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Everything posted by Geeto67

  1. To be clear, I was complaining about GM not making V8 performance engines DOHC. GM has made some smaller DOHC engines that are just fine (maybe not the one in that lumina), see the turbo and supercharged Ecotech engines for example.
  2. LOL!. Unless they got it for a cheap price, I don't quite follow this move. The current HD market is really bad for the dealer because over selling has created a glut in the market of used harleys that are bringing the prices of used bikes way down and stealing sales from new bikes. Ricart has good experience selling used vehicles at volume so maybe that's their biggest asset in this scenario - they know how to clean up the used bike mess and make a little money, but no amount of salesmanship is just going to make a lot of motorcycles just go away.
  3. they have been talking about this for a while now, glad to see it's getting closer to production. I feel like this is the way drag racing will be going soon since the electric classes seem to be the only part of the sport that is growing.
  4. I think what Cordell is suggesting is park the money until the right real investment opportunity comes along, not that the CD was the investment. Since inflation averages 2% per year, having it sitting there at any interest rate below 2% means the money's natural spending power is going to erode, even at 2.75% it's ahead of the inflation average even if it's not making you any "real" money. It's a smart way to park the money short term until an investment opportunity with a higher yield comes along.
  5. You have a source for this? Because it would be news to the six confederate soldiers who formed the KKK that they were democrats 10 years before the Klan became politically active. https://web.archive.org/web/20110212043142/http://www.adl.org/learn/ext_us/kkk/history.asp?LEARN_Cat=Extremism&LEARN_SubCat=Extremism_in_America&xpicked=4&item=kkk Yes the KKK had a mission to suppress republican liberal voting in southern states, but largely from 1868 to 1870 they were disavowed by the Democratic Party because of more criminal elements and lack of a formal structure. After the election of wade Hampton in South Carolina, the Klan was seen as a militarized arm of the conservative Democratic Party and fearing another civil uprising the federal government began suppression efforts from 1871 to 1915. Why is it important to split hairs? Because while it had interests that were aligned with the southern Democratic Party (and not the northern Democratic Party) it was not founded by any political party. These were the same men who had succeeded from the union as part of the civil war trying to fight against the federal government's grip on a post civil war south. The party didn't form it, people with conservative ideologies who also supported white supremacy formed it. It was in some ways the civil war continuing to be fought as Union army veterans in the south became "klan buster" regiments. Most of the federal anti klan legislation was equally supported by northern democrats and southern liberal republicans. Saying the democrats formed the KKK, is compression of history by the current Republican Party as part of their whataboutism propaganda. History is rarely ever that neat or uncomplicated, and to pretend that is just so morons can say "well what about the Democratic Party, look how horrible they are" insults the intelligence of us all. Especially when the one consistent theme here is people who call themselves conservative (and again not representative of all conservatives) continue to support white supremacy regardless of political affiliation. It's interesting that you bring up LBJ, as that wa the start of the third repositioning of conservative ideology in the Republican Party and the exodus of the church support from the Democratic Party. It's also interesting to note that at each pivot point there is also a major Klan uprising. Yes the Democratic Party had a strong affiliation with the first generation of the klan, but the Republican Party had a strong affiliation with the klan during the 1950s-1970's. To say one or the other is the party of the klan is facetious, but to say the Klan ever alingend with anything other than conservative political ideology would be historically and factually inaccurate. Nobody understood this better than William F Buckley, by the way, who waged the good fight of pushing out racists, Nazis, the John Birch Society, and George Wallace. His brand of classic conservativism and classic liberalism was the standard for conservatism in the 1980's as exemplified by Goldwater and Reagan. He also hated Ayn Rand. It's a shame that his version of intellectual conservatism is unpopular now and that ultimately he lost the fight against purging white supremacy from conservatism (and also Ayn Rand).
  6. Again, bad at history. Confederate Secessionists started the KKK. After the war they became Democrats because that was THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY at the time. Republicans were Liberals during and after the civil war. The parties started the first of three realignments in 1896, and really transitioned the bulk of ideology during the new deal in the 1930's. Even today there are still liberal republicans and conservative democrats - the political parties are not mutually exclusive of progressive and conservative thinking.....but..... Conservatism has always exploited racism, oppression, and the military. Doesn't matter if they were donkeys, elephants, or moose - conservative ideology isn't typically on the right side of history. There are a couple of things they used to get right, ecology, foreign trade, national security, but they haven't gotten any of those things right in a long time.
  7. Progressive politicians gave you the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, GI Bill, Social Security Disability Insurance extension to military members, and Retired pay for U.S. Armed Forces among other things. Why are you so bad at history? Actually why are you so bad at current events too? As recently as 2008 Senator McCain and other Conservative politicians lobbied for limiting and reducing veterans rights. here is a book review for a book I think you should read: https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2018-11/siot-t111518.php They only one "USING" veterans are conservative politicans, who routinely use veterans as a talking point to signal that they care while actually doing nothing. Maybe the word exploited works better.
  8. The volvo name badge alone should give you pause, they are now among the 3 least reliable cars made (next to cadillac and Tesla) if consumer reports is to believed. That's not a China Influence, they have been heading that direction for years, even before the chinese bought them. https://www.foxnews.com/auto/volvo-tesla-and-cadillac-worst-in-consumer-reports-latest-reliability-report Its the chinese cars by CHINESE BRANDS you have to worry about more than known quantities like Buick, land rover, or volvo. Buick's Envision has been a solid performer on par with anything else in it's segment, Volvo is...well...volvo...and if you are buying a land rover for reliability then WTF is wrong with you. Still I would take any of those over a Geely, BAIC, or a Dongfeng. There is a reason for that, and it begins with a V and ends with an O, or as I now call them "Swedish Land Rover/Jaguar".
  9. I think you have to define "work" yes a wall works for a lot of things, just like an angle grinder works for a lot of things, but is it the right tool for the job? If you job is to disrupt and reroute nature (animal migration patterns, plant natural proliferation patterns, water flow, etc) then the wall is pretty effective. It's also pretty effective for depriving people of their property rights through eminent domain. If you are using a wall to stop illegal immigration? well that's like using an angle grinder to gap piston rings. Sure you can do it but it's wildly inefficient and you aren't going to get the desired result- more likely you'll just make a mess. The majority of illegal immigration isn't going to be stopped by a wall, it would be stopped by enforcement against overstayers and a well thought out plan of enforcement to address the hot spots. A wall isn't going to stop drug or human trafficking, the majority of which comes in smuggled through legal ports of entry. It isn't going to help US industry that relies on a migrant workforce and has already responded by moving some operations to mexico, and it's not going to help americans get jobs because those jobs will migrate with the companies. It's also not going to help american companies like the big box stores and grocery chains which have both made significant investment in mexico while improving it's standard of living. It's just the wrong tool for the job. I don't want illegal immigration as much anybody, but I'm not stupid enough to fall for some dipshit saying "lets take an angle grinder to the problem" when the problem requires more finesse. And that is before we talk about the cost over runs, the natural barriers, maintenance, etc. Forget the "liberal echo chamber", the CATO institute is literally a conservative think tank. If there was even a smidgen of factual evidence to support the wall over the downsides they would have found it, instead they published this: https://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/why-wall-wont-work read it, the whole thing, so at the very least we can have an informed and intelligent conversation.
  10. Car manufacturers don't really build their engines with the primary focus to swap into other platforms - they build them to use in their own specificly designed chassis first. yes the LS engine is compact, and maybe there is some merit in the engine being compact for new car sake, but if you look at the MM LS7 specs it's only 3 inches longer and 2 inches wider than a stock LS. My ass it won't fit into any corvette with those specs - Big block chevys are way larger than that. The lack of the coyote fitting into older products has more to do with how ford designed their old stuff than it does with the size of the coyote - the old 5.0L ford 302 engine was narrow and so they designed their cars with very narrow engine bays. Even their old products like the 429 didn't really fit into the old mustang chassis (ever see someone work on an old Boss429? engine has to come out to change the plugs). That being said, coyote fits in a fox so well they sell bolt on kits - and as for the miata? yeah there are plenty of 302 fords to swap in that chassis, and they make a better swap anyway than a coyote or an LS. Next to Honda, GM is one of the biggest engineering juggernauts in the automotive industry. They have in the past made DOHC v8s (original LT5, Cadillac Northstar, the new cadillac v8) but they always end up back with the pushrod v8. DOHCs rev higher, flow more, generally make more power, and are more fuel efficient. I feel like if GM adopted the DOHC layout, they would be leaps ahead of whats out there, but they keep coming back to that old pushrod v8 - how very harley davidson of them.
  11. every time mercury marine adds DOHCs to a SBC, the engine is legendary. BTW, why can't chevy do that? What's going on at gm where even FORD made the jump to DOHCs and chevy is still behind?
  12. Polls are only a small part of it and are a mixture of of fact and speculation. but even if you ignore them, you still can't ignore that Republicans lost 218 seats at various state and federal levels of government in the 2018 election, and a lot of that has to do with the president's agenda - chief among them the wall. Nobody is saying you have to take any poll information as gospel here. The idea is to get a rough feel from all the information out there and to have an informed opinion. I am just asking, besides hopes and dreams - what is forming your opinion? It's one thing to say, I don't trust polling information and therefore we can't tell if its unpopular or not, but it's another to say I don't trust polling information and therefore that thing I really want to be true must be true. understand?
  13. Aren't there some MERC AMG SUVs floating around in the used market? I know the G-wagen AMG is a giant rocket propelled brick but I think they are still very expensive used. I don't know what AMG ML55s and ML 63's go for but I hear they are good cars and I think the AMG ML63 is over 500hp. I've seen the 2010s go for right around low $20K so it might be in the price range. I think the hard part is finding one.
  14. Can you prove that this is not true? or do we have to wait for 2020 to find out? If you have to wait another year before you can answer that question than how trustworthy or even realistic is your statement that it isn't true? sounds more like hopes and dreams to me. currently: - Polls and surveys concerning the wall show it to be fairly unpopular with most Americans. - in the midterm elections, many politicians that supported the wall were not re-elected - politicians that support the wall have seen their popularity numbers drop even if they managed to hold on to their office post 2018 election. Even if you are willing to ignore one or two factors, I still don't think there is enough there for you to say the wall is popular with the majority of the american people. It's popular with his die hard supporters but those aren't a majority of Americans and it isn't attracting new voters or those on the fence. I am not saying this to speculate on his chances in 2020, politics in general are pretty much a popularity contest and right now the wall isn't politically popular for other politicians to support and expect to get elected, they know it and they are voting that way. If they weren't, it would have passed in congress and we wouldn't be having this discussion.
  15. forget for a second all the facts and swirl around the wall itself that it doesn't work and it's a waste of money. We are beyond that discussion. what is bothering most people right now isn't the wall itself, it's the measures and channels the executive office is going through to get it that is concerning. Even if you support the wall, it should be somewhat alarming that the president, when told no by the other branches of government has chosen a path that may run afoul of constitutional boundaries. If you are one of those people that says "america should be strict constitutionalists" then I don't see how you can support abuse of the powers granted and ignorance of limits placed on the executive office in article 2 of the constitution. This is even before we discuss the National Emergencies Act, which actually broadens the executive power, but still not enough to cover this. At this point, the wall is unpopular with the people, unpopular with the politicians elected by those people, and as such that will has been carried out. If you believe that the government should serve the people it governs, then that should have been the end of it, and yet somehow it isn't. Somehow there are people who believe that the ends justify the means, even when the means literally fucks over the concept of representative democracy in this country as well as all of it's citizens.
  16. eh...I dunno...I feel like we are hearing more and more lately because 1) the Internets make it super easy to hear about them more often, and 2) a lot of hoarders are dying off leaving the families to dispose of assets that they care little about. Hot Rod Magazine has a section where it mentions barn finds, Tom Cotter has his show on youtube, I think have the cars on "chasing classic cars" were some kind of garage/barn find....I mean these cars are out there - the perception that they are "rare" or "discovered" feels a little bit manufactured. Doesn't make the story any less interesting though.
  17. At least until some trumpkin strolls in here and screams MAGA!, because in their head it's more important to troll liberals than it is to take care of victims of wildfires, Veterans, active military, or the american taxpayer in general.
  18. I found the comments section interesting as well clay, esp the discussions regarding how there hasn't been any spending power growth, even when there has been wage growth. I don't know that we can blame "regulations" for all of the inflated cost of cars. Technology has become the driver in the marketplace for both competition and the standard for new luxury. It has borne out that people will pay more for more tech options and nobody is forcing them to do that. I do think the US dealer salesman compensation model should bore some of the responsibility for the increased cost in cars. The Sales model incentives is for the entire industry to convince the buyer to buy a more expensive car than they need. Sometimes they do this through charisma, old fashioned salesmanship, sometimes through subterfuge, like the 4 box and diverting attention to payments over total cost, sometimes through asymmetric information, such as the rebate system, and sometimes through coercion, by dealers limiting the supply of less expensive cars by just not ordering base model or low option cars and stocking them on lots. A dealer car buying experience is not a level playing field for the buyer - the dealer's job is to grow your debt and based on the numbers, mission accomplished. even if somehow an exception was made for "3rd world cheap cars" like the tata nano, the cabal that is the National Automobile Dealer's Association would find a way to criple it in the marketplace so that sales were slow. Don't believe me? look at what they did to the motorcycle industry.
  19. great writeup. do you have a link to the amazon site for those bolt extractors?
  20. At this point it's a specialty car that most people didn't save, in a state known for reducing cars to red dust. You might have to travel/ship one in. If you are serious and have some cash to spend, I can make some suggestions: 1) join a forum for that car and post that you are looking for one close by, it might draw some local on the fence about selling his car out. 2) Post a WTB ad on CL and see what happens. 3) start looking for one in the really rust free areas near major cities. I have a buddy who buys old cars in Vegas and ships them back to NY once a year for a flip. He goes to check out the car over a weekend, and if he buys it he ships it back, if he doesn't, he still had a weekend vacation in Vegas. have to be ready to pull the trigger on the car when it comes up though.
  21. they dead. They were disposable cars when new and thanks to ohio rust - they got disposed of. This is the closest one to Ohio for sale at the moment and it's in Balitmore: https://baltimore.craigslist.org/cto/d/1991-sentra-se/6807462134.html It's not a bad price for how good the cars are supposed to be (141hp and 2400lbs wet), that wing though...belongs in the walmart parking lot with all the other shopping carts. edit: couple more 400hp front driver for $7K, I.Can't. Even. Imagine. The. Torque. Steer. : https://milwaukee.craigslist.org/cto/d/milwaukee-nissan-sentra/6797576239.html unmolested (except for rims and the stereo), seriously, why does every ad for these have a kicker box in the back? : https://spokane.craigslist.org/cto/d/spokane-1991-nissan-sentra-se-5-speed/6811911737.html I guess turbo is the hot setup: https://seattle.craigslist.org/see/cto/d/seattle-91-se-sentra-turbo/6795426977.html
  22. https://columbus.craigslist.org/cto/d/lewis-center-1963-volvo-544/6814444520.html 454 chevy and more metal work than I have ever seen - I mean...can you still call it a volvo? neat.
  23. by god you are right: https://mansfield.craigslist.org/cto/d/galion-64-ford-van-mystery-machine/6799218422.html Also I have to agree - early-mid 60's ford just aren't worth all that much, seemed like a fair price for a rust free project fairlane that isn't special. Some of the best deals I ever got on motorcycles/cars came from the worst ads. Old, not tech sophisticated, dudes that can't internet well post ads that look pretty much like that. It also means their valuation of what they have isn't up to date. If you are going to scan through terrible ads though - scammers come with the territory.
  24. I'll keep an eye out....but really I only posted this because MYSTERY MACHINE!!!!!
  25. http://mansfield.craigslist.org/cto/d/galion-63-ford-fairlane-500/6799207988.html forget what's actually for sale and look at what's behind it. Is this why we aren't getting new episodes of Scooby Doo?
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