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  1. Ill be sure to give you the same criticism if you die doing a track day.
  2. Soren

    Flat track

    Yeah i see a lot places on line, western reserve, triangle club, but their websites are about as helpful as a hole in the head.
  3. Hey does anyone one here have experience with flat track or know some one who does? I just had some general questions about flat track and getting into it but I dont know a single person who actully does it.
  4. thats pretty sweet. I want to do daytona.
  5. At this point no one cares. Its february, everyone has has made other plans.
  6. Very true. And dicks always like to dock each other. Mabey thats why douge and I get along, mutual dickdom.
  7. I'm not saying peoples negative experiences with mph are not valid because they are. All I know is doug has done alot of work on my bike and done it right (thus far). Hes expensive yes. But you get what you pay for. I have been to 3 different well known suspension tuners and he was the only one who gave me a bike that felt ridable. I took my bike to one tuner that everyone goes to and it felt awful, took it doug, went back to the same track a week later it felt amazing. I dropped down to a 9 flat around nelson last year from a mid 11 the year before. Nelson has to be the shittiest race surface in america and my bike felt as planted as it if were smooth as glass. Hes done everything from engine work, dyno tuning, and suspension. All of which he did super fast and correct so i could get to the next race week end. I'v got nothing but positive experiences with the guy, if that changes ill be sure to let you guys know. I'm not going to name any names but I got my fork back from a highly recommended tuner with a fing leaking fork seal!? I called him out on it and he said "it wasnt leaking when I shipped it." Ok it just started spewing oil on its way to my house in the ups truck.
  8. Thank you, that is exactly what I wanted to know! I posted this same question wera board and all i got was "iv always wondered the same thing." My bike is already valved and refreshed so I will be saving that money and do an additional wera week end this year.
  9. Hey guys I just wanted to know if anyone who is decently fast has had any experience with getting their bikes chassis "maximized" by MPH, GMDcomputrack, racetech or any of the other tuners that employ this tool? My bike has been down a billion times. I have heard great things about it but all from people who are considerably slower then I.
  10. Soren

    2016 season

    Id say my bike is pretty much the anti rich kid bike. Which is weird because I am a rich kid. but it came with a decked head and i figure id get it rebuild every few years so I don't blow it in june and miss the rest of the season. I still dont get how your pulling this off kula.
  11. Expert at being a dbag mabey
  12. Soren

    2016 season

    haha I will not be attending. My bike is getting a the motor refreshed right now. U dbags have fun, RA looks like a blast!
  13. Soren

    2016 season

    Ron has said he wasnt drinking the night before race day ever again every raceday morning! THATS A SAFETY VIOLATION!!!!!
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