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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I grew up on the NYC subway system. Its one of the great people moving systems of the world in both volume and longevity. Stuff like this is part of life in NYC, ask anybody who is still waiting for the second ave north-south line that was promised 30 years ago. They will fix it and the city will keep going. The subway is one of the many reasons I learned to ride a motorcycle. One of the great life skills you developing living in NYC is to never rely on one thing, always have two or three contingency plans for everything including transportation. I hated the subways when I rode every day, but appreciated them when I only rode them in snow season or on weekends. Being a car guy in NYC is extremely tough, but the subway is one of those things that make it easier because you don't have to rely on your car as a daily. Once you live in NYC, anywhere else is boring.
  2. not that you would buy a "new" odyssey but thought you would appreciate this...oh and look it's your favorite writer too! http://jalopnik.com/do-you-blow-45-000-on-a-used-aston-martin-or-a-new-hon-1774667949
  3. this posed not long ago: http://www.postcrescent.com/story/news/local/steven-avery/2016/05/02/my-visit-avery-salvage-yard/83817084/ one thing I can tell you about the justice system, it moves at a glacial pace.
  4. burn it. to the ground. you have insurance, right?
  5. forecast is saying overcast and low 60's for tonight but no rain that I can see. I'm really close so I will probably head down either way.
  6. All makes and models welcome. Also this Monday 5/2 is cafe racer bike night at Dublin tavern in old Dublin (bridge and s high street). Again all bikes welcome. Supposedly the give out free t-shirts, ask at the bar inside.
  7. https://www.facebook.com/events/1568195273493027/ Rescheduled to May 13th due to rain forecast.
  8. Sorry for the short notice: http://www.motorcyclemuseum.org/News/16-03-31/AMA_Motorcycle_Hall_of_Fame_invites_riders_to_bike_night_April_30.aspx Weather permitting of course. Bike night to celebrate the end of "go ride month"
  9. really? that's a bummer. Nevermind then, the newer ones will will work well.
  10. wow, that is gorgeous. GLWS.
  11. Damn, and I can't even get time to install a pair of fog lights over the weekend. Good on you for fixing what is probably 40 years of previous owners fuckups. Personally I dislike modern seats in vintage cars. The point of an old car is the old car experience, and nothing sells that better than diving into an off-ramp a little too hot and sliding across the flat as a board original vinyl bucket seat into the door panel. I say you just get some stock covers for the original seats and recover them. Actually looking at your stock seats, it looks like the blue velour is just a slip cover, as I don't see any spots with hog rings poking through. I betcha there is stock vinyl underneath.
  12. That was my thought as well. I think there was a batch of car that had plastic tank issues with the stock radiator, but it's odd that it takes a few days to get noticed. 12 hours is more than enough time for the car to cool down. Doubtful because 1) I can actually see it dripping, just can't see where it is dripping from since it hits various plastic pieces on it's way down, and 2) it's pretty much only the people on this board that don't like me, and most of them don't know where I live. Your friend is hilarious though. Seriously, I have to remember that if I ever want to get petty.
  13. So the wife's Audi is doing something weird. If being driven normally the car doesn't leak anything, the coolant level stays normal, all is well. If it sits for about 2-3 days there is usually a puddle of coolant from the right side right under the radiator. I can see the drip and I am 100% positive it is coolant, I just can't see the leak. Car sat from Friday to sunday and lost maybe a 1/4 in the level in the coolant tank. I started it up and drove it and then let it sit overnight and checked it this morning - not a drop on the ground. Car is a 2006 Audi A3 8P FWD 6MT with 85,000 miles. The thermostat is currently stuck open on the car but it has been that way since 50K miles and is a common issue. So what's going on here? a small crack in the seam? Car is not overheating or anything, I just don't like accidentally poisoning all the neighborhood outdoor cats.
  14. That's nice and idealistic and all, but how are you going to change people's behavior. Where is the actual solution? Life is full of disappointment. for instance, I am disappointed that you seem to have distilled a family's sense of loss, grief, and outrage into "gold digging". You are assuming that they didn't love him and let him down in some way, and your "proof" is that they are suing. ugh. That is not even close to the core issue. that is what you think a partial solution without any real implementation plan looks like.
  15. What is the bullshit you speak of? They are a group pointing out racial inequality that affects their group. Calling it bullshit means you presume it all to be equal and they are looking for something more. It just is not equal. You say it's no secret what they are "really" about -but what is that really? what do you think they are "really about"? you can look at political correctness as a burden on your right to be socially casually racist/classist/religionist/etc without social repercussion...or you can look at it as a measure to reform public opinion in order to get people a broader world view toward people in their own town. Sometimes being politically correct is just a way of showing you are respectful of other cultures not your own. I'm pretty sure that is the definition of victim blaming. Wait, hold on I'll look it up...yup that is exactly what victim blaming is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victim_blaming Actually Lots do. few don't. Not every black community is made up primarily of criminals. Economics is the root cause, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a disparate impact on race. That disparate impact is the result of 100s of years of action on the part of one racial group by another and it is going to take 100s of years to unwind. There are people still alive today who remember segregation - the wound is still fresh, but it won't heal if we stop applying salve. This is really judgemental and not based on facts or reality. Some people are born into good environments and still go bad, some people are not. Assuming that everyone is that way because of bad parenting is not based in any reality - it's just your perception and you are generalizing. yes but it is that kind of "keeping it simple" that led to castration of prisoners in this country and many others. It's when people start asking what's the government going to do about their simple thinking that leads to it. Don't ignore human nature. First off the world does not share your "common sense family values", maybe there are some universal commonalities but there there are just as many differences and different interpretations. So you are not even talking about something that is a real standard. The world does not live by your values, get over it. that's one of the great freedoms of being an American is my family values don't have to be the same as yours. ugh. That is not a fine example because it does not exist. Show me that scenario. Right now. Go find 1 actual case where the parents sued for wrongful death and were successful because their kid was killed because he was reaching for a cops gun. You have to have all the elements. Go. I'm being a little silly because it's a silly proposition. This is a "everyone must live a certain way" kind of bullshit that that has plagued mankind for centuries and is usually right behind some racial or religious purge like the Spanish inquisition or the crusades. Well that's just like your opinion man....because you can't really see it from their side. Also it is still a movement and it thrives on press.
  16. not sure who you were addressing but....I don't know that there is a good answer, or at least a simple one that doesn't take generations to fix. I do know that you don't get an answer by ignoring the problem and blaming the victim. The only way to find a solution is to talk about it a lot, in a way that is productive to solving the core issue, not band-aiding the symptoms as if they were independent problems. BLM has a message - if someone is committed to thinking that message is "gaming the system" then they are dismissing the societal ill.
  17. They are predominantly black people protesting unfair racial treatment. What should they call themselves? To protest you have to be a little bit bold. If you think their name should be minority lives matter and they should take on the social injustices against native Americans, latinos, and middle easterners (other groups that feel disproportionate impact of police violence) then I agree. Otherwise this is protest 101 - your movement should clearly indicate who your group is and what they are searching to bring awareness to. It's very good marketing. I can't even. People don't "Hide" behind race. you can't hide your race no matter how much money or education you have. Just Ask Michael Jackson or Neil Degrasse Tyson. If you are tired of hearing a disaffected people claim inequality exists, then do something to fix the inequality, don't blame the victim for being vocal. This is a little despicable because it presumes that people in minority communities don't already act like decent citizens. I have lived in the lower 9th ward of New Orleans and I have lived in Crown Heights Brooklyn and I can tell you that people in those black communities act as decent as people in any other communities. Low income areas have more crime because they have more people in desperate situations - it is a function of economics not race. Disproportionally affecting a particular racial group is a symptom not a cause. Why the message has been internally for the black and latino communities to "police" themselves is because they can't really rely on law enforcement to do that. The presumption that white communities don't have these problems is false because 1) they do but people ignore it because economic disparity affects other races in greater numbers, 2) they can rely on law enforcement. Thank you for not using Thug which has become the socially acceptable substitute for that other vile slur describing black people. However, something we should point out is there is an inherent bias when we look at crime. You get a white italian drug dealer or racketeer with organized crime connections they are a "wiseguy". They make movies glorifying the lifestyle and are thought of as anti-heros. But that persons equivalent in the black community is a "thug". They are not considered an anti-hero they are a villain, there are almost no movies glorifying the lifestyle. There is an inherent societal racism even in crime that contributes as to how criminals are treated. But let's forget the criminals for a second - what about the regular people? Don't they deserve equal protection from law enforcement? that is what we are really talking about. Your argument about criminals should be treated like criminals as a response to BLM either presumes that the majority of other races are criminals, or that non-criminals are treated equally - neither of which is true. Careful, you are getting awfully close to advocating racially biased eugenics. A self policing community is one rife with corruption. Law enforcement is meant to provide a necessary structure and impartiality, but in practices is suffers all the same imperfect societal ills we all do as humans. But if you think the current policing is corrupt then can you imagine if it was left to the "community" with no oversight? the perfect community is one in which there is a balance. Who is the "they"? You can't say every protest against a societal ill is gaming the system. Also, it is a fallicy to think that the system is "equal" for everyone. We are way better than we were 50 years ago, but we aren't anywhere near system equality by a damn sight. ok grandpa, I'll get off your lawn. First off: Property ownership is not the gateway to a better life. There are plenty of people that earn respect and it still isn't given. the focus of BLM, which you have completely missed, is that isn't isn't about people being killed in dumbass situations, it's them being killed in non-dumbass situations which happens more often than anybody in those communities would like.
  18. I actually have a funny story about this....back in 2009 I was working as a consultant on a job in Newark, NJ. So everyday I had to take the World Trade Path Train from the rubble site to NJ from Brooklyn, it was about an hour commute using multiple subways and one little hiccup with the trains and I could easily get behind. They had police scattered through out the path station performing random searches and stop and frisk. Almost every work day for nearly 2 months I was stopped by the NYPD and searched. Apparently, they were under orders to search anybody conspicuous or suspicious and a 6'5" 300lb white dude with a jew-fro and a goatee running through the path station is not discrete. Eventually I managed to get it resolved though a series of complaints and the threat to sue (on legal letterhead to the city's legal counsel). The one thing that I think about all the time though, is while I was waiting in the waiting area to get searched, I stood out as predominantly the only white dude. I managed to get it resolved because I have an education and resources, but if you think "the complexion for protection" is a myth it is not.
  19. email replied to... It's got a bilateral compound bipedal drive train, so HP is the limit of your imagination (and leg muscles). LOL.
  20. You do realize that this is not an argument against BLM, right? I mean the primary focus of the movement is racial disparity in law enforcement. Talking about communities taking responsible for people is great and all but 1) it doesn't focus on government action at all, and 2) it carries with it thus untrue assumption that white communities don't have this problem. If you think that's true perhaps you have never heard of kitty genovese? Not wanting to "help" strangers is a symptom of living in a low income area with a lot of crime regardless of race. The mind your own business phenomenon is not exclusive to any one group. Attaching race to it and saying "well they can't take care of their own why should they enjoy equal protection from law enforcement" is not a good argument. In other word you can't use one social problem as a reason to be dismissive of another social problem. Everyone's life matters. This is a universal truth and should be used as the rallying cry to try and address all social inequalities, not as an excuse to ignore or be dismissive of one. The reality is law enforcement does not treat all people equal and acts in a disproportionately violent manner toward certain racial groups. And what any community does is not going to change that. That change needs to come from those who oversee law enforcement.
  21. this can't be serious. there is no way.
  22. BTW, decals are apparently still available: http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Replacement-Decals-Stickers-fits-1990s-Little-Tikes-Woody-Minivan-Cozy-Coupe-/331373662835?hash=item4d2768d273:g:3eUAAOSwcF9UXuLa
  23. you are going to get more of the same from every candidate, the only thing you are managing is your level of disappointment.
  24. Ok, so it's really a mini-van, but it's a damn cool mini-van. Actually it's a Little Tykes Cozy Coupe Woody Minivan from the 1990's in pretty decent shape for it's age. It's actually a pretty rare thing considering it was made for only a few years and has been discontinued for about 20 years. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/3275E4EC-40F8-4C64-863A-98BCCFF44478_zps7qtiqqiz.jpg As you can see the decals have all peeled off and the cell phone is missing, but it's got a pretty cool back seat so your kid can give their stuffed animals a ride: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/D0B2C4E8-2760-4ECE-8BA5-A3AEAD57E59D_zpsj9aspnlt.jpg He Look! A Sunroof: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/6230788C-0679-4F63-984A-6E69C60CF446_zps9ea1hjcj.jpg unfortunately the clear roof panel is missing so it is a permanent fair weather open roof ride. Not going to lie, my daughter was pretty proud of her first set of wheels... http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/A6C8BC47-D7CE-4C71-8A51-3D0AD82280D4_zps6h9dbeai.jpg ...however, she has gotten too big to use it now and we just bought her a bicycle so it needs to go. It was a hand-me-down to us and I just want to pass on the good karma to someone else whose kid is going to love it to death. A one point I had thought about pin-striping it and putting a bunch of decals on it and fake surf board on it but I got lazy and only succeeded in getting a small amount of white paint over-spray on it. She's outgrown it - time for you to do that with your little tike. So free to whomever wants to get it, and I can even bring it to cars and coffee on Saturday morning if you prefer to get it from there (actually I prefer it too). PM me if interested or email dean_morarity@yahoo.com
  25. I know you your other thread you said this car is done, so can we get some "finished" pics and maybe a driving video? I've been following this thread since the beginning and was kinda hoping to see how this turned out.
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