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Everything posted by Turbotrio

  1. Walked down the street to visit the horses with the kids: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3702/9061107067_10f9d3eae4_b.jpg http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3753/9061119223_fe34e558c4_b.jpg http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3714/9061099311_434b968bb6_b.jpg http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2866/9063321938_0a7368bfb3_b.jpg
  2. For the majority of the time I had my 3-year-old in one arm and the camera in the other so nothing overly exciting. The Osprey with a fish over-head was a bit of a surprise since we were still in the yard but the rest is just your run-of-the-mill: http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3736/9186961639_dde4f4f0ed_b.jpg http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5492/9189770970_e08e590502_b.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7346/9189773510_a15d1cb0e3_b.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7323/9186965717_5b157f2410_b.jpg http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5492/9189790468_22e5efac9d_b.jpg http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2816/9189786144_a73455dd51_b.jpg http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7432/9186984273_d1c2bfe49d_b.jpg
  3. Nice pics. I no longer have a good "Zoo" lens so I rarely shoot anything but the kids there now. Great shots. Jeff
  4. Agreed. I don't hate it but at the same time I couldn't see myself wanting to make it look like that from the original image either (Even if it was as simple as a one-click HDR conversion). Jeff
  5. Just to use an example (I didn't take it) what do most think about this pic: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8490/8241477595_db34294a66_b.jpg
  6. It's probably because I try to do as little editing as humanly possible but I have never been much of a fan of HDR shots. *Most* just seem wayyyyy over-done IMO. I know it was the "Hot" thing for awhile so I am most likely in the minority. That being said, trying new things to see if you like the results is never a bad thing Jeff
  7. I was just coming in to make a quick post but thanks for beating me to it In addition to the polishing work that Brent has done for us for a number of years now he also does Ceramic and Powder and Heat-dissipating coating. We are still working on getting price-sheets put together but if you would like a quote on anything don't hesitate to ask. Jeff
  8. Once you have the "Basics" down its all gear and PP-ability. I hear people say all the time how the camera doesn't matter or the lens doesn't matter. I agree for studio shots where the environment (Lighting) is controlled but not anywhere else. If you are good enough (And have enough time) then PP skills can out-weigh gear in many instances but not all. If it isn't in focus there isn't much you can do after the fact. I've never tried any night / long-exposure shots so I will have to give it a try and see how it goes. Buying a tripod is step #1 lol Jeff
  9. That was my first thought -- especially at that focal length. Jeff
  10. Thanks for the info! I plan on taking a pic or two so I will post a few up when we get back Jeff
  11. We are staying multiple places but I am pretty sure the Hilton Waikoloa is one of them. Yes, we will be taking the kids. Thanks for the info, Jeff
  12. Nice pics! I am going in a month for a couple weeks so any "In retrospect" type of hints / advice would be great. Jeff
  13. Second-to-last is my fav. We go to the zoo a lot but I almost never take a camera because its too much to carry with two kids and their stuff. Jeff
  14. It depends on the TC and lens used on. A 1.4x would be solid on his 70-200/2.8 with just a slight loss in AF speed. Anything slower than f/4 would not AF on his T2i. Jeff
  15. Looks like you have it covered IMO. Since I have never been there my impression of Alaska would be a Wide-angle and then something longer (Maybe rent a 100-400?) for Bears / Whales / Eagles / Etc. In the middle a fast 50mm and your 70-200 should do the trick. An extra battery wouldn't be a bad idea. Jeff
  16. Sure -- I've never even seen an Owl before so fishing and pic taking sounds good to me Jeff
  17. Few taken from the car on Sunday: http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_4232_zps599f0c8a.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_42242_zps3a00ed74.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_4185_zps9a093820.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_42222_zpsf987dae4.jpg And one more flying: http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3784_zps6e074715.jpg
  18. I've never tried LR but I will have to find some time and play around with it. I use Aperture and my goal is to spend less than a minute editing any pic so the faster/easier the better. Jeff
  19. I got so close at one point that the lens wouldn't focus any more and I had to back up a little bit. He was so busy searching for / eating that I don't think he noticed or cared that I was right there. Combination of 700mm and getting very very close. Jeff
  20. Same this weekend. Middle of yard-work when I heard/saw him and this time the light was much much better: http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3492_zps896fb13d.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3162_zps78349ed2.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3178_zps60782db7.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3476_zpsea06876b.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3444_zpsa03d4efe.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3422_zps56d6f7ce.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3353_zps73c38acc.jpg
  21. Few from yesterday. I could only make it out for an hour so no fishing -- just nest building. http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3044_zpsf2df9bc0.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3048_zpsbbe677f9.jpg They would dive into tree branches and then grab ahold of them and twist to break them off and then carry them back. Missed on this one: http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3016_zpsb881e5b2.jpg Got this one: http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3027_zpsb37b7973.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_3032_zps7cf03a86.jpg http://i1351.photobucket.com/albums/p784/Jeff_Yetzer/DSC_2928_zps958e97cb.jpg
  22. Cliff Note Version: Built 5.8L Ported Heads 2.9L Whipple IPS Fuel System E85
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