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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. Green with a brown top 1995 YJ wrangler (square headlights). And I didn't really flip you the bird. Yes it was on the way to Easton.
  2. we can talk about your illiteracy problem later yenner. Aren't we supposed to be talking about jets and thanksgiving turkey?
  3. Ken came to cars and coffee with the 1958 once. Nice guy and a solidly fun car. Nice job on the article.
  4. no...a silly proposal requires an equally silly response. I could accuse you of trolling but somehow I don't think you see an "official" language as nearly as silly an idea as I find it. Plus I actually have history on my side where as so far the only argument I have seen in support here is that it inconveniences the ancestors of an immigrant people who committed genocide against the non-English speakers who were already inhabiting this land. What I mean is...is it actually trolling if I am right that standardization of language has been used by fascists, communists, and corrupt politicians to discriminate against a population in their own countries for thousands of years (500bc if we are using Darius the great as the benchmark) under the false guise of equality? How about we look at it another way in the Language of the modern conservative: FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!!! remember what that means? no let me help: "the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action " http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/freedom or in other words "the right to do what you want". Want to be a "Christian" we have "Freedom of religion" that prevents there from ever being an "official" religion, so you can pray to Christ, or Buddha, or a spaghetti monster, or an abstract theory of time and physical space being a singular point in an otherwise infinite paradigm.....wait sorry I lost you there...where was I? Oh yes FREEDOM!!!!!! Freedom of speech in this country isn't just restricted to content, it includes thing like foreign languages so guess what - my ability to speak Spanish, or French, or Konkani from an obscure village in the western part of India cannot be interfered with by the federal government. I mean, it can't be that hard to understand that by restricting to an "official language" you defacto discriminate against anybody who doesn't speak it - right? That is not freedom of speech - that is penalizing people for exactly their speech and expression. It's unconstitutional. How about this: If you think the US should have an Official Language then you hate freedom. And hating freedom is Un-American. 'Merica Fuck Yeah!!!!
  5. I drive a wrangler so I wave a lot. In fact I get a little annoyed when the dude in the restored CJ8 on 33 doesn't wave back. That Douche. And yeah I don't care if it is gayer than trying to give the top gun high/low five with your eyes closed in a communal shower in the men's locker room at the YMCA (or whatever gay analogy mojoe had going on).
  6. did you see the one I gave you a month ago when you cut me off on 270? Took me a minute to realize it was you (the vanity plate helped).... unfortunately my jeep doesn't do a buck so I couldn't get next to you and wave Hi with the other four.
  7. weak. also I am pretty sure rock god Kerry King would probably like to have a word with you: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kerry_King Seriously, "official" country languages are Communism and Socialism. The National Socalist Party (or as you know them the Nazis) standardized High German as an official language for their own people and also for their conquered nations (an idea that came from Darius the Great from around 500 BC). Russians used it to drive conformity under communist rule. These are the kinds of people you get in bed with when you promote an "official" national language.
  8. eh...it's better than the muscle car guys who wait till you die and then restore the car in "tribute" to you. Fat lot of good "In memory of..." in one shot on the deck lid does when i am worm food. I want to do burnouts now dammit. Good for this dude, he has a nice community. Shit taste in cars but a nice community.
  9. I rev at everyone. Not for any good reason but because I installed a cam that doesn't like to idle under 1200 rpm and the carb likes to load the plugs at idle. It isn't always about you. I am surprised nobody is bitching about getting/not getting "the wave" considering how this thread is going.
  10. You are doing it wrong. what you need to do is convince them that declaring English as an Official language is a form of socialism and then they will all back away from that position like a hot turd on a lunch counter. I mean technically it would be communism because Socalism is about about economic social ownership and democratic control of the government where as Communism is the one that talks about equality among the classes but socialism seems to be the hot button word these days. It works like this: Don't think it's communist? Then why did the USSR make Russian the "Official language" of their country and gave it priority over all other ethnic languages as a way to assimilate the populace to communism? It is a way of making everyone equal with no social status and leads to the decay of capitalism through language barrier. Let's face it - if you think English should be the official language and the US should recognize no others then you are a communist...er...I mean a socialist. There I said it. come at me bros. They will never understand that English predominance in this country is one of the many way in which we have adopted a form of institutionalized discrimination - I mean I agree with you Orion 100% but it's a hard sell to people who have bough a pretty shitty political party line of God, Guns, and Guts and don't understand how those three things might actually be in opposition.
  11. I think you need to sit down and read the actual measures, or at least the wikipedia entries on it and Jus In Bello because you seem to be making some very incorrect blanket statements. Treaties on war are as old as war itself. They are often reactive rather than pro-active as nothing drives new technology like war itself. Humanity had to fight an awful bloddy "World War" with chemical weapons that wiped out the majority of Europe's population before banning chemical weapons was even considered (and then it took years). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geneva_Conventions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_war They are not outright prohibitions on civilian casualties. I don't think you can have something like that in the theater of war. There are however provisions that deal with Genocide, red cross, doctors, etc... War is won through attrition, that is completely true. And Civilian Casualties are absolutely a part of attrition. And I don't really think there is an expectation of 100% compliance with these treaties for minor incidents - it's a conflict and shit happens, however if you do it a lot or make a policy out of it, the enforcing nations gang up on you and imprison and execute your offending officers and soldiers. I think you would be surprised at how much actually gets followed in conflicts between adhering nations, and how much muscle is flexed post conflict for nations outside the treaties where atrocities happened (Rwanda, Croatia, Serbia, etc....). Again, the treaty's only real measure of power is post conflict punishment so these things happen. However, the only way to keep the enforcing nations from collectively shitting on your head as a country is to not be the next Hitler. The problem with insurgents, people without a country, rebels, whatever you want to call them is it is very hard to punish them. They don't have land you can take away, they don't have a stake in world government that would cause their politicians to hand over their war criminals. They basically have nothing to lose - so they shoot pilots down under canopy, wipe out villages full of civilians for no military advantage, and basically do bad guy stuff. But if Germany started doing that stuff again.....
  12. the point of the Geneva conventions isn't to redress at the time of war. It is to prevent certain actions during by imposing punishments at the end of the war. Remember all those Nazi's hung at the end of WWII? that was the result of the predecessors to the Geneva Conventions, the treaties of war from 1864, 1906, and 1929. Basically if you don't want to be tried and hung at the end of a conflict don't violate these things (even if you win). Most are pretty simple and meant to protect collateral damage: don't kill medical personal intentionally, don't kill surrendering troops or troops you have already captured without justification, treat your captured enemy humanely, don't purposefully kill civilians without a good reason (i.e. it's ok to drop bombs on military targets that have civilian collateral damage, but don't start targeting schools and orphanages as primary targets) ...etc... Since individuals can be tried all the way up the chain, all a country has to do is put the rules in place, and then any officers can be held personally accountable and the government to which they serve have an obligation to turn them over as well as be responsible for their actions where they were sanctioned. This is one government shooting another government's aircraft down and then a third unaffiliated faction not held to the Geneva convention killing the pilots. Other than carpet bomb the shit out of that part of Syria I can't imagine there would be much Russia could do about the death of the pilots. The downing of the aircraft on the other-hand, Turkey still has to answer for that and NATO and possibly the UN Security Council will review and determine if it was justified.
  13. The pilots that Syrian Rebels claim to have shot while under canopy as reported in the article? not sure what good that will do. We probably need to facilitate a peaceful as a member of NATO but otherwise mind our own damn business. This is the 1980's all over again. All we need is a senile out of touch republican president advocating trickle down economics and we would have learned nothing from 1980-1989. The only difference being that we are the ones in Afghanistan now instead of the Ruskies. Also isn't there a war between the Russians and the Turks every 100 years or so? 1st Russo Turkish war 1768-1774, 2nd Russo Turkish war 1877-1878. sounds like we are about 30 years overdue.
  14. Depends on how the vote swings in 2016 and how much of a threat alternate fuel poses to the oil industry. Saw $1.63 at the costco on stelzer rd this morning.
  15. People can make any kind of statement or demand they like within the boundaries of free speech, whether they get the demand or not and whether you agree with it or not is a different matter. In this context just that they made it highlighted their cause - I am not making a moral judgement on it, but from a pure strategy point it makes sense. Do a google search for the exact quote and the first 9 relevant sources are conservative pundits and 1 fox news link. Type in just tim wolfe and resignation and you can replace 2 of those 9 with CNN and Huffpost (and they are not high up). Read the conservative sites - they are making the same argument you are about SJW. Point it, you may not be as moderate as you think you are. I love NPR by the way. I don't know if I would call "wait wait don't tell me" or "This American life" journalism.
  16. You hardly come off as a "moderate". I'm going to godwin's law this mutherfucker and say even Hitler thought he was reasonable. If you are using the SJW term I don't think you get to claim be be moderate, or maybe it is just that you don't understand it's a made up word whose definition relies on the personal opinion of the user. It has no more relevance that calling a bunch of people idiots because you don't agree with them. You are making a big inaccurate leap there. but whatever I expect that kind of reaction from someone who believes in "social justice warrors", and probably the lochness monster, bigfoot, and little green men from mars. You do realize you are taking the "real world example" you are citing out of context right? Stand alone it does sound extreme to the point of being silly - however in the context of the larger civil rights protest that was occurring at Mizzou in the scope of much borader allegations of racial discrimination that occurred under Tim Wolfe's administration (for which he would be responsible). From a tactical point of view it makes sense in the broader scope, It's cut off the head of the chicken symbolic. But whatever - the majority of "news" sources reporting this issue are conservative pundit style sources who are also taking it out of context. I am not surprised you are just parroting a fairly one sided viewpoint. I said it very clearly in all my responses so far - maybe extremists exist but their numbers are much smaller than perceived because the SJW label is more a insult designed to marginalize a class of people. There are going to be extremists in every group but they are not the majority, however the term is meant to speak to the majority group and derogatorily classify them as extremest. If you really want a label just call them "assholes with opinions", then at least you would have something in common with them. No you are still an arrogant know it all - your position has just changed. As the Who said "the parking on the left is now the parking on the right". As you get older your ability to justify otherwise narrow opinions as broad and reasonable gets better. I claimed a subset of people who live in Brooklyn who were referenced in an earlier post were not as the stereotype traditionally portrays them. I did not speak to the many hard working individuals of all walks that live in that borough that I called friends, family, and neighbors for a long time. Tell me what experience do you have with this aside from what is fed to you from wikipedia? Yes Brooklyn is extremely diverse. that is about the only thing you have said that is remotely factual. I am just going to echo Clay's sentiment here - labeling people is a waste of time.
  17. I don't know if it is "common" but is not exactly rare. I have seen my share of wrecks over the years from brackets to pro-stock and in some of those cases the seat does come loose. think of it like this: the heaviest part of the seat, the head and shoulders of the driver) are the furthest part from the seat anchor, meaning a seat with occupant in the middle of a fast rollover has the driver acting as a large lever on the seat welds. Car design makes a difference as well. In a car like Daddy Dave's Chevy II the car is a unibody construction car, which means the only option for welding the seat in is either the floor or the roll bar. In a wreck, if the floor is compromised (like it would be in a normal wreck with a unibody car) then all bets are off as to how well that seat will stay attached. The original Chevy II has braces to support but keep in mind they were never meant to hold up in wreckes at the speeds these cars are traveling. I don't think a chevy engineer in 1961 ever imagined a Chevy II doing 180mph. When you look at something like Justin's big A-body Lemans - The stock seat and seat belt locations go right through the floor into a floor extension that is further reinforced by a full frame. However I can say from having taken apart more than a few wrecked A-body pontiacs the floors in those cars are easily distorted in a wreck. I have seen whole seats pull the bolts right out of the floor in legal speed street wrecks (I had a roll over 1967 that I parted out that broke all the welds on the floor braces). I think that even the current NHRA, IHRA, and local governing bodies for the classes these cars run in don't have great seat guidelines. The current guide lines requiring bracing the seat to the roll bar were written with those plastic and fiberglass racing seats in mind that used to break in wrecks - so the focus and practice is to prevent breaking the seat and not to keep in securely fastened to the floor. Again I don't think these rules were written with the speeds these cars are traveling in mind.
  18. if your viewpoint is far right, everyone is going to look like a lefty commie pinko etc... I am maybe moderately smart. and I paid a lot of money and worked very hard for that education and I traveled a lot and lived many places for a broad world perspective. I will agree there are idiots of every type everywhere and sometimes the bar is higher than you think it may be. Sometimes it might be higher than your eye level. Catchall "phrases" like Social Justice warrior are meaningless because they are extremely subjective and depend on the viewpoint of the person using the term. It is not a standard for anything and basically lacks definition. If you look at the individuals who use it frequently I think I could probably best stereotype them as bigots, misogynists, facists, tea party members (I know that's being a little redundant), etc....I mean are these really the kind of people you want to associate with? I mean think about it....to a Neo-Nazi a mouthy jew arguing for religious liberty could be considered a "Social Justice warrior" and it's completely in line with the propagandist intent of that label in use by it's popularists. And excuse me if I don't take your "college protest" comment seriously...There have been protests on college campuses since there have been college campuses and for everything from Women's Suffrage and Civil rights to not serving green jello in the commissary. I think I attended a protest against the break up of Soundgarden in the 90's - not that my college could have done anything about that. A "protest" is as much a part of the college experience as binge drinking and sex with many semi-anonymous inebriated partners. I mean it, the fact that you mentioned college protests actually made me laugh out loud.
  19. the range is 20-200psi. If you put 200 psi in one it acts like a rigid strut unless you are hauling the USS Intrepid in the bed of your pickup. if it has no air it is spongy as wet tit.
  20. because it's about as fictitious as those stereotypes of armed religious militias in the woods. I am sure one or two examples exist somewhere in the wild but it is far less common than people think and no more or less elevated by the things that usually propel stereotypes - fear and ignorance. It's bacisally a catchall for any blogger or "journalist" you disagree with in the same way someone who corrects your grammar on the internet is a grammar "nazi". Tools of ignorance are only of use by the ignorant. Also there is only room for your head up your own ass so I am not privy to the discussions you have with yourself about the social justice warrior and how it is coming in the night to take your liberties or your guns or some such bullshit. To quote the now removed somethingawful forums:
  21. It's a one off GM prototype GM made back in 2004. Earlier this year Barrett Jackson auctioned off quite a few GM prototypes from the 1980s-modern era because they were not notable enough to be in museums and GM needed the space. The car was sold Bill of sale only which makes it un-registerable. here is the barrett jackson auction: http://www.barrett-jackson.com/Events/Event/Details/2004-BUICK-RAINIER-GNX-SUV-184087 It appears someone got a title for it - which is interesting since the GM collection cars were supposed to never be registered. Back in 2009 GM auctioned off the "Big Doggie" 1989 Zr2 corvette which was a new corvette GM stuffed a 454 TPI engine into to see if they could put a Big block corvette into production for 1990 as a cheaper alternate to the zr1. way more interesting than a GNX Rainer. Just goes to show you that GM actually dumps rare and interesting show cars all the time.
  22. As a life long NY'er and former brooklyn resident I don't think you can really count brooklyn hipsters as "extreme liberals". From personal experience most are libertarian or at least Anti-big government, pro capatalisim and de-regulation, and many advocate living off the grid and stronger personal privacy protections. These aren't really "liberal" agendas (except that last one if you count Bush era invasion of personal liberty and privacy post 9/11 as part of the conservative movement). Also most of them are from rural midwestern towns and not actually from NY, what they don't want is to be called a sissy faggot by their extremest conservative kin because they want to wear tight jeans, collect obsolete technology, and dress like 1983 is still a thing. This times a thousand.
  23. yeah it was a joke at the expense of how heavy the camaro has gotten lately. Clay I can't find you a free service manual but I'll keep looking. we need to take apart that dash this weekend.
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