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Everything posted by Wease

  1. Actually, I agree. My wife made me watch it and I do enjoy it. It's actually not that bad...
  2. I can't believe this hasn't been posted yet: So the walker starts out eating Daryl by chewing his boot?! WTF?! All other attacks were bites on the skin right away. If they want to do that scene, they need him to wake up with the walker approaching him, not chewing on his boot. That kind of bothered me and I really don't read too much into this show because I enjoy it a lot. Outside of that, that fight scene was great...
  3. Wease

    Heavy D dead!

  4. Wease

    Heavy D dead!

    I danced to "Now That We Found Love" at my brother's wedding last year. A respectable early hip hop artist, very sad...
  5. I actually agree with this. It was a tough choice, but I totally called it and kind of agreed with Shane. Morally that will be tough to live with, hence Shane shaving his head and trying to "change" as a person. But the bottom line is, he lived and saved his friends life. The fat guy wasn't going to make it long term anyway. Fat people don't last long in zombie land...
  6. The only thing I'm aware of, is that there is an OSU Club Alumni game tonight at the old OSU rink. I only know because a few of my friends who played for them are going... :nod:
  7. That's because I am one of those A/B guys. You missed my sense of humor wink. No problem being the worst one on the ice, we're more than happy to make you guys better... :nod:
  8. Unfortunately, no. The only hockey equipment place around here is The Hockey Stop. You might get lucky and find some stuff at Play-It-Again, but I wouldn't bet on finding much. Good luck though...
  9. Christ, don't post that shit here. I don't even want to know what happens...
  10. Yeah, you want the E league that plays on Monday night. It literally is a beginner league, like no experience. I welcome any of you out there to skate with us Wednesday morning, as we're really looking to solidify that Drop In so the Chiller doesn't cancel it. If you see a guy that looks like this, come say hello, as that's me: http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/180378_1627599327789_1170720062_31678293_5025946_n.jpg
  11. That works. FYI, it's $10 now for both Drop In and Stick & Puck. I would totally suggest a Stick & Puck before hitting up a Drop In. Just to get some of your coordination back. I play 3 times a week now. Sunday night for a private Drop In at OSU and Wednesday and Friday mornings at 6:00 AM at the Ice Haus downtown. I also sub Monday night B league, but don't play much because I have two small children at home and try to be home as much as I can for them. Hence my early and late times I play. When you feel up to it, PM me or refresh this thread and hit up one of those early morning Drop In's... :nod:
  12. I hope Shane is smart enough to be carrying the medical supplies and not the fat guy...
  13. What was your skill level before you quit? A, B, C, D?
  14. Wease

    Lets Hunt

    Yeah, I agree with this. I don't want my kids going to school if there's a freaking lion on the loose. Call me a "concerned parent".
  15. Some of you are overthinking it too much. It's a great show. AMC as usual, has some balls and keeps pushing the envelope with new shows... :nod:
  16. Wease

    Storage Units

    I pay $60 a month for my 10x20, but it's out in Union county... :nod:
  17. HOA's are one of the many reasons I live out in the country... :nod:
  18. I still blame George Bush...
  19. Yeah, but didn't he do it for his character on the show?
  20. I honestly can't believe he didn't die when he was younger, that dude was huge. Good for him getting his life turned around...
  21. All that extra neck skin hanging down now. Seriously that's where plastic surgery is needed. If you lose a shit ton of weight and need the skin removed... :nod:
  22. John Goodman dropped some serious weight. He looked like hell a few years ago...
  23. Yup, that's where we go. Good one if you have kids... :nod:
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