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Everything posted by Farkas

  1. It was pretty bad, lol. mid-air I looked down and saw the oil light come on instantly and knew what it was... that's about all I remember. Everything was in slow motion at the time that I hit whatever it was.
  2. I think it was that quarter that fucked my world up.
  3. Whatever the hell is sticking up 5 foot out of the ground off Ackerman road near 315. Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit about it being 5 foot, but still... a random ass raise in the road that I didn't see at all.
  4. http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/217151_658949732797_50609503_34591752_1321075_n.jpg http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/206617_658949428407_50609503_34591750_5054971_n.jpg http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/217664_658949553157_50609503_34591751_399957_n.jpg Cool, right?
  5. A2Z tint.. yosef does good work!
  6. Funny thing is, I wasn't even shitting on that FS thread I got my infraction for. Someone was being a crybaby and said unless you're interested, don't post at all. Well, I thought I would post words of encouragement for a future buyer and included a Good Luck With Sale line, and still got an infraction.
  7. Farkas

    iPhone halp

    Like someone else asked, why are you unlocking if you're already on AT&T? Not a dick question, just trying to understand what you were trying to do.
  8. Private 3rd April 2010 05:45 PM Expired 1 Spammed Posting (FS section, etc.) V8 Beast 148 pages worth of... 30th June 2009 01:53 AM Expired 1 Posting NWS content V8 Beast
  9. Seems like this event was a Piston VS. Rotary match-up AE that sounds like it's 2J powered, but can't really find much info on the car http://www.grs-motorsports.net/videos2011/salinas/2abril/6.wmv http://www.grs-motorsports.net/videos2011/salinas/2abril/1.wmv A couple TEs http://www.grs-motorsports.net/videos2011/salinas/2abril/8.wmv
  10. I got mine at the Gahanna Hardware Store...
  11. I wouldn't say my logic is negative in any way.. I just don't attribute events to specific reasons. I realize that stuff happens, shrug it off, and continue on with life.. no skin off my back.
  12. I feel like people try to rationalize incidents by making stupid excuses such as blaming Karma and bad luck... shit happens, go on with your life and quit making excuses or blaming it on something else. There's hardly any rhyme or reason as to why things just seem to happen.
  13. Because everyone here thinks they know everything... seriously, it's annoying as shit. Even if half the people here test drove an NSX, they wouldn't know what the hell to do with a car that actually handles well.
  14. I want that sticker, seriously.
  15. If anyone can run a skidplate, they're obviously not low.
  16. No but for real.. The car is fine, but I did really bust my pan and pump. Still waiting on parts so I can get the damn thing on the road again and out to cars and coffee.
  17. Lol damn you You guys are all fags...
  18. All I have from my phone right now http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_8534.jpg
  19. Don't be a dick... I'm not exactly happy right now.
  20. Well, some of you may not be aware, but I recently destroyed what I thought was just a pan and pump on my VR, however upon inspection I have found that the impact was so hard the subframe has actually compromised the uni-body in such a way I don't feel it is road worthy, and beyond my budget to have repaired by a body shop. A few of the bolts connecting the subframe have sheered and the pan and pump are absolutely toaster as I expected. Pics will follow as soon as I borrow a camera from my brother. Pour one out for my white girl... RIP http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/183162_626425611397_50609503_34449622_5005627_n.jpg
  21. An alignment is an alignment... as long as you do it accurately, you can do it just fine by yourself. Alignment racks that use lasers and etc. just make it extremely easy and convenient.
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