dylann-roof-found-guilty-in-church-shooting-trial-1481833767 2) advocating circumventing the justice system and torture by our state officials is about as unconstitutional and un-American as you can get. As flawed as our justice system is, it is often part of what separates us from totalitarian dictatorship run through fear. It isn't a "tough guy" position, it is something a hormone addled 15 year old going through puberty would say. This is a real tragedy. Rather than lash out politically or philosophically and add more death and destruction, let's try to remember that there are 50 people that are never going to see their loved ones again, and an injured count up to 400 that need blood donations, medical supplies, and other support. Put your energy and anger into actions that heal - not ones that divide.
  3. yeah if you don't want people to assume you support White Supremacy, then that is the requirement or duty (as defined by MW as "a task or action that someone is required to perform"). If you don't care, then do whatever you want and accept the social consequences. According to whom? you? I'm not even trying and here are several media outlets (many of whom you would classify as liberally biased) criticizing Antifa https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/09/the-rise-of-the-violent-left/534192/ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/noam-chomsky-antifa-major-gift-right-wing-anti-fascist-alt-left-a7906406.html http://www.cnn.com/2017/08/18/us/unmasking-antifa-anti-fascists-hard-left/index.html https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/an-intimate-history-of-antifa https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/book-party/wp/2017/09/01/the-history-theory-and-contradictions-of-antifa/?utm_term=.0adb45ff048e http://time.com/4919011/donald-trump-alt-left-antifa/ These were all 1st page google hits. You just aren't trying. The problem in discussing Antifa and BLM in the context of the rise of white supremacy is difficult because it treads the thin line of overal message. I was talking to someone this weekend about it and he had a great analogy: Comparing KKK/Alt Right to BLM/Antifa is like comparing arsonists to firefighters if you are the home owner whose house is on fire. Either way there is going to be destruction, but you can't expect to treat the groups the same because of the context. You may not like that the firefighters are going to take your hand planed 100 year old oak solid wood door off with an axe to get into your house but that doesn't mean you object to the firefighter's overall goal of extinguishing the fire - even if them doing that introduced a lot more oxygen to the smoldering fire and causes it to burn longer. At the same time, they wouldn't really be there if it wasn't for the actions of the arsonists - so the objection with the arsonists isn't just technique but motive as to why they started the fire in the first place as well. So it is the same thing here - you can't expect people to condemn the whole of an organization when the original message isn't suspect, just the methods and technique. The Alt-right/white supremacists want you to be dismissive of the BLM/Antifa message because it helps them. That's why we see all these relative moral comparisons that equate the two groups but it is a false moral equivalency. Spreading the rumor that Micah Xavier Johnson was part of BLM and that the Dallas shooting was a BLM associated event (even after Federal, state, and local law enforcement all failed to find a connection) is WS propaganda, believing that propaganda is a lack of knowledge on the part of the person.
  4. It really turns on the reason why you are against antifa or BLM, so no you are not automatically anything just for not liking an organization, but in this case you do have a duty to be very clear about your reasons if you don't want to be perceived that way. There are plenty of people who are liberal who are critical of antifa, many of them publically. Trevor Noah of the daily show , who branded them "Vegan ISIS", probably summed it up best: "When you think you’re punching Nazis, you don’t realize that you’re also punching your cause. Because your opponents, they’ll just use every violent incident to discredit your entire movement.” And he is 100% right. However, if you objection to BLM/Antifa is on their position of race relations - yeah you don't really get a pass. If you genuinely think that BLM=Nazis or that they exist as an attack on white people, that's just you not being knowledgible. Or you really do support white supremacy.
  5. If your source for anything is Steven Crowder you should probably just recognize you are really bad at evaluating credible media. All that video proves is that Steven was able to find a small collective of dipshits, and even then He still has to work pretty hard with the sensationalism to make them look like credible threats (and I think he fails). But what's your point? If your point is how you want to prove that you implicitly support White Supremacy I would say "mission accomplished" There is something interesting going on here recently with white supremacy. For decades the kkk and other new nazi groups operated within the leaderless resistance model. It was effective and allowed people like Timothy McVeigh to pull of awful acts of violence and terrorisim without bringing down the whole organization. It was simple, it kept them under the radar, and they still could maintain their status as the no 1 domestic terrorisim threat. However, with the rise of the alt right, there is a shift away from the pure leaderless resistance movement, and towards something more high profile and collective, and they have done this because of the current elected leadership. A paradigm shift like this is at least noteworthy and worth discussing. But you don't want to talk about this paradigm shift. At all. All You want to talk about is how another leaderless resistance group is wrong because they are fighting against this using violent tactics. You want to paint the "guys fighting Nazis" as the bad guys, but don't want to touch the subject of white supremacy other than to say you don't support it. Except that you do support it. Your rethoric isn't decrying violence, its decrying liberal violence. Implicit in every point you make is that the left shouldn't be violent and you are silent on right violence. Your discussions aren't about the general rise of political violence, they are about painting the left as the enemy because you feel white people are under attack. But remember you aren't a supporter of white supremacy. Well I say bullshit. The only thing I have to ask is, are you a "proud boy"? Because you sure as hell sound exactly like them right down to the "we are not Nazi's" rhetoric.
  6. First of this isn't about whether you are doing incriminating shit or not. Right now this is a pretty specific set of circumstances under which they would use this: high speed pursuit. If they are using it, they are tracking it because it is an "in the moment" system. The issue that comes to mind is, do they lose visual sight of the vehicle or not? and if so, how far a following distance? Would they give enough of a lead time for someone to stop, remove it from the car, stick it on another car of the same color, and drive off? And if not, how do you prove that? How do you maintain consistency? Anything that adds to the uncertainty that you have the right person is problematic. The second concern I would have is regarding misuse by individual officers (oversight) and who keep track of that. So far in it's limited parameters there doesn't seem to be a 4th amendment concern, but who's keeping an eye on those authorized to use them to make sure some dipshit doesn't take a dart home to use to track his ex-wife? I also wonder how close you have to be for this to be effective and whether that following distance opens the officer up to a different kind of danger.
  7. https://jalopnik.com/police-catch-suspect-after-firing-gps-dart-from-cruiser-1818946933 discuss.
  8. supposedly the typhoon/syclone viscous coupling transfer case is pretty stout and can handle up to 1000 hp. The thing about a viscous coupling transfer case is that it is directing the power load, it isn't under the pressure of the full load like an automatic trans is. The down side to them is there is literally no aftermarket and rebuilds cost a grand or more. They used the same transfer case in awd Safari/astro vans and S-series based bravadas (1990-1997) so they aren't "rare" and may actually be available overseas in more common numbers (the bravada was exported to europe). Summit used a similar setup in their 1990's project car "the quadra-deuce" an awd 1932 highboy roadster. The advantage of the Ty/Sy TC is that it bolts to the back of many of the stout GM v-8 transmissions like TH400s, 700R4s, 4l60Es,etc...so you don't need fancy adapter kits. And it's mechanical and rear bias (35% front, 65% rear).
  9. 2nd gear launches and still pulling a 1.9 60' is pretty good. With real tires like a DOT drag radial and some practice on the launch it wouldn't be a thing to get into the 10's. congrats on low 11's.
  10. Geeto67

    RIP Hugh Hefner

    Except that it is supposed to be said sarcastically, most people forget that part of it or just aren't good at sarcasm. It's the same as "I should be so lucky" when something bad happens. Anyway, Hugh really gave more to this world than most people are willing to admit. The Sexual revolution could not have happened without him, the concept of sex in general as taboo isn't really a consideration like it was in the 1950's thanks to him and because of it we are better off as a society. Sure there is a downside of pandering to misogyny and male chauvinism, but he didn't invent it and nothing's perfect. Since this is a car forum, I will add the one car related fact I happen to know about him - there almost were not muscle cars as we known them because of Hef. Jim Wangers, who is one of the pioneers in advertising and merchandising racing in the automotive industry worked with Hef at Esquire Magazine in the 1950's. He asked him to join him in starting Playboy and he declined. After he went to Detroit, worked on the 1955 Chevy ad campaign, worked for Chrysler merchandising their racing activities and then moved to GM's ad agency to work on Pontiac. Jim was the one who got the mfgs to sponser racing, esp drag racing, and was one of the larger contributors to the pontiac GTO's success, including setting up Royal Pontiac as the Pontiac performance headquarters. And all of this almost didn't happen because Hef offered him a job selling a sexy men's magazine in the repressed 1950's.
  11. the 92x is the Saabaru, right? is this an Aero? or an N/A model?
  12. yeah the bottom end can take it, the trans might take it as well. Where the breakage will start is with either the dual mass flywheel on stick cars (they cracked in 5% of stock cars anyway) and the guibo in the diff. If it was an xi AWD car I would be worried about the transfer case too but I don't think it is. Almost all of them have a I6, The only exceptions for the E90 body style being a turbo 4cyl in the 320i and the M3 which uses a v8, neither of which we are talking about here. The turbo engine we are talking about in this 335i is an N54: a 3.0L I6 with twin turbos. It's based off the same workhorse M54 engine BMW stuck in nearly everything from 2000-2006. It runs two small parallel turbos making 8psi, cast into the exhaust manifold, one feeding the front back of 3 cylinders, one feeding the rear 3 cylinders. It is not a compound or sequential setup - 1 turbo feeds 3 cyls independently. I am pretty sure the later N55 engine uses a single turbo (2009 and up). I don't think the engine even uses forged pistons, but it's a pretty stout block/crank.
  13. I think there is like 1 turbo "kit" for the M42 4cyl - it's like $4500. There used to be a twin screw supercharger kit but it made only 200hp and was like $3K new. I'm sure someone could make a turbo setup for the M42 out of junkayrd stuff and home made exhaust manifolds (so far two guys on the bmw forums have done it with saab and wrx turbos), but the stock engine is limited to 10psi boost before scattering parts becomes an issue and there aren't lower comp turbo pistons available. You still need to spend for injectors, studs, better head gaskets, and a tune on an OBD I computer.
  14. yeah but then it's a different fuel pump and different fuel line routing, and a little more work and money on the back end to get it running. that's what autometers are for. LOL I have to be honest though...is this really cheaper than finding a fox body convertible in stick in reasonably the same condition as the e36? If this was one of a million 325i e36 verts I would say banzai with the sawsall, but as a 318i cold weather vert in a weirdo color, it's kind of a rare car to cut up. Not valuable, but rare.
  15. https://kokomo.craigslist.org/cto/d/bugatti-look-alike-brand-new/6320501612.html kill. it. with. fire. apparently it is an S-10 underneath...and that is a lot of work for something so ugly.
  16. if the low bar is 250-300hp for as cheap as possible..... here is an E36 m3 engine for $950: http://louisville.craigslist.org/pts/d/e36-m3-coupe-1995-roller-and/6293015960.html Sure it isn't a v-8, and it needs...ahem...some attention but no swap kit, no weirdo adaptability issues. Bolt in with BMW parts and go. leave all the badges in place and you have a sleeper that nobody sees coming.
  17. is he going to decimate all once he overnights parts from japan? Seriously though, does he have the engine and the swap kit yet? you only need the engine hoist once you have all the parts and are ready to put the engine in, otherwise you are just taking a running car and turning it into a really sad craigslist ad 6 mos from now.
  18. Audi made it super rare too by making it only available on highland green painted cars. you couldn't buy a black, white, blue, or gold allroad with a green interior - had to be highland green, which you could also get with a gray interior making it even rarer, and there are two variations depending on model year - two tone green/gray and two tone fern green/dessert grass green. There was also a fern green plaid cloth available in european markets, a solid color sage green, and a lagos green interior exclusive to the S6.
  19. it has a green interior. Green. GREEEEEEEEN. how is that not a "freak"? Freak doesn't mean bad - it can be a good thing, just looking for weird. Also a well maintained stick TT all-road is like spotting a unicorn fucking a leprechaun.
  20. you've heard my opinion on this many times... You want aluminum heads, and as much aluminum anything else as you can get. your e36 vert has a 49.8/ 50.2 front/rear weight distribution (rear bias because of the vert top), and dropping an iron block v-8 into the nose of it is going to destroy the balance of the car and make it drive differently. Shipping weight on a 5.0 long block is about 460lbs (from summit) as compared to the 220lbs your M42 supposedly weighs assembled. All in your are probably adding 300+ lbs to the nose of the car all in so you want to make that number as small as possible, Alloy parts do that. You should also budget for new springs/shocks - probably m3 spec as the S50 engine is closer in weight to the 5.0 than the M42. And since your car is lowered as it is, you'll have to do all 4 corners.
  21. when sensatec cracks you can see the white backing behind it. so it's probably leather.
  22. Do you know if the interior is Leather or sensatec? The BMW faux leather is a really great feeling seat covering, almost indistinguishable from leather. However, during the winter it does have the same property as all other vinyl in that it gets hard and can crack and peel. Keep it conditioned with a good vinyl conditioner/protectant and it will last. BMW doesn't offer a cloth interior in the 3 series so a lot of people say "leather" when it is sensatec. If you have the cold weather pack you probably have leather. Dakota Leather isn't Napa or Connolly, so you still want to condition the thing once a month to avoid cracking.
  23. There are whole sheets of paint missing from the bumper, so I need to tend to that first. Actually I should stop by just to verify that it is really thin single stage. If it is maybe I can touch up easier than I thought. Kid put a hot wheels car on the trunk and ran it and the plastic wheels took out some tiny chips. Usually I love BASF Glasurit paint on BMW motorcycles, but this stuff is soft. Then again, I don't think it has ever had a proper coat of real wax that didn't come from an automated car wash so.....
  24. I have to say, as another white BMW owner, it's a real pain in the arse paint to take care of. I'm pretty sure it is single stage, it swirls easy, chips easy, and on E90's it's really hard to keep clean (common dirty areas automatic car washes miss: lower sills, rear license plate pocket, front and rear lower bumper). Because it is a very bright white it shows dirt really easily - its almost like having a black car in how dingy it can look. One of the things that really annoys me is that BMW charges extra for nearly every metallic paint it offers plus most of the black paints, so there are a disproportionate number of white bmws to any other color. The japanese don't do this. I didn't have much of a choice when I bought my car because I wasn't looking for it, but if I had my druthers I would have bought nearly any other color but white. I actually have been thinking about wrapping it next year if I decide to keep it. The body on mine is so beat, and I got it so cheap it's almost worth it to drive it till it hits crumpled beer can status. but I need to fix the bent rim and blown rear shock absorber issues first. that being said it's a really enjoyable car to drive.
  25. Nice car. If you have the original wheels, I might be interested in them. make sure to check the control arm/thrust arm bushings. They are liquid filled and when they burst they make a nasty mess and then the wheel will move back under braking. Mine went at 72K miles, but most rupture around 80-90K miles (or so I am told). I think they can be replaced with the M3 units which are solid rubber.
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