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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I could literally watch that animated gif all day. I'm glad this has so far ended with everyone being civil and not in headlines.
  2. I suck at posting videos, maybe one of the mods can fix it, otherwise it will have to wait till I get home from work. Or you can go to the motor trend youtube channel and view it there.
  3. Looks pretty cool, plus first episode happens in our backyard.
  4. been on conference calls with people in FLA all day. Hearing them talk about Naples like it's a mad max movie set because it still doesn't have power. flooding I am hearing is less than expected though. That being said, why not just wait and see if the cav survived. Chances are it's probably fine and just has a few dents and scrapes.
  5. I'm curious about this statement, is it because you think all trailing arm or semi-trailing arm suspensions are just junk? or is there something else BMW does that makes the e30 design extra bad? There are plenty of aftermarket parts to correct for the trailing arm setup's flaws (change in toe and camber under hard cornering), and there have been plenty of successful E30 race cars in a variety of sports. they kept evolving the design in the e36 and e46, and despite it's transition from under steer to over steer it's quite forgiving for a road car.
  6. I just went and looked it up....the stock 305 valve sizes are 1.84 intake and 1.3 exhaust. I think the largest you can go on stock heads is 1.5 due to the weird casting in the combustion chamber. I looked up the TF heads and they are 1.94 intake and 1.5 exhaust on the valves so it looks like 1.5 is the magic number on those anyway. Summit has them for $550 but you'll need rockers, and I would advice a cam as well: https://www.summitracing.com/parts/tfs-30310001/overview/make/chevrolet maybe someone on one of the forums has a set you can grab used.
  7. Geeto67

    Hey now

    It's an SN-95, It's just a "New Edge" (1999-2004) SN-95 which means it's a face lift car. SN-95 was the chassis code, like "Fox" for the previous generation or "F-body" for camaros and firebirds. The next gen was S-197 (2005-2014) and the one we have now is S-550. There is actually a letter/number designation for the "fox" platform too, I forget what it is, but since that platform was used for so many cars here and abroad everyone just calls it "fox". The SN-95 is like 40% carryover from the fox body chassis. By the way, in case anybody was wondering the name "Fox" was given to the chassis project by the head of design in the late 70's. The original concept was a car, the ford "Fox" that could be sold in every market without change and manufactured anywhere in the world. Once they realized how difficult that was, they decided to make a chassis instead that could be easily adaptable to a variety of configurations and used the most common mfg techniques so it could be manufactured anywhere in the world with the least amount of retooling, under those market's existing model names. anyway, nice new-edge cobra. I've always secretly liked these cars.
  8. have you taken it through an automatic car wash yet? MY old Formula Firebird loved to dump water from the leaky T-tops directly into my crotch on rainy days. It was the primary reason I got rid of it after only 2 months. The 305 is an interesting engine. It was never a "performance" engine - it was actually built as an attempt to have a fuel efficient truck and large car base engine. It runs the same 3.48 stroke crank as the 350, but a 3.73 inch bore which is tiny (it may be the smallest bore of any chevy v8). That means it is torquey down low and won't really breath up top. With the stock cam the party is pretty much over by 4500rpm. If memory serves me correctly those old TBI 305s (which were also in box body police cars) made between 140 and 180hp stock and somewhere around 240ft/lbs of torque. It be boat anchor slow yo, but good for tail slides and launches. A lot of guys say "just throw some 350 heads on it" and honestly that won't really work because I think you have to change everything from the head up. I had an old 305 police block engine that I had the heads machined for larger valves, which helps some but that's expensive, I think trick flow and edlebrock both make heads for the 305. I think the biggest cheapest mod you can make is to put on headers and a real exhaust. Those 305 manifolds were tiny and restrictive. there are about half a dozen cams for the 305 but honestly I would save it for if you get the heads done since you want something to match the new flow. Super Chevy did a 305 buildup in the late 90's that I tried to follow (money permitting) and they were able to pull 300+ hp out of one, which is more than you need for a third gen. There is potential in the car, but not without addressing the fact they just don't breathe. As for the value, the last time I listed a car for $0 I had the "seller" standing next to me in line at the BMV telling the person that the value was $0. That worked. I then tried it 6 mos later for a motorcycle I bartered for and was rejected and told to put literally anything but $0 down. The woman even whispered to me (just make something up). So I put $500 down and called it a day, which was the lowest number NADA had listed for the bike on their website (in poor condition).
  9. does nayone know what channel they will be broadcasting the reading of the names? I tried to find it on the Radio this AM on my way in and it was eerily absent - even from NPR.
  10. The problem I have is the assumption that because someone is "white" a search is "less likely" to turn something up. I also don't like the inference that just because someone's appearance (as in clothing fashion) is culturally different it is automatically suspect. I also have to object to the assumption that women generally commit less crime than men and that gender discrimination is "effective". When it comes to drug crimes women and men are pretty close in terms of instances of possession (Men do bias to a wider variety of drugs, women bias to prescription drugs and repeat offenses). There majority of incarcerated women offenders are in for either property or drug related crimes, both of which rely heavily on stop and search, while men have a much broader spectrum of offenses and not all detectable by searches. and as far as saying no, as part of profiling and biases, police are more likely to interpret saying no to a search by a minority as hostile or suspicious behavior establishing probable cause. Even if the officer gets it wrong, you usually don't get to the part where that gets corrected till well into the trial process. And while the NYT article references racial profiling in NJ in the 1990's, the NYPD is still actively involved in racial profiling lawsuits stemming from stop and frisk, and will be mired in it for some time to come since it is an ongoing program. FYI it has been found to have participated in racial profiling in the majority of individual cases and even some practices, esp those targeting Blacks and Muslims have been found as unconstitutional. In terms of effectiveness 87% of stops don't result in any police action, which means that only 13% of the time the stop is effective.
  11. bring your TPMS tool and you can diagnose my BMW while you are at it
  12. well I am not gonna lie tim, in this politically charged climate it is also a little cathartic to be confrontational to people to people whose opinions you think are just awful, even if you like the person. It's oddly soothing.
  13. Geeto67

    Hey now

    so...pics or it didn't happen? Of the car I mean. welcome
  14. It's not a fail, it's intentional. Some of you guys don't realize how acrid some of the thing you say are to people who don't share your opinion, and I made a point of matching tone in confrontation. I'm not stupid enough to think I'm going to change anybody's mind and I have no intention to do so, I see my participation in these kitchen conversations as just being a social gadfly - someone who upsets the status quo by being a nuisance. Very few people have picked up on this but I don't really start these political conversations, I mostly just respond to something someone else says, if some of you people just kept your awful opinions to yourself you really wouldn't hear from me, at least not on this issue anyway. When I came here, even the threads about cars had "libtard" bashing in it, but by being a lightening rod for this stuff it seems to have drawn itself into the kitchen and for the most part stayed there. The down side is I really don't get to talk cars with a lot of you because there are always going to be people like yenner who just want me to leave full stop and will go out of their way to get that point across.
  15. There is another OTR's show this sunday at Karric Place. https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/cd169f_070ba3a6ee8b4530b3190ce4ed7a9d6e.pdf
  16. Why the 350z trans and not a tremec?
  17. Now you decide to troll? This is how long it takes? 'Bout time
  18. The Chin. Boxers call it "the button". there is a junction of three nerves behind the jaw (just below your ear) that if there is sudden contact made by the jaw moving backwards quickly your brain will trigger a loss of consciousness as a defensive measure. You don't need an uppercut, but it helps because of the power, but a simple but direct jab will do it. It is also one of the most difficult parts for someone to hit in a fight because of people's instinct to protect their face. don't take my word for it, there are plenty of vids on youtube of boxers getting lucky and hitting the button and their opponents passing the fuck out. Hitting someone on the nose can sometimes blind them and cause their eyes to water but they will not lose consciousness and may flail wildly. Same with hitting them in the throat with the edge of your hand, you'll knock the wind out of them but may not stop. The best defense is to not be in that situation in the first place. If it is completely unavoidable, most people without fight training will try to just run in close and pound on you like a coconut, keeping them at a distance is key so don't be stationary.
  19. Seriously?!?:dumb::dumb: you can't actually believe this can you? Or more importantly do you really think this is exclusive to black culture? You and I must not listen to the same Rock and Roll songs because I am certain Rock and Roll rewards exactly the same shit, and has been since the 60's. Have you listened to heavy metal at all in the last 30 years? Also "hip-hop" culture isn't exclusively black, and it isn't predominantly violent. Most of it is Pop music. This is some seriously backwards old man "get off my lawn" shit.
  20. See Tim, this is really where your ignorance shines through. I never said anything about a conspiracy, didn't even infer it. If you had any experience at all with the judicial system you would know that it doesn't take a conspiracy of people to knock it off balance, it doesn't even require intent - one little fuck up can unbalance the system and the earlier that fuck up happens the more impact it will as it goes on. All it takes is an overworked system, a legacy of discrimination that is historically baked into our laws, and politicians willing to appease a constituency who wants to ignore the problem and claim that "everything is fine" when it isn't. We have all of those things currently and the system is unbalanced. The numbers show it, those in the industry in both political parties know it - it's only you who is unwilling to believe it. And what if almost half of them were wrongfully convicted? I am not making that number up as an extreme, I generally don't usually like to cite it because exoneration are not comprehensive of wrongful convictions, just those discovered but since you seem to want to say 13% of the population is comitting 56% of the murders, then you have to account that 47% of wrongful conviction for those murders are against that 13% of the population: http://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Documents/Race_and_Wrongful_Convictions.pdf 47% percent who are innocent people that you want to smack the shit out of because you are unwilling to accept that the system is fucked along a racially biased line. 47% who are innocent that you advocate the state kill because you are one of those nutjobs that doesn't think the death penalty gets used enough. I notice you include ISIS terrorists, even though White Supremacy is the greater domestic threat. I don't believe that is an accident or oversight. I Guess white supremacists aren't worthless turds? I agree there is no nationwide conspiracy. There doesn't need to be. There are plenty of flaws in the procedure of the judicial system that allow these things to go unchecked, whether they are intentional or not. And I keep mentioning intentional because this is a big one - There are plenty of actions where people think they are doing the right thing but it ends up horribly affecting one group more than any other along a racial line. During the Jim Crow days this was intentional and it is one of the reasons Disparate Impact is part of the Civil rights laws of this country - you can't draft a policy that looks neutral but in practice has a huge discriminatory effect, It's a well settled issue in civil rights law and not in dispute. After the civil war these things were intentional (and usually used for voter suppression), but these days it's usually incompetence or people who are willing to ignore disparate impact that are the greater danger. We hold our officials in the justice system to a higher standard because it is really easy to screw it up, and even with that higher standard it is still screwing it up half the time. This is a moot point. It relies on the system being almost perfect which is 1) an impossible standard, 2) not at all supported in practice. I am not absolving people of their poor decisions, you knock over a liquor store you deserve to go to prison, but if we are talking about almost half of one racial demographic possibly being wrongfully imprisoned, you can't just say all the criminals deserve to be there because almost half of them don't. So the good people worth living who the system wrongfully puts into prison aren't worth our time? The Judaical system is rife with problems, many of which do affect people along a racial bias. There is nothing wrong with recognizing that, identifying the root causes, and working to improve the system. To ignore it and just say it's "their fault" when you mean a specific race of people is both callow and ignorant.
  21. your question is flawed, it presumes that one race contains self defeating behaviors that are more than any other race, and that the system is equal, which it is clearly not. If you can somehow prove that the majority of members in a race suffer from self defeating behavior, then no. However, thinking that about an entire race without having any proof - yes that is. Remember, correlation is not causation: just because a high number of incarcerated prisoners are of a particular race does not prove that the race is susceptible to self defeating behavior. That's why they conduct all these studies and examine situations, statistical proof to identify a root cause of a problem. Data tells you a lot of things.
  22. Well it was either that or assume you read it and are marginally functionally literate. I think I made the correct assumption. here let me jog your memory: What does this mean Tim? What's bullshit in 2017? ok, this doesn't fix shit. When someone says "here's an example (with numbers) of how a system inside our government is racially biased" you answer here is "No it isn't and I don't care". Am I capturing that correctly? This is one example. Criminal isn't the only area that can demonstrate racial bias, but it is one of the clearest examples because of the pretty simple notion that sentencing should be fairly equal and it isn't in practice. That's easy, the white trash will do less time. Your moral judgements aren't what I am interested in, it's your willing blindness to an obvious problem, so you can keep your "mantra" intact. People are people. Either you care about the justice system and it's role and goals in society or you risk the majority of society becoming prisoners. Here is some more fun information, nobody tracks accurate information for wrongful conviction below death penalty cases. Even at the death penalty level the error rate is something like 1 in 25 (4%). That's a significant number. Of those wrongfully convicted 60% are black vs 40% white. If we extrapolate this number to the whole of the prison population that works out to about 90,000 people a year are wrongfully convicted with all the experts saying the number is probably much higher. I'm sure those 90,000 or more people would rather not be victims themselves and are 100% equally worthy of our time as any other. One of the things that racial disparity statistics also suggest is that the wrongful conviction rate is higher for minorities than others. But I just want to be clear about this: your stance on institutional racism is that it's ok when it comes to criminals because they morally deserve it, even the wrongfully convicted ones, and you don't believe in redemption.
  23. They are linked Brian, and that's kind of where the conversation started. Yes there will always be those things, and when it comes to personal opinion you are 100% correct it can't be fixed. Where something can be done is within the laws and government institutions of this country. It is indisputable that our governments at state and federal levels passed laws specifically to supress blacks (called Jim Crow Laws) and that some of these laws are still in effect in the modern age. Politically speaking those laws need to be changed by those elected into office. What has people on edge right now is that we have a CIC who has not only shows no interest in those issues (esp the issues concerning prisons) but has aligned himself whit people who are noted supporters of white supremacy (Bannon, Miller, Gorka, Sessions) or enablers of institutionalized racism. What little hope we have in making progress on these issues seems to evaporate every day he is in office.
  24. Since I know you aren't going to read it I'll sum up. Black and white people commit the same crime. Powdered cocaine possession. Statically (and you can open the document to read the statistic) Black people will receive much harsher sentences than white people for the same crime. This isn't about crime deterrence, this is about you saying there is no such thing as institutional racism and the people that study crime statistics for a living telling you that when faced with the same situation over and over and over again, people of different races get treated differently. If institutional racism doesn't exist, why are the sentences for the crime different along racial lines?
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