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  1. Disruptive, true. Yet, a textbook case of why you don't let the patient run the asylum.
  2. Part of what's wrong with our country is instantly thinking her math and spacial awareness skills are related to her political stance (which I'm sure you don't know), and says a lot more about you than her, snowflake. 😘 Why don't you pick yourself up by your bootstraps and find a new supplier, like a real conservative?
  3. Maybe they finally wised up? If you're going to Planned Parenthood, the kid probably wasn't going to grow up to vote Republican anyway. Destroy the oppositions' base, at the base.
  4. Trump should build a wall around all the people with household incomes under $150k/yr. Poor people are icky.
  5. The blue collar "manual unskilled labor" world is completely different from the white collar "knowledge worker" world. The politics, the people, the mentalities, the fragility of egos.... night and day different.
  6. Ha! Only if you move companies regularly http://talkliketheboss.com/your-company-stealing-your-salary/
  7. 50357b89fc7b25bcc19b003e7765fc7954e1a6ac Hint: It's SHA-1
  8. You socialize your finances? Pooling resources? What is this, Russia?
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