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Unk Greg

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Posts posted by Unk Greg

  1. SR83 South (from Millersburg) to

    SR550 East, way down there bunky, to

    SR26 East to

    SR800 North to

    SR78 East to

    SR536 South to

    SR7 North to

    SR255 North to

    SR800 North to

    SR342 West to

    SR258 west to New Comerstown and then grab SR36 west to

    Coshocton, and Roscoe Village.

    Eat and then back North on SR83 to Millersburg.

    Be nice to work in SR751 and cross over back roads to Baltic and SR93, then back South to SR36

    ....from a scribbled note found while New Year's desk cleaning.

    You younger folks can try it, when weather breaks ( and road pavement exists )

    North - South - East - West notations may be subject to artist's interpretation.

  2. I suggest you stay away from 555 all together. Head towards Hocking, head toward Mohican, head towards Marietta, head towards Coshocton, head towards Southern Ohio.....lots of great roads in Ohio. 541, 520, 514, 62, 715, 83, 586, 60, 206, portions of 36, all good roads pretty close to home that would make you smile.

    As above, iffen ya hits this area 514, 520, 541, 715, yadda, yadda....lemme know. I know the eat spots... :)

  3. More info on USR62 between Millwood and Danville. Looks like culvert replacements. Multiple pavement markings for projects. Road closing for work and then opened when done, until next culvert.

    Detour is/was as suspected. Runs you on SR36 at Millwood east on 36 to SR715 and pick up SR206 at Walhounding, north on 206 to return to 62. Went thru 62 from Millwood to Danville this weekend, expect 'random' closings...take yer chances then?

  4. OMG..LOL... Itz closed again! What? I don't think it was open a week and now they have started another project...YES...USR62 is closed once again. This time between Millwood and Danville.

    I figure the detour uses SR 36 to SR715 maybe. I see at my end that they are using SR206.

    From Mt. Vernon way, roll past Apple Valley using SR36 then split off at Howard on the county road (Danville - Howard road).

    Or..... y'all just don't come here anymore.......jeez.

  5. ITZ OPEN. Yesterday they opened the road by Danville. USR62 is open! Yay!

    Sunday looks to be sunny....Flash Ride!!! 62 from Danville to 206, or maybe just run 520 from Killbuck to 514 to Danville then back to Killbuck on 62,,,,,I just can't decide....hmmm, maybe just run them all.

    Garage door open and see which way the wind is blowing.....HA!

  6. It was nice getting to meet everyone and ride. I was worried about the rain; I'm so glad I didn't bail. I'll post a link to some video when it's done converting. Nothing spectacular, I'm still getting the hang of the camera.....from porchiefan-fan. :>)

    Looking fwd to vids...my batteries always go dead....om

    Once upon a time on UP's Scooterific, I ran 555 filming, only no battery life for most of the ride...so much for one handed adventures.....

    Thanks again all....leaves still not great. Prolee a year that goes to brown and rain knocks down.


  7. This year's route:

    Depart Danville gas station, heading north on SR514. Turning right onto SR520. There was a bridge construction project at the other end of SR520, on USR62. Traffic maintained with one lane and traffic lights. Group numbered at 9, and able to get thru light on project. Easterly direction on USR62, and taking a left onto SR643. Traveled 643 to New Bedford and short visit to porta-John. All survived that. Headed east on SR651 to Baltic and two stop signs and right onto SR93. Took 93 South to SR 36, and right on 36 - 6 miles of 4 lane to Roscoe Village, which lies next to SR16 and SR36. Dine at Roscoe, check out sites and depart from there. Folks headed out to Newark/Columbus via SR16 (71 miles to Columbus from Roscoe).

    Return was by way of SR541 to Martinsburg. Folks heading south continued on from that stop, use of SR586, Dog Hollow Run, or back onto 62 to Utica. Last of folks, turned right at Martinsburg onto USR62 and back to Danville, and ice cream.

    No rain, no incidents...other than wife and I finding the wet tar snakes near SR206 and twitching our way on that section of USR62.

    Only other no biggie was a step out by yours truly on SR643....whoop and back in straight line.

    Good fun, great roads and pretty good service at Warehouse restaurant...others across street for their fare....UnCorked or Medbury Place.

    Bladensburg gas station on 541 was $3.07 for regular.....Danville was $3.19 per gallon for regular.

    No rain and clear skies....we proceeded at a scooter pace, with wife in lead (mostly).

    Thanks one and all....yes weather plays a part, work schedules too. No prob here, nice sized group and comfortable pace.

    Next are the:

    Next weekend, Coshocton and Mohican have self guided Fall Leaf trips, dunno any more than that.

    For me here it'll be...

    After the Leaf Tour,

    Hard Nipple Ride

    Before the Leaf Tour, and prolee a Steak Ride (Iron Pony Saloon).

    Happy Holidays yadda, yadda

  8. Update....numbers attending floating in and out. Weather impacts. I will be at meet spot and hold until 11:30AM. Your decision on attending. If pouring rain, prolee not a lot of fun.

    No worries here, I live in the area and do not have to travel far.

    So I am on if any show....and gone by 11:30 if no one shows...

  9. I can't make the ride, but maybe I can meet you guys for lunch? Seems kind of silly, but I've never been to Roscoe Village. This looks like the trip to make lunch there happen. My dad past away 5 years ago, this year. His birthday was October 6, 1955... and his name was Roscoe.

    This is all bittersweet-ly amusing to me.

    Any excuse to ride, and what a great way to remember, good idea.

    Wife and I took the run today...shaved an hour off the first tryout. Very interesting roads and lots of fun...for the Roscoe Village arrival time. We left Danville at 11:30AM....wife ran doing the lead on her cruiser, 1 hour and 45 minutes and arrived at Roscoe Village.

    Ate run to gas station and topped off ( lil' peanut tank on cruiser ) and return trip to Martinsburg ...where I expect Columbus folks to peel off. Wife and I were at Danville eating ice cream and topping off peanut tank on wife's cruiser, did I mention she had a peanut tank and gets about 95 miles to tank full? Oh yeah, Roscoe and back to Danville and eating ice cream, one hour.

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