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hiro last won the day on November 13 2018

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    2012 Ninja 650

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  1. hiro

    Dragon shortcut

    Well, my wife drove the Dragon and enjoyed it. Wants to go again. Hehe (I had a photo, but I can find it now.)
  2. hiro

    Dragon shortcut

    I guess if I try to ride it, I should also use the pull offs. haha Thanks.
  3. hiro

    Dragon shortcut

    I'm not sure where she is trying to go. I guess I should get her travel plans just in case!
  4. My wife is taking a geocaching trip to Tennessee over the Labor Day weekend. She wants to use the Tail of the Dragon as a shortcut in a CRV to shave 3 hours off her travel time. Question is, how safe would that be as far as not having sport drivers and riders flying by her and trucks blocking the road? heh
  5. That manager probably thought you were cute. That's all. haha
  6. How was that organized? I'd like to protest the local library system not allowing concealed carry. If I rode to the library, I'd have to leave my pistol in a bag on the bike where it could be stolen. I noticed in one county in NC the library system allows concealed carry, but in my county they do not. But then, I think my county allows concealed carry in parks, but I visited another county park that didn't.
  7. So... not worth giving them the Dick's treatment? Was it just Dick's removing AR-15's that people protest?
  8. Wendy's is another place that prefers to not see your pew. heh
  9. I had a similar experience with two older women. I also saw an older woman in a Walmart open carrying. I later learned that that store closes early due to the crime rate!
  10. Because when I did a search I found similar events involving Walmart at different points in time. But, yeah, not much use mentioning the date. I also thought it was interesting that it's the 3rd, which is after the 2nd, almost as if they're saying the 2nd has come and gone! Haha I was also thinking of how some people open carry on the 2nd to make a statement.
  11. Does anyone care about Walmart's open carry policy change that other companies also adopted? Is the next step to not allow concealed carry? I'm thinking, I can't boycott all those companies, but I could boycott the biggest one who fired the first shot! https://www.businessinsider.com/5-stores-changing-open-carry-gun-policies-after-walmart-shooting-2019-9#-7
  12. Nice gauge, and I like the focus in the second photo. Oh, I didn't get the 15-22. I kinda wish I did. I picked up a Marlin 795 for $125 + tax to replace the conversion kit and to have something lighter, but I don't know yet. Zeroing indoors at 25 yards with a scope and a bipod, it was shooting tighter than the conversion kit. Super heavy trigger though and not a lot of options. I need to see how it does next time outdoors at 50 yards. It is not an exaggeration to say that it feels like the safety is on when pulling the trigger! My wife said spend $75 more and get a Ruger 10/22. Shoulda listened, I guess, but part of the idea was to have a really cheap 22. Cycles without any issues. We got the scope because my wife likes scopes, but I was leaning towards a red dot. The stock iron sights are cr*p.
  13. Wow... Sorry for inconveniencing the woman by almost being injured or killed by her. What was I thinking??
  14. I found that I like this ammo more than mini-mags. https://www.ganderoutdoors.com/federal-american-eagle-suppressor-subsonic-rimfire-ammo-.22-lr-45-gr.-crn-203242.html
  15. M&P15-22 CONSUMER SAFETY ALERT https://www.smith-wesson.com/mp15-22-consumer-safety-alert/
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