I work in industrial environments all day, normally in non-AC buildings with 100+ degree temps with 100% humidity. I wear all black with long sleeves and combat boots to keep the volatile fluids off of my arms and legs, although I get facefuls all the time and breathe in the fumes up to sixteen hours a day, which are flammable and known to cause birth defects.
Methel Ethel Ketone
Take them in their purest, liquid form and that's what I work with day in and day out. Add in a version of them using industrial/commercial ink and that's part two. Now take these chemicals, these harsh environments, and think industrial in the sense of dingy, dirty, with grease, dirt, dust, water, fluids, goo, and anything else nasty that comes to mind and throw them into an area where heavy machinery is working 24/7 and the lighting is usually poor. The decibal levels are high, OSHA safety equipment is mandatory everywhere I go, and even then not enough in some cases.
Now, take everything above, compile that with twelve to sixteen hour days on average, and you have a rough approximation of my job.
I absolutely love it, though.