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Unk Greg

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Posts posted by Unk Greg

  1. I'm back. A quick road check. Here it is: 6 miles out of Killbuck heading to Glenmont and they are working on a bridge, by Briar Hill Stone company. So, you can take County Rd. 51 north to SR39 and west on 39 to CR52. CR52 is in Nashville and right next to the ill' pizza shop. Left onto CR52 and South Glenmont. You'll come out in town. Already local citizen has posted a reminder of town speed limit. Pipe 'em to tick them off. Good pavement, not State Route nice, but good. Only one place just down from Nashville on 52 is a short bridge that's bumpy....if you are inadvertently on the throttle, you fly over the bumpy part....straight enough there for good landing. If ya like 520... You can use most of it and like Motoclista said somewhere, "the detour may be more interesting", well he said something like that. The CR's are like a tighter SR520.

    Who needs Deal's Gap?

  2. thx littlecarb, was planning on heading that way, but looks confusing as hell :( might as well avoid it for the time being

    Don't be scared...lotsa back roads that are fun.....

    And back roads...closing of....SR520 .... is a culvert replacement near SR514, so CR's to get ya to 514, tour anyone? County highway dept jack hammered the rock face away that you could click yer helmet on if ya leaned too much....still a nice road! Smiles

  3. Or pop onto the Amish trail and ride that, no stopping thanks to the old RR bridges. ;)

    Might not be sport bike friendly though.

    LOL, yeah, not cow pies, but horse road apples. Incidentally, new markers on that old 62 I mentioned above. Some sort of mountain bike race. So look for little white signs with arrows pointing the way....follow them around the road closed, and if ya want, jump on that Amish path at the oilfield road......ha!

  4. It gets worse....noticed a detour sign up this AM for SR520! Bringing detour thru scenic Killbuck and north on 60.... Presumedly out on SR39 and West from there.

    Maybe good news re: SR60 closing at Blissfield. No it is still closed, but while out and about I noticed at the North end .... They are running you West on USR62 and then using SR206 to take you south. Another ride I noticed at the bottom end the detour was using a portion of SR541 and taking you to SR79 and back towards Nellie (Warsaw). Hmmm? Maybe the official detour.for SR60 may be more gooder.

    No idea what's up on the SR520 posting. Hafta check that out in daylight.

    Meanwhile .... I still hate FOG!

  5. Fight to sign on bd....took over an hour to log on. Took a short ride this AM....chugged along SR520 to SR514 and stop at Danville. I'm still here...gravel in corner almost caught me...a bit of wiggle slide...two motorists left of center on 514, caused me some concern, found mud drug out on pavement by farming operation and then a tractor pulling a wagon .... And like the Amish buggies,encountered right at the crest of a hill, so coast along until clear view before could get around. Did I mention wet pavement in spots and really wide thru turn as a result?

    Now I think I'll head to stadium to watch the fights and maybe see if a soccer game breaks out.

    Rant over.....

  6. Monday SR60 will be closed for bridge work at Blissfield. For you tourists, that's between Killbuck (USR62) and Warsaw, well Riverview High School. This section of SR60 has has patching done, sorta full lane, leaving the old center line paint showing. The unofficial way around this is my fave CR(s)....from Killbuck side, run SR60 to Layland, and take CR19 up the hill to Spring Mtn and grab CR22 down the other side to Warsaw. Be sure to pipe the house with the deck on it in Layland, it'll aggravate him....I'll get blamed for it anyway.

    Other things: Speaking of patching, SR83 from Clark, south to Coshocton, has strip patching being done. I hope it is a re-profiling attempt of the road, before resurfacing. My fear is that it will only be wheel rut patch and leave you the choice of center line rode or stay on patches.

    USR62 still closed, see the other string, and add in that USR62 at SR520, has another bridge being worked on. They are maintaining traffic with traffic signal and one lane.

    SR39, will be chipped and sealed from the Ashland Co. line over to SR179. That'll screw things up for bikes.

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  7. Critters, yeah, +1...once upon a time I had a BBQ string of stuff mashed while riding. Best one ever was the momma unit rolling over a snake. She never even saw it! Laffed with the visual of what if it got caught up in the chain and whipped the back of her leg?

    Nope just squished in spot and all wriggly for the unstuck body parts. :>)

  8. Popping in with a blog. Decided to ride into work a few times this week. Work odd hrs, so Gear on, back pack with fleece and rain togs mashed into small confines of canvas bag. Absolutely beautiful ride in. It's bright and sunny and 75*. One of them temptations of turning right instead of left at workplace drive.

    Got the nite squared away and folks coming in saying foggy out. So I don my layers of gear, somebody says, 30* out? Fleece coat under riding leathers, ski mask and laid the rain suit over all of that. As I sit in pkg lot warming bike up and putting on gloves...3:30AM...I watch as, in the headlite, there are tiny droplets hanging in mid-air. A short stint up the road and suspicions confirmed....there are flowing streams of water rolling off my arms. Hvy fog. As I get thru town at a very respectable 34 in a 35 on 36, I hit open road and the fog gets worse.

    I find myself searching for the darker areas to the left and right of the pavement...defining the road surface. Straining to see not only the road, but also the ever present kamikaze wildlife lurking in the darkness to ambush me. The fog retreats to patchy in wave like sections that are strange, but nice...thinking some sort of horror movie special effect, with the dead dragging limbs along....the fog gets intense again and I actually almost stop. I begin thinking of stopping and walking the bike. I choose instead to press on and weave side to side at a whopping 14 to 17 mph. This has to be a stark contrast to me being 15 over by the time I exit my driveway.

    Strange to is, there is no one else on the road. There is no other car, truck, bike....nothin'! Flash back to horror movie theme.

    I ride like this from Apple Valley (SR36) to Howard and over to Amity-Danville Rd. At the top of the ridge, the fog breaks and I can cruise at 30 to 34 mph. The visor doesn't fog up, at least on the inside. It has a double screen and stays clear. It does however load up with sticky water on the outside, but fortunately I have on a pair of ice fishing gloves. They are a rubbery kind of an affair and perform admireably as a squeegee.

    Stopping at Danville to gas up, I am amazed, as I walk in to pay for my gas....oops, forgot had my helmet on over the ski mask....quickly flipping the visor up and apologizing to the girl behind the counter. She says, That's okay. I recognized you. I have to think about that one for awhile....completely armored up and draped with rain suit and full helmet....she knew it was me??

    The rest of the 20 miles are better, cruising up at 30 to 34 mph....only seeing, 5 raccoons, an O'possum Pete and one deer. A deer that was courteous enough to cross well ahead of me and scamper up the bank before I get too close.

    This has to be the slowest that I have ridden the blackbird.....ever.....I am amazed that I didn't fall over putting along at 14 mph for those several miles.

    So there it is, my ride. Maybe next time I'll run 514 and 520 home....prolee not as much fun as running it into work though.

    Ghostwriter Lance .... Welcome yer improvements....and 650 cc could work, right? Be a lot lighter to push home, eh?

  9. Hatch, the lost driver from Indiana, that I helped thru the 62 'local detour'....found at Danville gas station today, and fretting all about how to get thru........

    Much cuter ..... She was.

  10. Scala. Got Nolan helmets, it has a radio option, but opted for the Scala, 'cause it can move from helmet to helmet. Intercom, radio and can go up to 8 folks, provided they all have same sets. FM radio, GPS (not that I use it....all that road info dies with me), bluetoof and MP3.... Works well, on 520 let wife run out ahead, seems to be a line of sight communicator....dropped over the hill and no can hear me now!

    Otherwise, it was just the half dozen or so telling the wife......yer blinker is on.

  11. Yer welcome...glad to help out.

    You made out better than the Harley group I talked with at Roscoe Village today. They were headed north, back to Cleveland on SR83. Ooooo, sorry, but it is closed and no good way around that closing.....they had started on the litany of me sending them off on gravel roads. Nope, not even gravel roads can get ya around that one. Told them of 36 and 60 detour. Nope! We just came from that way....okay get on 36 and head to New Philly way and ..... Interrupted again...can we get to 77?

    Yes, more exchanges and told them of 751. Ya know former Cleveland mayor has a winery and restaurant off of 751. Is it very twisty?, said the cute thang riding on back of one of the full dressers.

    Yes. Absolutely great road. 751 will take ya to N. Philly and you come out right near the interchange and near Adventure Harley.

    Her again, can we get to 77 on straight road? Me- yeah, 36. Him, 751, eh? Yep, nice road, I says.

    As wife and I sat down at Uncorked, I thought out loud....should I have told them about the lil' stretch of old 21 that they need to get on to get to N. Philly? Oops, my bad.

  12. See above....itz county road 4. Sorry Hutch. Forgot to tell ya about wide pavement cracks that got filled in with tar and sprinkled with crushed limestone....that's from Danville to Brinkhaven.

  13. Yes, on Danville to 206. As above, follow 62, then just past the Mohican River, and Brinkhaven, you pass by the town, should be the 3rd street on left, State Street. You will be in the huge sweeper that takes you to the hill built....midway thru that sweeper is the turnoff. Look for a blinking lite....it is a yellow lite clipped on a sign warning you of height of 9'8", forgot about the wee tunnel. So semi trailers and real tall adventure bikes won't make it thru...I'm kidding about the adventure bikes. Y'all could stand on the pegs and try and touch the top of tunnel. Speaking of adventure bikes, the oil field road was carved up Thurs by a dozer. Guess someone got tired of folks using it as a connector from USR62 to the old state route. They left the dozer parked too, an added incentive, not to go that way.

    Only note, after you get on State Street, old 62, coming from Danville direction, make sure ya make the turn to stay on the old route, there is a county road that you could easily think was, go straight....don't unless ya got an adventure bike ( or jeep ) I think that there is another cut stone tunnel on tha road too. Think it is county road 5? Watch out for all the pea gravel....once all the traffic has rolled it off, it'll be nicer on a bike.

    Thar ya be....y'all want back roads, say sumptin'....I can get you back into woods and bring ya from Greer on 514 to 520....lotsa mud for ya to splatter. Saw a dead coyote there yesterday!

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