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Everything posted by MrMeanGreen

  1. Although I'm previously damaged goods, it took about three months for the pain to go away last time I was rear-ended. IIRC, my passenger was about a month before the pain went away and we were hit from behind at 35mph. Go get checked out.
  2. I see what you're saying, Phil. My point is that the 20 year old requirements still saved my life, without the need for 12 airbags and auto-assisted "x". I still feel safer driving my 4th Gens than the majority of vehicles out there today. The '13 Escape my company gave me to drive received 2-3 stars on ratings. I hope to hell I never face in it what I did in my Camaro, because I wouldn't walk away this time.
  3. I get a little sensitive about it. I bought a Z28 to replace it, and my snotty-ass neighbor had to tell me "how unsafe they were, and that's why I almost died". Yeah, so I bought another one to replace it because I wasn't thinking I was traveling up I-95 in Jacksonville, Florida. A Lexus decided he wanted into my lane and cut me off. He clipped me instead. I started to slide and ended up going across the highway. A Lincoln hit me from behind, and I started spinning. I spun off the road, took out a large highway sign, and slid backwards into a group of trees at 70mph. The guy in the Lexus lost it, but ended up further down on the side of the highway and walked away. The Lincoln managed to stop as well. I was blind in both eyes and paralyzed on my right side. They had to cut the car open to get me out. So no, I didn't "walk away" on my own power, I had help until they stabilized me on the gurney. But I lived as did my daughter. The Lexus driver was ultimately found at fault over a year later (long story as well). This ended my Naval career and I have arthritis days, but am still able to manage a decently normal life. That's the cut and dried version. I told the long story at Doc's a few weeks ago. Stop out sometime and I'll give the full story.
  4. It's a long story. My ex-wife was in the passenger seat pregnant with my daughter who is now almost 14. Farkas, go fuck yourself.
  5. 2 or 3 star, huh? Damn, I'm glad those extra stars were missing when I walked away from this: http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b584/Formulized/passside_zps35b5fa48.jpg
  6. Maybe on New Year's Day. Maybe people could actually go racing two days in a row in the winter?
  7. Buy a 4th Gen F-Body, they were rated five stars on crash ratings. Dave, I didn't know you had kids. Damn, we're getting old.
  8. http://moofi.woot.com/offers/ear-force-px5-7-1ch-bluetooth-headset-12
  9. Excellent news. The HDD will not be going online, so that's not an issue.
  10. I didn't pay attention and realize his was the newer style. A physical HDD is needed, a flash drive in this instance won't cut it.
  11. This for the 360 at Doc's Hangout, so it benefits everyone who goes there on the weekends. I'd prefer minimal cost or free. Thanks.
  12. I've had many 4th Gen F-Bodies of all different models and never had my calipers warp, and you've seen the abuse I've put some through. I've honestly never heard of calipers warping ever being an issue. Maybe someone sold you fucked up ones.
  13. We'll be there and bringing a new face who lurks on here.
  14. A present for me? Thanks Scott, you shouldn't have.
  15. Free shipping as well. http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00933192000P?cj=true&sid=I0084400010000100600&aff=Y&PID=3668349&AID=11034749 Use code "SAVE15" at checkout for a total of $84.99 plus tax (mine was $5.95).
  16. We should be out tonight. Tina wasn't feeling so hot after we found out most of the "prepared" Thanksgiving turkeys have gluten injected into them.
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