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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Mate is living proof that all you need to work at jalopnik is a mild interest in cars and writing and something interesting about yourself that would make you stand out. If he were an American writing what he does it wouldn't get a second look. I miss the old days of Murlee Martin and Wes Siler. Wes and I were business partners for years at Hell For Leather and we had a lot of fun. Even when I did work for jalopnik it was a good time despite the management and pretentious attitude - we imagined it was a lot like how it was in the 60's with print with a lot of behind the scene shenanigans and I don't feel like they do that now. I think Jason Torchinsky and Raphael Orlove get the fun aspect of the job, and I happen to like Tavirsh's pieces but his writing needs work, otherwise everything there is trying to hard and I don't think those people are having as much fun as real car guys should. I guess that's kind of why I like doug's pieces - he crushed a PT cruiser with a hummer, took it on a track day, and generally his stuff is about the kind of fun armchair car guys should be having with their junk but aren't for some reason. He's def not my type of car guy at all but I can get behind someone having fun outside their comfort zone. I don't read his "what is the next car I should buy" articles but he does play to his audience It was a bit of a comic exaggeration. To a new yorker most mid-westerners appear as kind of "humble" and way to quick to use the "narcissist" label on people. As Garrison Keilor said recently [midwesterner's] don't put peas in the tuna noodle casserole because it is too showy.
  2. Pretty sure that's a lambo dude.... (Ducks into corner chuckling to himself)
  3. Columbus does seem to have a really high ferrari/lambo population for the size of this town. I am often surprised at how many I see in regular traffic. I saw a 360 spyder yesterday on the off ramp from 161 to avery road. Dude was just sitting in traffic drinking his coffee. It's not laferrari but still cool to see it being used like a regular car. If you follow Esoteric Auto Detail on ferrarichat more than one has come in to Cbus. The Cbus exotics facebook page also has pics of a local one. Last year I saw a 400GT following a yellow 328 on 161 by sawmill. Not related I really want a mondial coupe as a DD, they are actually under $20K right now.....
  4. he's had a 911. he's not getting one because frankly it is not an interesting car to write about unless you are singer or Magnus Walker. His car selection is about keeping his reading audience interested.
  5. Am I ever serious? I should add, I actually really like the wagon, including the color. I just think vinyl roofs on anything but a 60's muscle car look ghey. P.S. no vinyl anywhere on my A3. It's also looking particularly eurotrash lately since the wife hit something on her way back from cincy and took out the lower lip, right fake vent, and the undertray, and MAG ripped the wing off in their car wash.
  6. Ha Ha. I have, but that doesn't count. I met him once a while back through some of the Jalopnik people I know in real life. If you want to bash Jalonik writers bash that Máté Petrány dude, I am pretty sure he shit on 4th gen F-bodies recently (http://jalopnik.com/cars-like-the-pontiac-trans-am-are-why-europeans-think-1746623372). Love him or hate him dude has an audience and he caters to them. Granted most of that audience are what I like to call "car people in theory" in that they read more magazine articles than they spend driving, but they get a kick out of him taking a hummer to a track day and the ferrari 360 to a rural southern dragstrip. He also goes out of the way to interact with his audience. If you aren't one of them it's easy to not read his stuff...just look for the demuro byline and skip the link.
  7. so you didn't learn your lesson from the Audi? So I have to ask, is it stick?
  8. to be fair you have to take into account that this is the Midwest where if a person refers to themselves in the first person they are considered a braggart. regarding narcissist: http://www.quickmeme.com/img/f6/f67334bc58f2468bad15312669d5edaa0afe4c44de4eb56039994a47f00d296b.jpg
  9. It's an old magnacharger setup. Gear driven off the cam. Blower itself is an eaton body, the same one they used on the Buick GS and Pontiac GTP in the early 2000s. In street config it's pushing about 8psi and is good for about 125hp at the rear wheel (I forget what the actual dyno number was it was so long ago). To put that in perspective a stock 1997 Fatboy made about 58hp from the 80 ci evo engine. Engine has forged Pistons and Andrews "blower" cams. Boost can be cranked up to 14psi for short stints but since it is a stock bottom end I don't know how long it would last. Carb is a blueprinted Super E, and is the 5th carb we have had on the thing trying to tune out a flat spot. It's gone now and the bike runs like a scalded dog. It also has a dyna 2000 programmable ignition and python3 straight pipes. Barnett clutch holds it together. We did the setup in 1998 after I accidently laid the bike on its side when a woman in a Range Rover made an illegal u-turn in front of me. Shockingly since then we haven't had one mechanical failure since we put it on, no holed Pistons, no spun bearings, nothing. Still running the original block, crank, barrels, heads. Then again dad doesn't beat it too much, he more or less just uses it to terrify sport bike kids on Long Island. It's making somewhere close to 200ft lbs of torque (again I don't remember the actual dyno number from 1998) so it will take nearly anything from a 10mph roll to 80mph. Aerodynamically it's very dirty so it won't push past 130mph easily.
  10. He's actually a pretty nice guy. There are some things I find he has an...ahem...immature viewpoint on but give the guy a break he's like 27 or something. he's not really a grease in the fingernails car guy...he's what I would call a motor trend/car and driver car guy. Has no interest in the mechanical aspects of it, just wants to have fun with the hobby, buy magazines, and talk about the latest stuff. Still for that kind of car guy he's done some pretty fun things that I am willing to bet most members of this board haven't. He's probably one of the best writers on jalopnik but that's because the majority of the writers on jalopnik are pretty shit. If you want to talk pompous assholes in the Jalop-verse Ray Wert is a colossal self absorbed narcissistic dick. I can't even type anymore because thinking about him makes me rage. He did keep me out of jail once though, probably because I would have had to share a cell with him.
  11. At first I thought, how much trouble could she be in, then I read further down: "driving with suspended license" and it made a little more sense. I'm guessing she is a serial offender and was already in some shit, the cereal part was just icing on a shit cake and how the news source chose to spin it to make it interesting. She should thank her lucky charms, that her trix didn't cause police to think she was fruit loops when she said Cheerios to them at the traffic stop and went coo coo for coco puffs down the highway trying to find her own honeycomb hideout, otherwise they might have summoned all their Wheaties and put the captain crunch on her. Corn flakes.
  12. Stupid question Marc but from a purely intellectual point of view how do you deal with the accrued equity in a mortgage assumption situation? Does the person assuming the mortgage inherit that? does he have to pay it out to the person he is assuming the mortgage from? how does it work?
  13. I think Subaru will get over the hurt feelings it has from one internet poster on an otherwise locked from the public forum. Debate what? Prior to the 2.5Rs and WRX in this country Subaru in America largely sold to Lesbians, Oddball (mostly college professors) whom Saab and Volvo couldn't attract, and the random impressionable person looking for the honda dealership but got lost. Back in my high school days (when dinosaurs roamed the earth) the only kids that drove subarus were the hippy stoner kids of hippy stoner parents. Then we got the 2.5RS coupe and things got interesting, and the WRX came out and things got a lot more interesting. Subaru's modern legacy (pun intended) is based on them selling performance vehicles that could directly tie back to rally and road racing and the trickle down effect of the Renaissance that they are seen as building "drivers" cars and not just quirky appliances. BTW, this has happened before with the brat - the brat brought a lot of visibility to subaru and brought a whole lot of interest into showrooms but they couldn't sustain it. Let me be clear, I dislike automatics, I am leery of hybrid drivetrains in performance street cars as the tech is still too new (but I will concede is doing amazing things), and I mostly dislike FWD cars. this new STi sounds complex for the sake of being complex to sell units, is going to require a whole new group of people with unique skills to do modifications, and generally doesn't sound all that enthusiast oriented. I get that the days of the boy racer stripped down STi pure race car for the street ended in 2008 and the role of the car is changing but there is taking your market into consideration and making logical evolutionary steps and then there doing something as a hail mary attempt to get more asses in subaru seats any way possible. This feels like the latter. also let's not talk about disappointment, I read your build thread.
  14. So what you are saying is Subaru is depressed and giving up on life and going to literally set fire to all their fanbase in one spectacular technological boondoggle. got it.
  15. mayo is just eggs and oil, cooks the same as any fat based spread like butter or canola oil. I'll admit it sounds ooky to me too when I first read it but I do sometimes make egg in a basket with bread, oil, and egg so it's pretty much the same thing (or at least I am going to tell myself that so I don't end up thinking about it too much.....too late...)
  16. Someone with an excellent sense of humor?
  17. Nice Modern Lovers reference. So has anybody ever actually bought something from copart? I stalk there once in a while looking for old junk (1960's wrecks) because that's what I like and it always seems to go for bigger money than I think it is worth. Plus there is sometimes talk of hidden fees...ick. I've bid a few times, never won. Where is the real value in copart? is it in late model track car projects? Also what do you think Biohazard means? looks like flood damage but the mind reels: http://www.copart.com/us/Lot/35214755?searchId=2116599329
  18. probably in the new year when I start working on them again. I stopped working on my 1975 cb750F ex street racer 3 weeks ago because of well...life...and now I have the kid's birthday, Hanukkah and Xmas and new years and not a lot of time running around. I don't know if I posted this before but here is a teaser image: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/1975%20CB750F%20Garage%20Find/D7004C7E-1778-4038-9E7A-A31F47688D38_zpsdlwtp0jz.jpg wheels by Carrol Shelby (yes that Shelby).
  19. you'll have to wait till after X-mas for pics with the bike, but I will get them. here is a pic of the tank (ignore the supercharger) but the cover and lighting make all the colors look darker than they are, it is a much brighter silver and red in person: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/D660F75D-7F52-4B23-A40B-5072CE7B61D4_zpsxtklyhbw.jpg the other stripe on the tank which you can barely see is imitation gold. I am going to add some imitation gold and black pin-striping to the helmet as a final touch. Whadda mean Harley dudes don't like glitter? Most of them paint their bikes like easter eggs...lol.
  20. So as the x-mas holiday is upon us I thought I would share with you guys a fun project I did for my father as his Christmas present. While I am normally an advocate of full face helmets, my dad is a little more old school and getting to wear anything more than a beanie while on his harley has been a challenge so at least with this 3/4 I am getting him to move in the right direction, or at least give him some shelf art. He's been riding continuously since the early 1960's so I am not really concerned as much as I would be if it were someone picking gear for the first time but still....good gear is good gear and I'll get him into a fullface for that bike some day (he already rides with a full face on the ninja and honda so this is really for him to go to shows with). Anyway, it started a couple weeks back when I saw that Iron Pony had Fulmer bobber metalflake helmets on clearance for $29. So I bought one (technically I bought two but I haven't painted the other one). It's a nice metal flake job and a DOT helmet unlike some of the other novelty helmets out there. I don't really like how pinched in the bottom of the helmet is which makes getting it on and off somewhat difficult but once on it is a nice comfortable helmet. The downside is the helmet is kind of bland looking and not really super exciting other than it sparkles like fresh glitter. Sorry I don't have any pics for fresh out of the box so here is a stock photo: http://www.fulmerhelmets.com/assets/images/fulmer/product/afv20silverbobber14b-01.png anyway, the first step was to lay out the design: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/Dads%20helmet%202015/F1AC5ABA-E9A8-4AB3-9152-B0981F83EAEF_zpshmjjclkm.jpg I did this using 3m 471 vynil tape in the two thinnest sizes (I used yellow and blue to help keep some of the intersecting lines from getting confusing). for those that don't know this is what custom painters use for laying out flames because it can be pulled around a curve without wrinkling and causing bleed through. I wanted to do a nice 1970's style panel fade which would give me a good base for some candy and pinstriping work. I then used regular old home depot blue painters tape to cover the areas that weren't complex curves. The next step was to lay down some of the larger panel fade. I used VHT nightshades taillight tint. I couldn't find any candy black so this was a good substitute, plus someone had given me cans of it for free. it has a nice wide fan nozzle that made spraying a fade a lot easier. It also dries hard super quick. Within 2 hours I was actually putting blue tape over it for the next panel. This stuff is pretty awesome. http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/Dads%20helmet%202015/1A89A2DB-978E-4632-A7B6-0320DB4B117A_zps8pdoowrc.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/Dads%20helmet%202015/8608A1A1-627F-454D-A6C9-A4CFC700636E_zpsboipwx0t.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/Dads%20helmet%202015/71EF5A05-3D16-4E45-835E-E735099FB744_zpsgeipkbvu.jpg it also gave a nice hard glossy finish. initial drying had a slight green tint but as it hardened it leveled out to black. In the sunlight the flake still pops through though, it's a nice effect. I layed out 2 nice even coats. The next step was to apply the candy red. Since dad's harley is silver with a black panel and red striping these were the colors I wanted to go with. I had an unused can of Testor's I was saving for a model car project so I just grabbed that off the shelf and started laying down some red. final result: http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/Dads%20helmet%202015/D83EB3D5-388F-4695-9D1A-EE00FBE66235_zps87tsmzal.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/Dads%20helmet%202015/8BEFB77B-879D-4EF4-B633-1D049724DD7D_zpstnfd5p88.jpg http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f102/Geeto67/Dads%20helmet%202015/DE12F9E6-E1F4-4CAF-BC1E-ECCE5BCC6862_zpsmiug20av.jpg there are a few spots of junk in the paint, but nothing a wetsand and polish wouldn't take out. I still have to add the pinstriping to it but for something that literally took me only two hours start to finish I don't think it is half bad. There are some spots where the tape walked but I think that it is because I use lacquer thinner to prep the surface and I might have pushed them out of alignment when wiping down. In the end I probably spent $50 in helmet and materials (I already had all the materials but cost I can't see it being more than $20 if you shop smart on the spray cans and tape), and my dad get's a one of a kind home made x-mas gift. Wins all around. If you are handy with a spray can this is something anybody can do in their backyard. This was actually so fun a project that I am thinking about setting up a mini spray booth to use my airbrushes again (iwatta with a mini flake buster). I have an old fiberglass racing tank I want to try as my over the winter project.
  21. So what you are saying is...with the hellcat you are just more likely to end up in the shit. Got it.
  22. Someone brought these to CC&C and I ate one. Wasn't bad but it was a slow build. It's fucking hot that's for sure, but the worst was coming out, not going in. Ruined my tastebuds for the rest if the weekend too.
  23. when you are talking simply bullets into targets, I agree. But that is not the sum total of training that goes into conflict resolution, strategy, fitness, mental health...etc....If your justification for a CCW is conflict resolution in self defense situations and you don't have any of the other training pieces to the puzzle, you only have one tool out of the many you need.
  24. Good for him. However, he got exactly what he wanted: the ability to scare himself by being in a bad situation and using the threat of force to protect the change from a $50. Don't get me wrong, I really feel for your friend and I am sorry he was in that situation at all - it sucks. But it's kind of my point, most people don't realize the post situation ramifications, they think as far as possibly surviving the event and that's it. If he's that rattled post event, he should seek counseling as he now probably understands the responsibility better and may have a lot to think about. Could the kid have stabbed him? yeah. Could the kid have threatened him with the knife and then shit his drawers when he was defiant? also yes. Could he have just handed over his wallet and they all went away? yes again. Could he have seen a group of questionable looking kids in a sketchy neighborhood and picked another gas station? yup. but none of these things happened. What did happen is he got lucky. He tested the kid's resolve to do him physical harm and the kid chose not to test his commitment to use the firearm. it worked out in the best possible way against the odds that it wouldn't.
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