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Posts posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. I have read some people claim a 'fish bowl' view from the MRO, but the field of view is suppose to be more significant than the T1? I haven't heard anything negative about the T1, yet.


    You're welcome to look at mine.

  2. Sort of. The protest was organized by smugglers and tea merchants who were being undercut by the East India Tea Company, who were granted a reprieve from tea taxes under the Tea Act in order to help move a glut of product. The tea party was essentially a bunch of criminals and businessmen destroying a competitor's product under the sorta-BS guise of "taxation without representation," even though the average colonist would have been better off buying the discounted tea that they either refused entrance into the colonies or, in the case of Boston, threw into the harbor.


    (And yeah, I did just have to look all of that up on Wikipedia, all I remember from school is that the tea party wasn't really about taxes at all and that it involved a bunch of angry smugglers).



    Not that any of this has anything to do with the price of tea in China or people smashing up a Starbucks, but whatever.

    I wish we still had a rep system.

  3. Banning entry into a country = giving people a reason to hate you. Pretty simple.


    By that logic everyone should hate Japan.


    How to make a terrorist.


    1. Impose an interventionolist foreign policy on weaker nations.

    2. Oust existing governments and install puppet dictators

    3. Initiate drone strikes on people opposing your national interests, making sure it's on another nations sovereign soil(without their permission). Bonus points for extra civilian casualties.


    If the affordable care act is abolished and I switch jobs a new insurance company can and will refuse me.



    I may be incorrect, but I thought you could only be denied coverage for an existing medical if you had a lapse in coverage. IE if you were switching insurance companies, the new company would still cover you condition. (Under the old system of course).


    IMO thats about the only issue that that the ACA fixed. Allowing people who had lapses in coverage, and who had a preexisting condition to get insurance. Everything else it jacked up, which is what happens to 90% of things the government takes over.

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