Nope. 32 years old, married, multi-car discount, no points on my license. Heck, I haven't had any points on my license since I was 21. If I've said it once, I've said it a million times:
1. As a male, you are already screwed. Keep your nose clean. No more than 10 over the speed limit, don't drive like an idiot.
2. Don't drive anything decent until you are out of college and/or making some decent money. I'm sorry, but anyone paying more than $150 - $200 a month for insurance on a car is a sucker. I drove shit until I was about 22. Then my rates started coming down enough to where I could afford a decent car. At that point, it was $130 a month for a 1993 Cobra. And even that drove me crazy. Hence I only kept it for a few months.
3. Shop around for rates. Get on your parent's insurance if you can. And if you are military or directly related to a military member, get a policy with USAA. Twice for the hell of it I checked out rates from other companies. Both times when they asked me who my current company was and when I told them, they said this was a waste of my time, as no one beats USAA's rates.
This isn't a slam toward you, but you thought I was 89, so I was just setting you straight. Just figured I'd give some good advice, as I've been in that position of trying to get insurance on a muscle car at that age... :nod: