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  1. Anyone planning a Dyno day soon or know of anyone local hosting one?
  2. Can't help but laugh at lot of these responses. We should all be driving Prius turd slow garbage if we are going to base everything on what's usable on the street..lol.
  3. Congrats! I love that color so much I just picked up an F150 in Lightning Blue... :thumbup:
  4. Is anyone really surprised? You've still got people LEASING cars...lol 144-mo loan is just more people living outside their means, trying to impress people that don't care about them...
  5. No point in that at an ECTA event. Unless you stick to Texas or a 1/2-mile event you'll have to cage it over 135mph if Keith Turk and company are involved...lol.
  6. Don't lease anything,....pay cash for the Audi...lol
  7. My recommendation is don't LEASE EVER! Either save up and pay cash for it, or if you absolutely have to....do as Not Brian suggested and buy one that's 2-years old and taken the price hit on it. Even then, payments are silly....especially on a toy/fun car.
  8. So you going to buy it and fix it or what? :gabe:
  9. Nice ride that I actually like a lot! My neighbor has last years with these wheels that I think would look SHARP on yours. When I was shopping a new F150, I was thinking of putting them on it. Not bad for OEM. http://66459d5879444e9839e0-435dc82d2f7910fc235c77bb38474e9a.r18.cf1.rackcdn.com/5LMJJ2LT6HEL03567/b06c78fed47efa577b480521d864f3e4.jpg
  10. Ford Explorer Sport Ford Edge ST VW Tiquan R-Line ($38k new) SQ5 RDX X3 M-sport http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2010/09/011-2011-bmw-x3-paris.jpg As much as I love the high end performance stuff, if you are keeping it long term 10-years+ it just won't be as reliable. Either be prepared to do the maintenance and work yourself out of warranty or keep shopping.
  11. Problem with those cars since you drive 600-miles+ a WEEK is the fuel tank size (14.5gal). You will be filling it up with fuel every couple days. Any cheap daily driver that's going to be worth a darn for what you want is going to be border line/cheap/boring. Seriously, go drive a Passat. You can get brand new ones or even a slightly used one for very cheap and they come with 99% of the stuff you want at a decent price. 600-700+ miles on a tank of fuel (18.5gal). My drive is longer than I like and I can tell you $40 a week vs $80+ a week adds up. If you are looking at any of those SUV's, that number goes to $60-120+ in just fuel per week. Pay cash for the car, and save on the fuel. Don't end up one of those people paying as much (or more) in fuel than your car payment every month... :fuuuu:
  12. Got-Boost?


    Any idea what happened?
  13. WOW! That's a steal for $650... Nice work on the others also! :fuckyeah:
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