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Posts posted by Hwilli1647545487

  1. Hmmm, trying to think of the right word to say in response...


    "Cute" or "Adorable" come to mind regarding people like you.


    Let me tell you what you really meant to say because A. I know what's in your mind better than you do. B. My interpretation of what you said better supports my ability to attack your stance.


    BTW I am superior to you in all ways.

  2. I personally hate the front A2 sight. I dislike having anything appear in my optic, and it limits my rail choice.


    As others have stated in this thread, they prefer them. It's really all about what works for you.


    All your cost is going to be in your barrel, rail(depending on what route you go) and your trigger. Everything else is going to be ground noise in comparison.


    Pay attention if the parts are made for mil spec or commercial. Those aren't grades of quality, they are dimensional standards. So milspec parts won't interchange with commercial. I find most people prefer milspec because there are more parts available.


    I'll probably get flack for this, but I don't have backup irons on any of my guns. I just run a single optic.


    If I were you i'd build a lower and then go shoot some different people's uppers to see what you prefer. Then build your upper based off that.

  3. Based on the FB reaction all my pro Hillary friends loved it because they think she is being witty and fun. All my pro trump friends love it because the think it makes her look like and ass.


    I think at this point you could film either of them participating in an ISIS decapitation video and their respective supporters would stilll sing their praises.

  4. I try and keep it simple:


    Bob's internal subconscious flag rule.

    1a. If you are using the flag in a respectful/patriotic/proud manner then I have zero issues.

    1b. If you do anything but what I just mentioned then I have an issue.


    Putting the American flag on football cleats in honor of those who died on September 11th falls under my "1a." ruling.


    Don't overcomplicate life people...


    EDIT - For example: If you want to wrap up your newborn in an American flag because you are proud of your country and the opportunity this country gives you to raise a family and pursue your own success then be my fucking guest.


    ^^^ If you disagree with that then you are probably a pussy hipster who eats pizza with pear slices and goat cheese on it. And in that case... fuck you.


    That pizza sounds delicious. Do you deliver?

  5. Your lender is going to have requirements. IE home appraisal etc. inspection is normally done for your piece of mind, same with the radon test.


    Home insurance will obviously be required, you'll have to call and get that handled.


    Basically call your lender and ask them what is needed to get the process started. They can recommend a title agency as well.


    You may want to have him sign a contract so that he doesn't decide to back out and sell to someone else. Someone with more experience can speak to that.

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