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Unk Greg

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Posts posted by Unk Greg

  1. Heads up! My Droid went walk-about Tuesday nite from work. Several hours until business day before i could contact service....they disabled, but heads up is...prolee thief can access my address and phone numbers....you folks on bd. .... may get strange items....worse than i send...it ain't me.

    And....they wouldn't track whereabouts of missing phone, even though they could...unless i ante'd up a fee of some sort or subscribed to more services that usually don' t work most of the time.

    Plus on all this....after several, "sir we don't appreciate that kind of language", is i gotz a new phone....AND, pics come up on this as well as new thread box.....hoo- hah.

  2. News flash....last nite discussion...guys liked Iron Pony Saloon from last time...so 10 heading up from N'erk....expect to arrive at Saloon 6PM....2 UPS as some significant others mad they weren' t there before. BSpeazy....bringing a lil' scoot up to holmsie.....very slight chance two groups with intersect at Danville.

    Y'all can 'arrive' if it pleases ya....we iz out on our own anyway. That is all...over and out!

  3. Hey Birchwood!!! Saw the facebook blurb.....your kids at ATV fun day.....stopped on way to elk ranch....will send along footage of mayhem.....your daughter the one coming off the kumps with her eyes closed??? Luvved it!

  4. Cold, but survived. Recyled old racing nomex as under-roos....we watched an ATV show at Valley ATV on the way to the elk farm.....way too much to eat, but finished it.

    Did stop at Roscoe Village, but opted out for good ole plain hot McD's coffee....end of day re-route to go look for tornado damage we heard about from townie at Danville stop. Tornado purported to have touched down there and St. Louisville....we didn' t find nuthin' and ended ride there.

    No incidents other than anxious moment at McD's for misplaced key...too many layers and pockets!

    Felt bad for one of the Harley travelers....mike talked to him....shirt sleeves under leather jacket and a thin face scarf....hope he made it back to Mt. Sterling.


  5. Prolee, but don't worry about....you're covered.

    Except for "hookers".

    Guess local racer boys...ain't gonna make it...two of 'em at station while i gassed up....sans motorcycles...."Oh is that this weekend".....told 'em...got yer numbers...afraid of metric cruisers and Harley guys blowing by ya in turns...ya bunch of mid-pack performers.

    Will be rollin' soon. Fast is going to meet at Danville....ain't heard back from Faster & Fastest.

    WVa...boys bowed out last nite....going to buy a hog....no the fatten up and eat kind.

    Wife will ride over to Saloon....she ain't fooling me....barkeep Suzy much too friendly, so riding to cover her bases. lol.

    Looking like just the dedicated riders now....ha.

    Big storm last nite....no hail dents in jeep...gas at east end of Vernon $3.83, Apple Valley was $3.85 lsst nite, Danville still at $3.89 per.

    Rain gear on, just waiting for clock to chime off appointed hour.

  6. Don't drive the truck....ride the motorcycle!

    Sorry cheap shot....git it done...hate ta have ya miss work. Smiling as went out to ride this AM and bike wouldn't start...on charger....jeez.

    Mikezup...you talk with Noah and Jonathon?

    If itz raining or snowing ... we ain't going.

  7. A bit faster than it takes me to long on here!

    Soft pace....first part learn other riders....mixed group....last half own pace and go-fasts go ahead. Easy route so no lost souls.....ask any on past rides....quiet family outing sort of thing.

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