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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. It that a typo or does it really say 800 rounds per minute? Is that possible? that's 13 rounds a second.
  2. while the thermostat is out, it might not be a bad time to flow test the radiator. Sometimes sediment or corrosion builds up in the tubes and then parts of the rad get blocked off. Any radiator shop can do this in literally 2 minutes - they stick a hose with a rubber grommet in the bottom outlet and fill the radiator up and then remove the hose and watch how fast the water dumps out.
  3. Both of those things are perfectly ok. And they will come in time. be patient. The professionals, who do this day in and day out and whom you are not more experienced than, are working the case and will release information when it is appropriate. Right now the investigation is in the early stages. If there are accomplices or other leads they want some time with the evidence to follow up on that before the public begins to interfere or jump to conclusions. Remember also, jury pools are pulled from the public and just in case they have to put someone else on trial they want to be able to do that without their jury pool being tainted by incorrect assumptions, conclusions, and other issues.
  4. ok but you said: how does it have the ability to do so, but to actually do so requires re-engineering of the car? Is it software or hardware the keeps it from sending power.
  5. I believe that you don't think you are. But I also believe that you don't really have the perspective to see when political policy or government procedure affects people of different races disproportionately, or how those effects play out over time. You have an opinion and you are constantly seeking to validate it rather than to let the things you observe and the knowledge you seek to help you form your opinions. It's a common problem for people your age and maybe you'll grow out of it, I hope. I use the statistics and reporting to foster the discussion because it is more credible than your feelings. Your feelings are reality only to you, but data collected is objective. Is it the whole picture? no, and we discuss that, but it is sure a damn sight more useful than your "feelings" for talking about reality. As far as a statistics book, you seem to forget I am a practicing attorney and have been for a long time. I litigated cases within our justice system for a decade and as a result I am intimately familiar with our system in ways you can't even fathom, and even then I can honestly say I am not nearly as knowledgeable as many many many others in this area. You want reality? the reality is like most Americans you have a less than 1% understanding of how our legal system works, how it ties into politics, how laws actually function, and the analytical perspective you need to take when evaluating it, and you have no desire to because it is in fact very boring. So you take what few scraps you pick up here and there and form these marginally shitty cynical opinions that you cherish like it is the hope diamond. If you are tired of me, someone who does this for a living and knows what he is talking about from experience, telling you, someone who maybe has marginal experience with this area, telling you you don't know what you are talking about, then pull your head out of your ass and stop supporting politicians that cut educational funding. Let future generations of you at the very least get a better education than you got. Also, I should point out if I were a trained dodge mechanic I don't think you would have the stones to dare to tell me how to do a valve adjustment on your challenger. But instead I work in an area that is heavily political and somehow you seem to think you're knowledge and experience equals mine because you watch a Steven Crowder video on facebook and have an opinion. I'm not calling everyone ignorant. I am saying you are ignorant in the classical definition of ignorance: lack of knowledge or information. Remember words have meanings. The fact that you take it as an insult and cry salty conservative tears is just a bonus. Would you prefer a synonym? ok pick one, I'll use that instead: Insensitivity Callowness Crudeness Dumbness Incomprehension Obtuseness Shallowness Unawareness Unconsciousness Unenlightenment. Remember, words have meanings. mmm...brandon's salty tears, so delicious. Let me tell you about people whose intellect is so limited they have to fall back to physical characteristics: 1) they aren't smart enough to craft a decent insult so they take the easy road just to make themselves feel superior. If you have to resort to fat jokes, I have already won. I am under your skin, in your head, and you and I both know you are the beta grasping at anything that will land. Don't be lazy, don't be weak, you want an insult that will land? try harder. 2) They start with things they think are safe and eventually move to more taboo like color and gender. You don't see it but if I were black would you be pulling studies to show that the majority of black americans are uneducated to make your point? you don't? you must really not like yourself if rather than actually take time to read something that might expand your knowledge base you get on the internet and poke the bear that enjoys pointing out your ignorance. you met me. you tell me. I remember being in my 20's and I have to say I was probably about the same size and shape douchebag that you are now. Most of us were. And I grew out of it and I really hope you will as well. I really do worry that you won't though, and it genuinely makes me feel sorry for you that that is a real possibility. Growth comes from confrontation. It is borne in criticism. It does not come from bias confirmation, it is not forged in echo chambers.
  6. Maybe in time, but not right now. Unless there is a compelling need to do so, there isn't much value in sharing evidence during an active investigation.
  7. hey Cordell, what would it take to convert the engine to drive the volt?
  8. It's days like this that I am glad I am just a casual tourist on Reddit.
  9. Seriously? you guys don't know of the EV1? Not trying to shit on you but I thought everybody knew about this car from the movie "who killed the electric car?". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Motors_EV1#Who_Killed_the_Electric_Car.3F They built this all electric car from 1996 to 1999 and leased it out to people. It was the first mass produced modern electric car from a major automaker. GM built 1117 of them to test the viability of the electric car in the market. The end result was they crushed all be a few examples and declared that the market place was not ready for an electric car. They pulled all the leases and cancelled the program in 2003. In 2008 Tesla came out with its all electric roadster. Pretty much the interest in electric cars prior to the EV1 was almost 0, but by the end of the program it was more than even GM anticipated. People who were skeptical about the EV1 that had the chance to experience it became advocates of the car to the point where there was a ground swell of support for GM not to shred the cars. The conspiracy theory of "Big Oil" killing the electric car and suppressing alternative energy really ramped up because of of the EV1. Like it or not, that little car that looks like a suppository mated with a saturn kinda changed the world.
  10. you were saying: https://electrek.co/2017/03/08/all-electric-corvette-speed-record-209-mph/ Good for GM. I'm still skeptical because I don't think electric vehicles will save the environment but at least they are doing something to be pro-active. Plus they can always recant as soon as they change management so it isn't like they don't have an out. Plus this can make up for the great American fuck you that was the trolley car fiasco. sort of. maybe. I hope.
  11. I don't know, why do so many here feel like they need to share their shitty causally racist opinions here unprompted? I am just responding - I didn't start this thread, and I don't usually keep it going I just wait for someone (usually brandon) to post something stupid and then jump in. This isn't a "pity poor black people" card, there are some absolute truths to the justice system that many here don't know enough about to recognize, and don't really want to take time to learn. People don't want to give up on their their beliefs, even in the face of truth. So if they aren't going to be open minded they should at least feel uncomfortable through confrontation. Why is it always talking about "white supremacy"? well it seems to be what you guys want to share shitty opinions about and also what the majority posting in this thread seem to be most tone deaf about also. And I don't secretly wish to be black, but as I have said before the people that dislike black people usually dislike my kind as well, I am just easier to hide. I haven't experienced anywhere near the discrimination racial minorities in this country suffer under - but I don't always get the white privilege pass on things either. 6 million+ of my kind were exterminated because of ethnicity and it was so close in time that I grew up around the survivors. It's easier to see the ugly face of the mask of society when you aren't the one wearing it. I also have real experience with the judicial system in this country - something a lot of shit talkers in this thread have almost no knowledge of, and have seen first hand how the "system" is fractured in a million little ways to add up to an intentional bias, and how it was built that way by design since the civil war. The modern conservatism isn't political ideology, it's just a lack of empathy and a resistance to progress.
  12. no it isn't. And you can't prove it because all the studies in this area came to pretty much the same conclusion: It violates basic (constitutionally protected) human rights plus federal anti-discrimination statutes, plus it wastes resources on innocent people trying to root out the guilty, and has a huge error rate. Which is why the Federal government has stopped doing it. A good number of states have laws against it as well. And yet every year there is another lawsuit about a local/city/state PD that implemented a racial profiling policy. yes they do. wrongful conviction is a real thing, and an unaddressed problem in our judicial system. It gets very little press every election. It disproportionately affects racial minorities in this country in a very real way. It's not "occasional" it's a steady percentage. 1 in 25. Extrapolate that over the prison population it becomes tens of thousands of people. And those are just the ones we know about. It's not paranoid to want to keep 20,000 innocent people a year out of prison. Brandon....you not understanding how to read statistics is not the same thing as a statistic being credible. That little box you posted as "what BLM is protesting" - the numbers in it are pretty credible. It just isn't relevant because 1) the metric it was tracking was not actually the issue BLM was protesting (overall murders vs police violence), 2) It measured overall numbers not rate, which of course is going to skew white because there are just more white people (that's what a majority is) - it does not represent overall risk which skews the other way. Let me be clear - your desire to completely talk out of your ass with little understanding as to what you are talking about and even less desire to try to gain the knowledge isn't an excuse and it isn't something I have to be kind to or respectful of, esp when you have this burning desire to share your literal (and I don't mean figurative - you literally lack knowledge) ignorance with the internet. You aren't interested in reality, you just want your fragile snowflake, marginally racist (but you don't think they are) opinions protected from the harshness of reality. As long as you are going to continue to share your shitty poorly researched opinions with the world there will always be people like me to reveal how little you know and how much shit you talk. Now you have two choices - you can feel stupid and hurt and retreat with your precious shitty opinions and dig deeper in, or you can realize maybe you don't know what the fuck you are talking about and what you are holding on to isn't actually the hill you want to die on and you can ask more questions and research more. And for god's sakes stop getting your news and information from facebook and 3rd rate Sean Hannity type pundits. I am just going to point out that you are basically saying feelings and personal observation are more "real" than the science (and it is a science) of data collection and study. I'm sorry Tim but this shit above isn't some grand statement, it's just straight up justification for your casual racism. Tim, I honestly don't care if you are or aren't - but at least be honest with yourself about it. Statistics, data, etc...yeah they aren't 100% fool proof either and it usually takes a combination of factors and a big picture analysis to truely understand what's going on - but to straight up say you don't think the numbers are right because you don't feel the numbers are right that's the fantasy. The "reality" is the world is a shitty place, but there are people working to make it less shitty, and they don't need this type of ignorance and casual racisim in the way of making that happen, just because you are too myopic, ignorant, and delusional to see it.
  13. how long before we start to hear crazy conspiracy theories about this? Like he was a shill and this was a false flag attack kind of crazy. I give it a week.
  14. Prove that racial profiling works Tim. Go ahead I'll wait.
  15. Geeto67

    RIP Tom Petty

    heartbroken. just, simply, heartbroken.
  16. I posed the Variety link because they cover the entertainment industry and published the text of CBS's press release. if your company calls you out as "deeply unacceptable" publicly it's basically a notice to the others in the industry that she is not to be hired because she is a liability. So basically her days as a lawyer in the media and entertainment industry are over. I will add that although her title seems "impressive" most in-house counsel hold the rank of VP in their organizations. I doubt she was a true "higher-up" executive. She spent 2 other years at White Shoe firms in NYC so really before these comments she was a nobody (albeit, one with good credentials). To that end...this is all it needs to be, a shitty comment by a person who didn't think it through who paid the price for it and nothing more. Brandon, and I am talking to you specifically, this is an indicator of a person of shitty character. Plenty exist regardless as to their political affiliation. Don't go building a soapbox against the whole of liberalism based on 1 person's extreme lack in judgement and character.
  17. and she gets what's coming to her: http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/cbs-fires-legal-exec-las-vegas-1202578075/ In case you want to know the actual quote: I assume she was referencing sandy hook with the statement about children being murdered.
  18. eh....not so fast....while I agree cops are not predominately pulling the trigger because of that, they are certainly getting more opportunities for something to happen due to racial profiling practices. And lets broaden it because while lethal force rates are one indicator (Blacks are 2.5 more likely to be shot by police), there is also wrongful arrest (3.5 times more likely) and conviction. This is not counting the plea deal trap that comes attached to bail. think about it, in one case race is a secondary factor: drugs and poverty, two major factors in violent crime tend to disproportionately affect the black population, but being black isn't a reason why most of that crime is committed. In the other case race is a primary factor: Race is used as a factor to pull over one group over the others therefore increasing the risk of that interaction having a bad outcome overall. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/07/11/arent-more-white-people-than-black-people-killed-by-police-yes-but-no/?utm_term=.b8f8804e3f04 http://www.law.umich.edu/special/exoneration/Documents/Race_and_Wrongful_Convictions.pdf https://www.aclu.org/report/driving-while-black-racial-profiling-our-nations-highways https://www.nyclu.org/en/stop-and-frisk-data
  19. https://www.gofundme.com/dr2ks2-las-vegas-victims-fund http://fortune.com/2017/10/02/help-las-vegas-shooting-victims/ http://fortune.com/2017/10/02/how-to-help-las-vegas-shooting-victims/
  20. Did I say brutality? nope. I said hassle. But then again I don't see a whole lot of anybody walking around UA late at night in general so maybe everyone just knows better? You meant to say just murders right? I mean black people aren't killing other black people because they are black. It sounds like Murder is a problem on the east side of Columbus, and it happens to be occurring in a poor neighborhood. What's your source on this by the way? there are plenty of Predominantly white neighborhoods on the east side (Bexley, Whitehall, South Alum Creek) etc so...I hope you aren't just assuming the whole of the east side is black and that crime is automatically attributed to that group when you hear east side.
  21. Police. Have you ever been hassled by the cops? Be a white guy that lives in multiple predominantly black neighborhoods (I also lived in New Orleans for 5 years) and you'll find out pretty quick what it is like. I am by no means Anti-police by the way. It's a hard freaking job, a thankless one, and intensely dangerous. Also the PD often bears the brunt of what are really oversight and administrative problems, even though often times the officers have little say in the policies.
  22. First of all, I don't know this city well enough to know what Livingston Avenue "means" in terms of crime or demographic. I am going to assume it is a predominantly poor black neighborhood. However, I will do you one better. I lived in Crown Heights, Brooklyn for 5 years. If you are not familar with Crown Heights, let me help you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crown_Heights,_Brooklyn#Demographics I know people generally don't think NY is dangerous anymore but where I lived was 1 block over from the men's homeless shelter and next door to section 8 housing. I had no problems walking around that neighborhood at all hours of the night. My car was broken into twice, my apartment once, and someone was shot and killed on my doorstep, but nothing ever happened to me walking around the streets, and there were plenty of opportunities for it to happen. you know why? because I was a part of the community and I made myself visible and treated people like people. when my car got broken into, everyones on the block got broken into - they didn't target my car because of me, and the same thing with my apartment - the dipshit kids went roof top to roof top breaking into everybody's stuff. Race doesn't make me uncomfortable. I practice situational awareness and I measure risk in the moment. I have to be honest, so far based on my personal experience in the Midwest, I feel less safe around dipshit armed white people than I do around black people in their own neighborhood. By the way, if I were black (and I am not), you bet your ass I would feel less safe in UA at 11pm on a Saturday than on Livingston ave.
  23. Well that chart doesn't exist with credible information. Why? because of the word "commit". The closest you are going to get is maybe a breakdown by race based on convictions - but again, conviction numbers are going to skew because of issues that affect both the poor and minority communities (such as conviction pleas offered in lieu of bail when the defendant can't make bail). You could also look at arrests but then again part of what if being protested is that black people are more often to be arrested than whites because of racial profiling or racially disproportionate activities. Also arrests aren't proof of a crime - just suspicion of a crime. This is a complex issue that you aren't researching and don't have enough knowledge to discuss. The shame of it is that it renders you incapable of understanding how pithy little charts like the one you posted are about as relevant to the conversation as charts showing the migration of elk in Alaska.
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