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Unk Greg

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Everything posted by Unk Greg

  1. Update on the update....soccer game Saturday and drove USR62 from boonies to big city. Looks like all of 62 will be repaved. Well from like Johnstown to Danville and into Holmes. Flashing lights barricades sitting along side of road. Closest to Johnstown one was lit and flashing...Work starting 4/14/14....so I'm figuring sections down and onto next paving operation. Adjust accordingly. 2tall......Vern Whits raised their prices....it is a buck more than last summer for my usual....that'll put Kershocton Whit's 50 cents cheaper.
  2. Inre: SR520, it is good...strange stress cracks at 90 degree to travel...no issue.....BUT, SR514 from Danville to West end of 520 is showing itz age. Stress cracks along edge line wheel track and various patching done. One big concern is a section of pavement that is raveled .... Chunks not pavement. So slow down for that beauty. Re-read my tar snake comment in the Spring entry.... They are not on 206, the tar strips are on USR 62 from 206 east towards Stillwell (Fred's junk yard). Fred has some sort of old mc sitting on his truck at the front gate.....laying on itz side and all muddy. Game on for the curious...stop and see....the Coke machine got dumped to the ground though. Was on 206 a coupla Fridays ago....one of the warm ones....forget what it was like.....soooo, mus' be okay if I can't remember it! Only rode 206 from 715/Walhounding to 62. 715 is still the old chip and seal that has let loose in spots....they did try to fix them bumps going onto the bridge(s).
  3. 520 is still good....
  4. Smiles....keeping folks current. Forgot.....Whits is open in Coshocton and Mt. Vernon's very soon ( if not already). 2tall....36 and 229 are okie dokie.
  5. Springtime out and abouts: summary rough winter and lotsa potholes....what i have found on my precious few outings is...USR62 is terrible between Brinkhaven and Danville. You will find ruts that will snatch the handle bars away from you...be careful. At SR206 and down them wonderful curves are the last year's tar snakes....wet and its skippy time. summer? when tar get oozey? Danville and the Danvll-Amity Rd. uh, don't go....I'm not sure I like traveling it with the SUV. Pavement rough and patches make it worse, as some of the patches are gone. Danville-Howard Rd. uhmm, okay, they chipped and sealed it last summer, with pea gravel...Knox Co. Seems to like the lil' rolly pea sized stones. Howard Hilton, okay burgers....Apple Valley eatery has reopened, same guy that has two places in Mt. Vernon...also decent burgers. Wally Road, connecting Greer on SR514 and to SR3 at Loudonville. Consider the Greer side of Wally Rd as you would a gravel road, pretty much all the pavement from Tree Frog to Greer is gone. So if you like rattling plastic or on an adventure bike...otherwise.....avoid it. Other odds and ends....SR83 from Millersburg South to Coshocton and New Concord pretty good. I actually cut off of 83 onto SR209 to Cambridge. 209 is patched in places but passable. Poked around back roads in Guernsey Co. Area around Salt Fork....found some very nice tight twisty roads. Birmingham Rd?.....popped out on the other side of Salt Fork and headed north(?). I'll hafta figure out which roads I played on....let y'all know later. SR22 by Salt Fork is okay....and speaking of which....just out of Cambridge towards Salt Fork will be Deerassic Classic come August 1 & 2. Coshocton....209 as mentioned above.....took SR658 to SR541, the east side of 541. I call the section from i77 to Coshocton East, and the part from Roscoe Village to Martinsburg is West. SR658 okay, passable, but it has some older patches....travel south on it looks to be better than going north. 541 east to Coshocton, not too bad....potholes not until Coshocton itself. Encountered lotsa gravel on these roads, most likely sprinkled down from last snow....rain and traffic should thin it out. Again be careful! More as I start traveling more.
  6. Unk Greg


    From the album: random pics

  7. Unk Greg


    From the album: random pics

  8. Unk Greg


    From the album: random pics

  9. Unk Greg


    From the album: random pics

  10. Unk Greg


    From the album: random pics

  11. Unk Greg


    From the album: random pics

  12. Unk Greg


    From the album: random pics

  13. Unk Greg


    From the album: random pics

  14. Unk Greg


    From the album: random pics

  15. Unk Greg


    From the album: random pics

  16. Be a good bike to start with. Vibrates a lot, so check things...often. Still okay to get and ride.
  17. Gotz our tickets (sorta)....wife and I will be there....looking at Saturday late afternoon. Maybe run into a few of ya there....
  18. Just read someplace ... You can buy the DVD at the IX ctr mc show.
  19. Ran out of kerosene...haven't been able to fire up the Internet!
  20. Late December count? It was....uhmm, warmish, sorta. Laffed, saw the pic and thought it was the SV...errrrr, sorry, the blue threw me. : >)
  21. Okay, itz winter and looks like 62 open clear down to Columbus.....wait 'til summer, eh?
  22. SR83 South (from Millersburg) to SR550 East, way down there bunky, to SR26 East to SR800 North to SR78 East to SR536 South to SR7 North to SR255 North to SR800 North to SR342 West to SR258 west to New Comerstown and then grab SR36 west to Coshocton, and Roscoe Village. Eat and then back North on SR83 to Millersburg. Be nice to work in SR751 and cross over back roads to Baltic and SR93, then back South to SR36 ....from a scribbled note found while New Year's desk cleaning. You younger folks can try it, when weather breaks ( and road pavement exists ) North - South - East - West notations may be subject to artist's interpretation.
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