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Unk Greg

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Everything posted by Unk Greg

  1. http://clashdaily.com/2014/10/liberals-nightmare-11-yo-girl-strips-reassembles-ar-15-60/
  2. Thanks, though. I appreciate the thought.
  3. http://nightlifekc.com/images/4/media/2010/10/14/RUMSPRINGA2.jpg Now ya done it Jack......oh and thanks for the vid. I had seen that one before.
  4. Hey! I saw ya leave!!! Soccer game for wife and i. So we browsed the Scout.
  5. Unk Greg


    Oops, this shoulda been in the SR60 report. Sorry.
  6. Here Jack, get down and get worldly.....or Google some more! http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5455572 Big smiles here.....
  7. No they lean against farm posts when posing. Have seen the buggies with them blue accent lites, ya know like the Harley's , but no flames (yet). : )
  8. Unk Greg


    No problem. Laffing, as .... If that road project is where I think it is.....there is an oil field road/access on left in front of (where i think the construction is).... in the olden days of the 4x4 and off road playing...well around here, some roads too.....we would cut into them uncharted waters. I think this one brings ya out in a guy's back yard on a Coshocton Co. Twp Rd.....then north a quick squirt and you'll bounce out on USR62. To avoid the latest closing....heading west towards 520 from 60... Just past 520 on left is the Sportsman Club and County Road (CR) 53....run it along back thru the holler....road turns into Coshocton CR 323 (?).....it will rattle the plastics body work, but if ya slow down, not so much....it is passable. It will bring you out on CR19. Turn right at 19 and you are going to Spring Mtn and Warsaw. Left at that stop sign....then you come back to 60 at Layland. That back road is purty this time of year....I used it one Fall Leafy thing when it was in better shape. Anybody need 'shine' run, I know lotsa back roads.....itza joke son.
  9. Annual event. raffle, only 300 tickets with proceeds to benefit the Glenmont Community Ctr. This Saturday, October 11th from 9AM - 4PM. Admission is $3.50. Glenmont is on SR520. For those of you interested.
  10. They and everyone else said no....my 1st thought was a dent doc. I still got the old parts....bar end, clutch lever, side panel, dented tank and side cover (engine).
  11. Speakin' of hairy......how come they didn't mention Big Foot in Warsaw? Some "foot" tracker got a plaster cast of a track...sorry, no pun intended.
  12. http://travel.nationalgeographic.com/travel/top-10/places-to-see-autumn-leaves/
  13. Holmes County listed as #3 best for viewing fall foliage by National Geographic. Now if they would only catch a pic or two of the topless natives! ; > ) Ain't it great I can get back on bd?
  14. Been offline for awhile....Big Red, it has been fixed...with all new stuff! The saga: brought it to the shop on their designated day..."it'll take 2weeks". I peeked in a week or so later....oh, yeah, we were gonna call you. Can't get some parts, he said "Issue" - I hate that PC....back order on the tank and side fairing. They will be in on such and such day. After several days after the delayed date....nope, not rec'd. Short of this conversation was....since it is only cosmetic damage and totally operable....I' ll take it and ride it....already have missed 8 weeks of nice riding weather. You call me when you actually get the parts in and I'll bring it back in. I have never seen the bike this dirty....inch thick of shop dust on it. So i got some riding in after all. Parts came in and I dropped it off. 1 week later I pick it up, on a Friday. Enjoyed it tgat day and Saturday. saturday, wife not enjoying the afternoon ride....and tole me so she just wanted to go back home. It was Busa, Ducati and me on RedBird totally oblivious to wife being left way back on SR520.... So I cut back and even left her ride ahead. Sunday momma and I are gonna go out Sunday ride....Ulp!!! Rear tire has just a hint of cords showing down the center. Not taking it out. So dug out the accidental purchase RED cruiser, and followed here around on her cruiser. 2tall....the soccer mom hasn't been on old yeller much.....her husband has been having too much fun throwing it around. He has parked his big Beemer and takes her bike out instead. Now if I can figure out how to not drag my heels in corners.....and, I got on big Red yesterday and all I could do to bend my legs up to get the feet on the pegs.
  15. Wife and I looked at and sat on...wife and I surprised that it felt lite (much lighter than the materials stating 536lbs). The red one is $12,999, plus whatever finance office and taxes would tack on. Kinda like it...not sure of the flat sided fenders, but if I suddenly come into money, would consider it.
  16. Unk Greg


    They have closed it at Killbuck end...Oct 1 ...for 60 or 90 days, I ferget. I'm in trying to warm up or I would zip over and look.
  17. Smiling.....uh, the Foxhole ain't in Warsaw....er, uhmm, I heard it's way out in Newcastle, story goes like turn right at stop sign when leaving 206 and heading West on 36...., so the story goes....plus one on story of Amish girls working there.....they'd be the ones not shaven?
  18. Found some more kerosene to run the laptop.....
  19. Unk Greg


    Since they are still poking around on 62 from 206 to Danville with the resurfacing.....I am forced to ride to work using either 206 to Walhounding and 715 to 36, or take 520 to 514 to Danville....suffer thru in afternoon ride in....pay for it however at 5 in the morning with hvy fog and critters. Stop two times sometimes 3 for the deer conducting union meetings out on the pavement in the darkness. Knocked off a rabbit or two...so far have missed the raccoons and possums. Smiling as I ride anyway....layer up that early as temp is 35 to 47 for the last week or so. : > )
  20. 715 had that chip and seal done to it years ago...and it has peeled off in spots. They are doing some patching on it now. More of a cruiser road right now I think....no more brisk runs unless truly paved. Above comment, Mary17...prolee CR24, does take you to SR83 and you can veer off on 207, also tight turns and you come out on SR83 closer to Keene. Used to take CR12 then and out to New Bedford....haven't been on it in any recent time though. Yep on gravel. Around here just as you start to have fun....ya get a gravel patch to wake you up. Not sure on 209 right now...all them road closings. Weekend or two ago....headed south on 83, and closed at New Concord, so west to Zanesville in a meandering sort of way....two more road closed encountered.....666 was closed, thinking it was 209(?) at 93....being old jus' can't remember stuff any more....let' s see was it pull clutch lever in and then shift or the other way around? P.S. no Fall Tour....momma says no more tour groups. Prefers the smaller group rides. Itz a lot easier anymore to open the garage door and look at the sky and just ride. Too bad about getting the yard mowed, eh?
  21. More on SR60 by Killbuck.....above directions null and void after October 1.....they will be working on the low portion of road by the beaver lodge, near USR62and yajustcan't get past that one......mmm, unless ya use the road by the Sportsman's club and pick up Coshocton's 323....which may be a Twp rd......nice road if the pavement was any good. You've been warned.
  22. Okay, most of the guerrilla road projects are done....that vast USR 62 paving alo Most complete....just a touch left my side of Danville (uh, east of Danville) and suspect that they will be done soon....expect delays in the meantime....Millersburg and Berlin paving on 62 mostly done too.
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