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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. I can't post it right now (at work) but there is an old video series of this guy called "Ghostrider" riding a 450hp turbo hayabusa evading Swedish(?) police. In the rain most of the time. I still remember the scenes of him going full bore up on one while a volvo police car slowly slides into a guardrail behind him. Now that's a police chase. I'll see if I can find it when I get home, unless someone else wants to post it.
  2. Geeto67

    F-ing Tinder

    Now you are just trolling.
  3. Geeto67

    Apple Vs. FBI

    but my understanding of evidence procedures is not. In a civil case a request for documents is sent and the other side turns over the documents and makes assurances that "that's all there is". No assets are seized. In a criminal case usually the investigating agency seizes the asset and removes the evidence from it physically. Part of the investigator's testimony during trial is how he came into possession of the evidence by physically removing it from the asset. This establishes the chain of custody: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_of_custody If I am not mistaken the FBI is claiming that they need to be able to remove the data from the asset themselves and apple needs to facilitate this. This is consistent with the chain of custody. Hence why I am surprised this argument in defense of the FBI's actions have not come up - I mean other than being a boring argument that probably wouldn't create much public support.
  4. not to hijack but....can I just bitch for a second. WTF is going on in germany that they are building "redundant" cars that look better than the cars they are based on. Case in point: the 6-series grand coupe. At some point a german executive looked at the 5 series and said "we should have a sexy 2 door version of this car" so they build the original six series coupe. Then at some point another BMW executive looks at the 6 series and says: "man that's a sexy car, we should build a four door version". Can someone tell me what the 6 series does differently than the 5 series other than look way more beautiful? this isn't the only case, just look at the BMW 4 series grand coupe: a 4 door version based on the 2 door version of the 3 series sedan; the Audi A5 sedan that is coming to the US: based on the A5 coupe a version of the A4, The VW CC which is just a sexier version of a passat without having been walked through a 2 door variant. Have the Germans lost their minds? ok rant over. I can't talk you out of a 535xi, it's a pretty damn good car for what you need it to do. And you are right about audi's murdering people with maint, although the A3 I have has been pretty good (to be fair I do a lot of preventative maint).
  5. Geeto67

    Apple Vs. FBI

    china does this for china on a major scale, whether apple is involved or not. Some China made hardware comes with backdoors from the moment of inception. This was a huge PR problem for Lenovo 2 years ago when testing showed a number of backdoors in their hardware. There is part of this that may be driven by the FBI wanting to catch up to the rest of the world in terms of spying through personal technology, but it might require a regime change for it to get traction in the US (and by regime change I mean revolution and installing a dictatorship where the US government used to stand).
  6. Geeto67

    Apple Vs. FBI

    speaking of which just saw that Merrick Garland just got the nomination to fill Scalia's spot. It's a pretty bold nomination, and a bit of a "fuck you, try me" message to the republicans that said they would boycott any nominee. Plus he's pretty moderate which is good for the country. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/17/us/politics/obama-supreme-court-nominee.html?_r=0 But I don't think that's it. The entire Court is generally opposed to 4th amendment privacy violations not just Scalia. FBI better hope it doesn't get to the supreme court but then again the appeals process they are looking at is at least 2+ years and they have to hope the SC will grant cert. (which they are likely to do given the high profile nature) and not just affirm the lower courts decision. who did what now?
  7. Geeto67

    Apple Vs. FBI

    The FBI is overreaching with their ask. They are using a singular incident to push for the ability to spy on everybody. Apple is not preventing them from accessing the data on this singular phone, they are spinning it to look that way. The FBI, CIA, NSA, etc....have already had success in strong arming app developers to create exploits to all them to collect data but as you can imagine it is inconsistent. If this seems like new territory it is not, but this is a new level for the ask. Don't think your angry birds app is spying on you? http://www.cbsnews.com/news/spies-use-angry-birds-and-other-apps-to-track-people-documents-show/ What you are seeing is the eventual conflict that was put into motion way back in 2001 by the patriot act and the (lax) privacy protection standards put in place on electronic communications. I am actually surprised it took this long. The argument I am surprised the FBI is not making is one of chain of control over evidence. A backdoor exploit would allow them to create a clear chain of evidence where as receiving the data from a third party like apple muddies the chain a little and might require apple to testify as to the control of the evidence. They already have the ability to gain access to the data via warrant so I am really surprised this hasn't been brought up yet.
  8. I haven't looked at prices but what about an Audi c6 S6? 400+ hp v10 is hard to resist. I imagine they aren't easy to find due to rarity, but it sounds like a lambo when you roll through the hood.
  9. Double post....but as long as I have the space... Have you considered a 335xi? Same engine as on the 535xi but in a much lighter more chuckable package. The E90/f30 cars are actually bigger than the old e34 5 series cars and interior wise I would put them on par with the e39 in space and comfort. It's not going to be as fancy as the five and it will still carry the stink of "starter BMW" even though it is no longer in that space in the lineup (1 and 2 series filled that role), but really it's a solid car and really sporty for what it is.
  10. Anything in the aftermarket for the BMW world costs twice as much so this idea of swapping out the turbos is not a cheap proposition. On the 3.0 turbo engines I believe the turbo is cast into the exhaust manifold and not a separate unit, so there is an added expense. I world honestly tell you to forget modifying it because in addition to it costing a lot, nothing free falls faster than the resale on a modded BMW. There is a perception right now that the Germans traded reliability for technology and that maintenance is the the killer on long term ownership without a warranty. It's why the resale value on a $60k car is $10k 6+ years later. Honestly I think that perception was true from 1996 to about 2006 and much of due to "lifetime fill" fluids and early sensor problems that caused a lot of workshop time, and also transition from cars like the E30 and E34 which gave Honda's reputation a run for its money on reliability and durability. I think your E60 can be a 300k mile car as long as you keep up on the maintenance and probably won't be that bad maint costs. Don't get me wrong though, if you have a failure of a major component it will be cheaper to just throw the car in the gutter and go buy another.
  11. Baking soda already on the carpets. I'm looking for in addition to.
  12. anyone have a recommendation on an ionizer? I can't imagine a car one is all that powerful and the market is probably flooded with a lot of looks good on paper but works crap in real world.
  13. Lol, She bought an X3. Dog goes in the trunk now. she put a blanket down.
  14. we really need a way to rep threads because that story is awesome. thanks!
  15. So recently I bought my mother's old car. It's an 06 bmw 325xi 6mt. One of the problems with it is that a rather large golden retriever practically lived in the back seat of this car. It stinks. I have used one of those rubber mits to get most of the hair our of the carpet and leather and vynil cleaner on the interior (bmw sensatec) to get the stains out, but the thing still stinks. Any suggestions for killing the pet odor?
  16. But you seem so normal in person Tim. This is tinfoil hat stuff. This. So much this. I think at this point the only question is where does the GOP want to be buried? It's been too corrupted by weird evangelical agendas, in fighting, and reactionary status quo institutionalized racism that there is nothing to look forward to on any Republican's agenda. Seriously the last "great" republican president was Gerald Ford and he wasn't even elected. But it's ok.. Hilary's platform is pretty mainstream republican so all you GOP'ers won't feel so out of place while you are stroking your misogyny about a woman being in the whitehouse. Go out and vote.
  17. Geeto67

    Move To Cali?

    We don't know each other well and the two times we met you were pretty grumpy. However, based on what you write here I get the impression you are going to look for the negative no matter what the scenario. You are going to be slightly unhappy no matter where you are. You need to stop that. Focus on the positive. What's important to you? I mean really important? although you haven't shared any details I assume the NHRA is asking you to do something that leverages your creativity in your feature shooting and video work. Do you know how rare it is that you actually get to make a living using your creative skills? Also, you may not feel like it now but despite having excellent connections, you are still an "outsider" or a "part timer" to the automotive aftermarket and racing industry. Working for the NHRA will give you a lot of credibility and help you establish more connections beyond the ones you already have. Just wait and see how people will treat you different with NHRA on your business card. The money conversation is a distraction. yes it is nice to have money and feel financial secure but if it starts to impede you from having really unique experiences and opportunities how valuable is it really? This may be a door way to other opportunities doing stuff you love - why let the cost stop you. You can always do it for two years and figure something else out, but whatever you got going on in ohio isn't working for you and you are complaining about it constantly. the guns and car thing - that's just a stupid distraction. Cali is still the capital of hot rodding in America and there are ways to make it work - it's just a new set of rules to work with is all. People still go to shooting ranges and fire guns in California, and they still own 1000+ hp street cars. You aren't moving to a foreign country, and you can figure this out. I say go for it. take chances, have experiences, live life.
  18. Is registration per vehicle or per person? If I show up with 2 motorcycles but only paid one registration fee, would I be allowed to run both?
  19. It's hard to say, mostly because 1) the circumstances are unique to each case and depend on a lot of factors, and 2) the economic info that is compiled is usually done privately for the benefit of the city/state/organization erecting the statue and not commonly shared.
  20. http://memesvault.com/wp-content/uploads/Haters-Gonna-Hate-Meme-04.jpg
  21. http://truckyeah.jalopnik.com/the-jeep-crew-chief-is-what-happens-when-a-wrangler-and-1764071050 http://truckyeah.jalopnik.com/the-jeep-shortcut-is-the-best-damn-retro-wrangler-custo-1764064601 http://truckyeah.jalopnik.com/this-would-be-the-2016-jeep-comanche-1764032656 http://truckyeah.jalopnik.com/the-707-hp-jeep-wrangler-trailcat-is-the-hellcat-in-glo-1764041078 http://truckyeah.jalopnik.com/the-jeep-trailstorm-concept-is-an-rolling-mopar-catalog-1764086648 http://truckyeah.jalopnik.com/the-jeep-commander-concept-is-the-off-road-renegade-you-1764089342 http://truckyeah.jalopnik.com/the-jeep-fc-150-concept-is-the-forward-control-wrangler-1764044039 http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--3VhQE0GH--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/wcvb6swhhn2x5xgzh8ww.jpg http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--tGRX_SMa--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/ck4enj9eb4dqvmcw9goz.png http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--nO5qZVLo--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/lj19t44npgfypzlnud8m.jpg http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--dfrV83TD--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/pqsxfbvnxw44cflnj2nv.jpg http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--6fRW9kkT--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/iufvslahrjnyhgbqilzh.png http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--0GasGa1u--/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/kbeokajjn4ataz0euuon.jpg http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--A3M15-r---/c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/elew84erxz8woqr6blou.png discuss
  22. classy. If it makes you feel better I think the petition is stupid because it asks the city to pay for it. What it should be is a kickstarter campaign and a petition to allow them to build a statue someplace.
  23. Not every statue is funded by the government. Most aren't. Often not for profits, donors, or benefactors put up the cost of the statue and the city just grants the space. Take the Hollywood walk of fame for example: Adam West's star was paid for via Fundraising efforts lead by Ralph Garman (from KRok radio and a shit load of kevin smith podcasts). After erection (he..he..) of a macho man statue it would be the city who has to maintain it which they will probably do with all the same zeal as they use to fill potholes. The are other value considerations besides commemoration or a "Prize". Philly has a rocky statue and there are often tourists outside (even in the worst weather) waiting to have their picture taken with it. Things like this often add to the "interest" and cultural value of the city and help to generate tourist revenue for the city (however small). I am not saying Cbus will become a tourist destination overnight because of a statue to a pro wrestler, but it might cause a few extra people to visit an area they may not normally visit, and thereby drive some small stream of revenue to the businesses there. Stuff like this tends to "celebrate" the city and it's positive attributes more than the person. I didn't go to Philly for vacation any of the times I went, but I did have my picture taken with the Rocky statue twice, and because of it visited the Art Museum at least once and bought a pretzel from the street vendor there. Just sayin'....
  24. aw...that foreigner head games album is one of my favorite album covers. I don't know why I just always liked it. still awesome setup.
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