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Unk Greg

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Posts posted by Unk Greg

  1. USR62 is easy go around. Use old 62. From Danville...just past Mohican River @ Brinkhaven...go past Brinkhaven and just midway thru the big curve you can see the barricades half way up the hill...tunnel going in under that fill. Road is on left on the curve, State street. Follow it around and it comes out on other side of road work....that side is marked CR 10.

    Yer outa luck on that SR83 south to Coshocton....use the regular detour.

  2. SR83 between Clark/Millersburg and Coshocton's CR10 will be closed April 1st for 10 days. There is NO easy way around that one. Coming north on SR 83 depending on where ya wanna be, take SR 643 to Amish country....travel the diesel fuel hauling Kawi kid thru Becks Mills, Holmes CR 19 found off of CR600 outa New Bedford, or from 83 take Coshocton's CR207 to CR24 and come out on SR60....or just take 36 to 60..... Or wait the 10 days and then ride.

    Texans are going to Dragon's Tail Memorial Day weekend. That'll be a hoot, hunnert mile an hour turn group on the NCa mtn side. Sportie car folks...ain't heard as yet.....if nuthin' else, looking at a long weekend with the other accented folks on Memorial Day. Yes we talked Lake Lure too.

    Y'all have a great summer, I'll peek in when I can.

  3. UP, Back at ya....while down there i saw there was a forest fire at Pigeon Forge....saw it on TV. And, looking over recpts....momma found malls, Knoxville, Farragut....apparently the four outfits she bought up here in Ohio weren't enough for the one wedding....smiling anyway.

    Almost went back down this weekend....got to thinking about Lake Lure and y'all had me talked into it.....will see if I can get the sportie car hill climbers talked into a reunion on the once annual last weekend in April. Chimney Rock Hillclimb, quit after 50 runnings....someone started another at Boone Mtn....but it was farther north and having packed like I woulda for Chimbley....I ended up wearing all my clothes packed at one time to try and stay warm....ski resorts propped the doors open for the tourists, but I don't think that they run the Hillclimb anymore....sportie car took out a memorial/monument during the sprint up the mtn. See advantage bikes....smaller holes when ya hit things!!!

    Chimney Rock, according to the wedding guests, Louis and deb, is no longer owned by family, NCa is trying to make it a state park.....be nice.....the last two brochures I got eons ago, hawked lots in a gated community, starting at $150,000. Man did their marketing miss me....couple said that all fell thru and family no longer owns. Yea, great roads...I wanna go back....seester should have an extra room now that kid is married off.....I got a plan! Smiles..

    GenFly....re busses, only the inside rear tire would be off the ground in them tight switchbacks.....maybe get everyone to jump around and lean, it'd be like sailing!

  4. Route updates.....USR62, looks like the road closing is easy get around...bicycle path Killlbuck side of Brinkhaven, my side of Mohican Ribba, will have a lighted tunnel put in. For bicycles....us "bikes" can sneak in a pipe walkers and jogger s. okay, this is an easy go around....little side road, prolee the old 62, just before and just after all the survey stakes. Try County Road 10, I think it is still Holmes, could be Knox though. If y'all are keeping track of expenditures....the bicycle path will go under USR62 where the railroad tunnel used to be.....so that build railroad tunnel, fill in railroad tunnel and now dig it back out for bicycles and buggies.

    Other USR62.....bridge repair work at Killbuck, the end of 520 at 62... Traffic maintained....one lane and lighted signal....then today I see the detour signs for SR83 south, oh, oh....between here and Kershocton....yell at Parks, maybe he got and offishul route info. Elsewise I'll post once I ride(tomorrow).

    Motociclista .... Found an oil patch road that helps with the go around on the first USR62 closing yell. All muddy yer bike would be....teeth should stay white if ya don't smile too much using it!

  5. Plus One on not bus friendly, or trailer towing....you can see your trlr tail lights in your side mirrors while negotiating them switchbacks.

    Ooo, so glad I missed the i77 slide - I had actually started to head in that direction, but turned back from going to Bryson to get 40 east, but jumped on 28 and back towards the Dragon.

    Yessiree absolutely fun roads down there!

  6. Ha! Reset....sister lives 4 miles from Hotel....she lives in Sieverville....there was a Mini Meet East down there years ago....prolee have vcr tapes on it...smiling.

    Lance...awesome swaying and accompanying growning sounds.....I think I did use up a lot of the brakes....can only imagine the sidewall distortion on the lumbering beast......somewhere there is video taken from the left front fender of a Honda Prelude....it may be hard to see...green SUV...and greenery...blended in. Screaming wife...left earplugs back home with fancy pocket knife....so needed to do the pull off thing and let the kids zoom by....absolutely great time. I'm ready to go back....I have always enjoyed the Ca. Mtns....

    Me...I would trailer bike and carry gas supply....only ethanol blends found.....but it was 3.30 per gallon. Whisky may have been cheaper!

  7. Sportie Car Event was last full weekend in April, by that I mean, Friday, Sat. And Sunday were still April dates. Always was nice weather, standing on the mountain side in tee shirts. Event is no more, sadly.

    So reunion thoughts lean towards the ole End of April dates. Esmeralda Inn has burnt down, but think Lake Lure Inn is still there.....it's next month....revival anyone??? Uh, without the snake handling of course.

    Dang, just remembered....forgot to bring home some EverClear. Now I will hafta go back.....(1.75 liter bottles of booze $8.99).....smuggling against the law?

  8. Pretty sure Knoxville, but right near Cherokee Trail facility and a few miles to 129. It'd be another 20 or so to actual Dragon's.

    Only noticed hotel locked up the room where the real glass -glassware was, but we found the cache of styrofoam cups and continued on....to bed at 5am and checked out @10:30am....come to think of it I did notice a uniform guy walk by us in the lobby a coupla times. And Sunday after cavorting a Sheriff's car rode by.

    We were at Hampton and Holiday Inn, same guy owns both, just off I75.

    It was near a Waffle House, if that helps ya.......LOL now!

  9. Just back from family wedding function....huh? say wha? Yeah, down in Knoxville. Y'all know, the north end of SR129? Played a bit on north end Saturday before the wedding....wife reaffirmed that she would never ride on the back of the bike with me, especially on this road. Survived the wedding, reception after and as quite a few of us were at the same hotel....the after the reception party. Hotel was very nice, we managed to rearrange the lobby as the numbers of party folks grew.....whiskey and wine cheap down there....hotel not only didn't mind the bottles sitting on tables, they even opened the wine for us, no cheap twist off caps for us classy folks. I left my handy-dandy pocket knife with cork screw in Ohio.

    Sleep? Who needs sleep? Sunday saw me sticking around and ran the Dragon both directions, picked a bit of 441 and a nice chunk of NCa 28, the return loop back to Deal's Gap store. Not much traffic....a grand total of 4 bikes....one sportbike, one Goldwing, an adventure bike and a Beemer with two up. Some sportie car folks....I talked with them a bit. I saw them messing with the left front on the Honda Prelude....figured that he clipped a rock...nope they were sticking the go-pro on. The guy on the Beemer yelled at me, to take his picture as he motored away. Momma has now declared her position on riding in the SUV with me. While only having that, I managed to pace the sportie car group fairly well until the screaming started....that damped the fun. The other noises were fun to hear, squalling tires of a big ole SUV, and general groaning of the beast......will have the brakes worked on now that we are back home.

    Not so good, was sitting in a vast parking lot otherwise known as I75. A pickup had flipped somewhere up in front and then a semi turned over and trailer laid across 2 lanes. After 2 hrs we were back on our way. I knew I shoulda cut across to Lake Lure and Chimney Rock, for old times sake and took 40 across to I77 and back north...nope, I instead sat trapped on the interstate. I do admit to looking at the embankment and thinking ...all wheel drive, I could chug up to the side road.....more fun as we got near Cincinnati and were greeted by the snowstorm. All wheel drive and I motored along, of course my original arrival time at home, was now extended, several times. My wife has me confused....she took along a pillow to help her relax. I though ya put it behind yer head.....not her, each time I passed folks in the snow, she had it over her face????

    Anybody know what it means when the OHP flashes their spot lite from across the median at you? I found it a bit distracting having lite in yer face as you slushed on by slower traffic....I mean, jeez, I was up to a whopping 30 mph in some spots. Travelled across Ohio at 15 to 30 mph.....adjusted arrival time alot!

    Folks down there enjoyed sooo much that the suggestion was to do this every year....hmmm, I could give a shout to the sportie car folks from years gone by and do a reunion of the hill climbers.

    So no traffic on the Dragon's Tail early Spring....it was sunny on Sunday afternoon and 61*.....y'all know what Sunday was like up here in Ohio.

    Momma didn't care for the off road excursion in NCa for the two lots on the mtn top either....mud will wash off...."Look out for those ruts", she yelled. No worries dear...all wheel drive .......

    Spring rite of passage anyone?

  10. Signage change....now says 45 days instead of 60. There are survey markers in a coupla spots.....still no idea as to where the actual construction will be. Of course y'all could call ODOT and ask....Holmes Co., may know...(330) 674-1906 (last I knew).

    Like motociclista says...the detour maybe more fun....well the unofficial detour.

  11. Headed down to bro-in-law and seester....he just texted me....had to mow the lawn yesterday....I sprinkled salt on walk to melt snow....so even though not on bike, I 'll be down in 60*....shouldn't be much traffic on the Dragon's Tail though....oh yeah, they live at north end of 129....body surfing anyone?

  12. See the barricades laying beside the road. Signs up....Road Closed April 1, for 60 days. What this means is....no way thru-around this closing. Closed between Danville and prolee SR206 to the east. I haven't noticed the survey markers designating construction zone.

    So....from Danville to Killbuck, you'll hafta suffer taking SR514 north to SR520 and come out near Killbuck and back on USR62. OR, take 62 back towards Millwood and SR36 to Warsaw. Adventure bikes have more options....back road, Flat Run Rd to Cavillo Station (great name for a novel...motoclista, where iz you?), pop out on SR206, or stay on gravel and go to Walholding and SR715.

    Rough guess on highway project, road closed on Killbuck side of Brinkhaven and my side of Mohican River....only two roads outa Brinkhaven....dead end and bridge out....so serious adventure bike to ford the Mohican Ribba.

    That is all...over and out.....

  13. Ha! My random check ins, we were just talking about Hocking and Millstone last nite at the soccer game....beer girl at stadium has her new Hyabusa.....I'll check with the yahoos in my area on doing this outing....should be nice.

  14. Cafe 505 in Danville....activity, re opening ... May be new folks and new name. Grillers in Howard has reopened...pulled pork. New hours are Fri, Sat. and Sunday only. Look for smoke and stop. Yesterday, somebody tole me the Howard Hilton (bar) next to Grillers had great burgers.....only been in there once, poker run stop....no beer, thanks, just sign my ticket. So may hafta return to try burger. Ice cream shop on other side of Howard Hilton closed, and for sale.....Hey Parks! Whit's is opening another store in Mt. Vernon.

    Millwood's Spearman is still strong and don' t forget his other spot in Mt. Vernon, Southside.

    Happy Winter!

  15. Around 87 or 88 hp if you can believe the first reports.

    So Greg, once you figure out the argument that convinces your wife that everyone needs 12 motorcycles (because 11 just isn't enough), you're required to post it here for all of us to read, if only for purposes of historical documentation. :bow:

    Uhmmm, it has become ....wife in car as I am taking her out to dinner...."I get new dishes and glassware." After dinner out and then ride home, added in, .."and the house needs new carpet"...All this as ... yep, another one stuffed in the garage. Ha!

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