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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. No I'm still here, I'm just really busy this weekend and haven been on the net.
  2. I dunno...if you ask some of the other members newbie stink doesn't go away till year 2.
  3. That would actually be quite awesome.
  4. I am not here to criticize and degrade it. I am offering a newbie experience point of view and it is not optimal given the conversation. I actually have a lot of experience in motorcycle event planning so if there is something I can genuinely help with let me know.
  5. This is probably the first thing you have written that I genuinely appreciate and respect. PM the next time you are at cars and coffee and I'll buy you a cup and we can chat.
  6. I don't do twitter. Besides what am I supposed to do with this English degree? it's too large to be a coaster. Et Tu Brute?
  7. That's right, there is a huge population to draw from. Got to any central Ohio based automotive event and mention CR. almost everyone's heard of it. Few have anything nice to say IRL. for some reason this place has pretty high exposure but low reputation. wanna change the rep? change what goes on.
  8. I already have a dath title. Is there something else a sith lord has to do?
  9. because whether you realize it or not, this place does have some relevancy to the larger Columbus automotive community. It's small and getting smaller, but not Everyone on here is a pain, like i said there are some that are great. Unfortunately they post less and less often and that just makes the ones that are seem louder and more vocal. you want to have a discussion about how to turn that around I have something to contribute. you just want this to be the honeycomb hideout for you and your buddies....well...carry on.
  10. that has not been my experience, nor has it been the experience of some of the other newbies. I would let them speak for themselves but most have left. One of your mods started this discussion. And I have met him in person and he's a decent guy. The point is to have a dialog and collect others' opinions. I'm glad to see you are so open to it going so far as to only call it stupidity and not something more offensive. I've met plenty of members of this forum (that still live in Cbus) and they are great in person. The people that I find are often the most proactive at being offensive are not people that go to events and meet up and generally are not present at social activities outside of the board. Sure they may know the old members from the past but....the question was about getting new people in. Again glad to hear management's position. It was a suggestion and it was brought up in a conversation about board direction and improvement. you opposition to it is noted. I am going to say those who lead lead by example and maybe responses like this are why hostility around here is so tolerated. part of this thread was to discuss the lack of new people. it has been mentioned several times by many other that this place is too inside and hostile to newcomers. You want newcomers you have to give a little on that, or just stop wondering why there is no fresh blood.
  11. at this point - doesn't matter anywhere I post it is going to draw something like 2highpsi's response just because of who I am so there is no point. If you haven't noticed I have quite the fan club and they follow me around to call me a narcisist and a racist, and all sorts of other "ists" because I am against confederate flag guns stocks or other some nonsense. Problem isn't limited to me though, most newbies get some kind of hard time regardless, so there is no incentive.
  12. What do you know about me and my history? Part of my point is that I don't put content in here right now because this place kinda sucks for people doing positive things. Have I done any racing recently? no. I had a kid and moved to ohio leaving behind my most of my cars and racing motorcycles. I'll own that. I've been a spectator at plenty of Mid-O and auto-x events here. Know what I am not putting into this site? I'm currently working on an old NYC "street racer" cb750 motorcycle, bringing it back to running condition after not being run for 25 years, and adding a large amount period parts I have collected over the years. the best part? has some parts on it made by Carroll Shelby and Al Dowd. In 6 months I will be restoring from the ground up an old kawasaki triple racing motorcycle that was in competition from 1971-1986 and ran at nelson, charlotte, daytona, bridgehampton, etc...I don't put this stuff into this site because really I don't need some wonk calling me a homo because I painted my exhaust white. this is kind of my point, new people who put content into the board tend to get hammered on. A great example of this is itzame and his Porsche 911/912 thread. lots of people hated that dude because he was a car flipper, not because of the content of the thread. it turned into a dog pile really quick.
  13. I'm not saying get rid of it entirely, and I fully recognize it has it's place. However it enjoys prominent placement on the page and is shuffled in with all of the more mundane updates so a new person not as familiar with the board doesn't accidentally stumble into the wrong topic and it melts his face.
  14. you just don't like me. You have made up your mind and it's easy to justify given your perceived intellect. nothing here has any credibility and only bias.
  15. In a very oversimplified manner yes. I think of it more as enforcing some standards toward civility. No. It is not an all or nothing proposition. You can tone it down a little and still have most of what makes conversation here fun. speculation, but again not an all or nothing proposition. Also this smacks of the inmates running the prison. of course they are going to complain the bars are too confining and the beds are too hard, they don't have the control. That's the job of the mods and site admin. You set some simple and clear standards and you trust your mods judgement to enforce the spirit of the rules. This isn't rocket surgery, plenty of boards do it today. once you start to do it the masses will police themselves. Right now you have a bunch of "sheriffs" going around unchecked without mod power who respond to minor scrapes with more offensive behavior. Whatever my feelings on the kitchen, this has more than once spilled out into other sections. And to be honest from my personal observation most that visit the board don't really visit the sections, they click new posts and just read what ever title catches their eye. I know I do and so do a few others I have seen, often I am checking afterwards what section the post actually was in. Take the kitchen out of that loop and you cut down on the accidental tourists.
  16. we really need a way to "like" individual posts.
  17. I get that, and yes the automotive hobby is full of characters but there is a difference between being gruff and some of the outright vitrol that gets spewed here. Really, from my perspective, the only thing you should be taking from the past is how you can move into the future. if that means toning down the static and advancing more positive things so be it. time moves forward, stop talking about the way it was like there wasn't need for improvement then and start embracing the improvement that has come and moving toward where things can get better. It's been implicit for years that this place is about some real a-holes ragging on people. You can't say you want new members and then lament that you have to progress to a more civil atmosphere to attract them. I am not saying it should be unicorns farting rainbows here 24/7 but some of this crap is just unnecessary.
  18. good to know where to not buy a car anytime soon. shame too as you had a lot of high recommendations. also thank you for kind of proving my point. most people wouldn't notice this but often any "offensive" post I have is usually in response to something equally offensive another member has said already. I tried putting content in here and really mostly what I got back was crap like this...people who don't really care about content they just have to spew hate. like me, hate me, indifferent me I don't particularly care, but garbage like this just junks up good conversations.
  19. Here is my newbie take: This place has a horrible and well earned reputation of being a douchebag motel. It is a reputation supported by only a few members but it is a plague on the whole of the community. Before I signed up this forum was recommended to me three different times by three well known members here and they all said the same thing -it's a pretty good place but be careful there are some real assholes. I signed up and was not disappointed right from the first non-oven post. the poor behavior of the few causes more poor behavior, it's a defensive reaction. Even after I joined the only reason I stayed is people I would see at CC&C would talk about something cool and then I would go look at it, and then look at three other posts and get severely disappointed. Bad behavior is not punished around here so there is no incentive for the "really long time" assholes to do anything but continue. I have said it before I think this place has a bit of an identity problem, it want's to be too many different things and it doesn't focus on the strengths. My take is this: moderate more. This place should be friendly and supportive of a real life community, not a toilet into which 5 or 6 senior members piss on all the others and hardest on the newbies. That CR shredder crew or whatever you call it? yeah that needs to stop. I think someone said it in the crucial performance thread where nobody wants to stay where they come here to talk about their 1958 impala show and get told to fuck their mother and make a sister (i'm paraphrasing here but you get the point). Here is a really easy change (in my mind being ignorant of vbulliten software): take the kitchen, move it to the bottom of the page, and then remove the topics from the "new posts" search link. That way the kitchen dwellers can stay mostly where they are and not rattle the rest of the population. Hide the trolls in the basement. Also start deleting the posts where offensive things are happening. if a nasty back and forth is going on, lock the thread, pm each member a warning, delete the off topic posts and then unlock it. Oh and actually enforce the harassing behavior policy. As far as new members, the car hobby is huge, even if in decline there are still plenty of people to go around. if you don't clean up the real life image of this place people just won't come here. I am all for supporting more car content, more events content, and more general good nature discussions. Everybody I have met from here in real life so far has turned out to be wonderful. but they don't post as often and it probably has to do a lot with the amount of garbage that is allowed. you want a community to grow? be a community not an area for a small minority of members who feel they have some entitlement because they have been here longer. just my 2 cents.
  20. there is no post history for this.... member who doesn't like me + personal hypersensitivity to the phrase = nasty jump to accusation. his entire argument is predicated that I have to be sensitive to his hypersensitivity despite the fact there is no way on heaven and earth I could have known about it ahead of time, and oh by the way his hypersensitivity isn't really a hypersensitivity because of his personal life experience which is also not known to me. Poor timing and his response also played a factor: he happened to jump in right when Eli was at peak dick (and he usually causes a dogpile) and his response was a threat (albeit now known to be not credible). At the end of the day the only thing I got out of this was disappointment that someone I thought was an intellectual member here is just more of the same CR bullshit in a slightly different wrapper. Still this is just the internet and all could change in real life so not really a big deal.
  21. nothing here is "new" except the "marketing label" they seem to have attached to it. before the "detroit drop" there were pre runner and stadium truck tributes, and before that it was baja style 2wd trucks with stock suspension, and before that it was street trucks, and guys have been lowering 2wd pickup trucks since there have been 2wd pickup trucks, and yes some of them ran snow tires or knobbys. I have mentioned before that your setup mimics the push trucks at bonneville - lowered trucks with snow tires to help grab on the salt: here is an old lowered ford on snow tires: http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc208/jfmadsen/Bonneville%202009/IMG_1484.jpg stepside chevy on snow tires http://image.customclassictrucks.com/f/9080178+w750+st0/137_0502_push_11_z.jpg dirt hooning a push truck: http://www.nz-hotrod.com/vbulletin/attachment.php?attachmentid=10186 also I am going to put this "race truck" here: http://www.allpar.com/photos/jeep/comanche/1985-bonneville-salt-flats-comanche.jpg this Comanche is lowered on rally tires. has run a Bonneville for a land speed record in 1985. 141mph flying mile. This truck says "eff your "detroit drop parking lot crusier label, my record stands". Actually I was just using this as an excuse to post pics of awesome trucks, but if I start seeing "detroit drop" on t-shirts I'm probably gonna hurl.
  22. if he is stepping over the baby gate, get a larger gate made for large dogs. Some of them go to half the height of the doorway and are impossible to step/jump over. my folks have a removable one that keeps their golden retriever at bay and a linebacker couldn't take out without a running start. It is height adjustable too.
  23. Let's be clear, you went out of your way to be offended. based on the generally accepted colloquial use of the term it is not one that inherently travels with offense. At some point in life you are going to offend someone, I listened to your explanation, I detailed why I found it beyond reasonable. your view is not consistent with the generally accepted modern use of the term nor it's historical use. I offer no apology. I was actually kind hoping you would tell me Eli was black, because however unintentional it was that would actually have a more reasonable explanation for the offense despite it's intended use as a neutral term for hypocrisy. It would also be hilarious like the kind of joke they play on a sitcom. Please don't try to use law metaphors. It demeans both of us. The argument above is invalid because it uses some very specific terms of art with very specific requirements incorrectly and draw faulty conclusions from them. it honestly gives me a headache just to read it. If you want me to fix it for you so it makes some kind of sense I can, but you have to ask nicely. Also being an asshole is subjective, someone is always going to be an asshole to someone else somewhere and I am sure there are plenty of people in the world who think shooting someone period makes them an asshole regardless of reason. it is one of the reasons I don't mind being called one, because it is limited to that small person's world and ultimately inconsequential to the larger picture. By the way, I was reading reccently that the director of John Wick was heavily influenced by the 1967 Point Blank. If you haven't seen it, you should. It is awesome. Lee Marvin at his gritty best and the Stegman scene where they smash up a new chrylser imperial convertible is awesome. The same movie was also an influence to Payback which I mentioned in an earlier post.
  24. I am a parent, it's not hard to spot childish devious behavior. It isn't that the trait is undesirable, just that the one object is accusing the other of being different when in reality they share a same trait. The trait doesn't have to be inherently negative. The point is the hyprocracy. Also it's a big leap to translate soot from a coal fire to skin tone when the two objects are inanimate. actually there are examples similar to this in antiquity (I see you read the wiki article I posted) implying the same meaning. Other things are snake and crab, splinters in ones eye, two different types of fruit trees, peanut butter and chocolate, etc... so your premise is invalid. again, you are just trying to find offense, the historical phrase to have survived is one that involved soot from a coal fire. maybe in your limited reading but again you are searching for something that doesn't have a natural implied historical meaning. You are physcially looking for something, and naturally you are going to find it no matter how illogical the route is that gets you there. Not now they aren't because most in the modern era are stainless for ease of maintenance. However the majority of cookware for approximately 2000 years was cast iron which is black in its natural state and blackens deeper when you "season" it for use. I mean come on, I don't expect you to be a historian on cookware but you have to have seen at least one cast iron skillet in your life? you are really reaching here. you are projecting again. from the wiki article I posted I could maybe see this if it wasn't attached to all that shit load of crazy you espoused earlier. Again if you want to take the position of a shared "fault" we are talking about two inanimate objects and a property they share through use - still doesn't make the leap to skin tone on a human. you can justify anything with enough space and time. However the generally accepted use of this term does not follow you down this crazy interpretative rabbit hole. I was going to say let's call a spade a spade (which is also not racist in origin as the original ancient greek translated to trowel or shovel: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_a_spade_a_spade) and say you are just trying to find fault where there is one, but honestly I am kind of sick of typing responses to your gigantic leaps of flawed logic and assumption (oops I guess I did it anyway...tehee). Also clearly this is in here as a joke just to piss you off and no actual racism is intended or inferred. Can we talk about John wick now? I really liked it when the female assassin got what she deserved at the end. Although clay pointed out that the way they shot her could have led to cross fire collateral damage.
  25. explain implied racism, as that requires some form of intent. That's the part I still don't get and you have done a shit job of explaining. I think you are assuming I know something I don't. I'm a pretty reasonable person all things considered, if you explain your position I'll at least listen. whatever dude, now you are just being pedantic. In the context there isn't any other way to read it, my feelings aside. Your commands have no meaning to me, love hate or indifferent. Enforce your command, I'll wait. meh, I could take it or leave it. you disappoint me more often that I would like recently. otherwise I think we are done here.
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