Great post. To sum up what Dave says at the bottom:
"If you follow my Total Money Makeover plan, you will begin investing well. Then, when you are 57 years old and the kids are grown and gone, the house is paid for, and you have $700,000 in mutual funds, you'll become self-insured. That means when your 20-year term is up, you shouldn't need life insurance at all—because with no kids to feed, no house payment and $700,000, your spouse will just have to suffer through if you die without insurance.
Don't do cash value insurance! Buy term and invest the difference."
This is nearly dead on what I'm doing, except I'll have more money at 57 and no house payment well before that (less than 10 years to go). I've got a 20 year term policy worth $1M that costs me $44 a month. When that's up, my kids will be grown up and in college.
Life insurance is to help your family should you die early. That's it... :nod: