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Everything posted by Farkas

  1. I like how he's just laughing half way through the video.
  2. This is no surprise to me if there was just an earthquake...
  3. I don't even own a TV... can't fucking stand it.
  4. Farkas

    heavy glue

    Confetti in the dash vents and be done with it... He'll foreve be finding confetti as soon as he turns on the fans.
  5. It's probably a Honda... just let them have the damn thing and quit worrying about it.
  6. Fuck you. Yield to me riding where I'm supposed to and quit your bitching.
  7. Sure, we all make Mc Steaks, but chances are, if she was keeping two purses in the car.. she didn't just, "forget them." I have empathy for the people who are truely targets for no apparent reason, but people who leave GPS units, purses, CDs, stereos, or anything of apparent value in the car is just asking for a raping. REAL TALK Edit.. PS- I do feel sorry for you, OP, because I know you'll pretty much be the one dealing with it.. but maybe your wife will learn a lesson?
  8. Champion Duo Dry here.. balls couldn't be happier.
  9. Your wife left her purse and wallet in the van and you're mad at the THEIVES?! C'mon, dude.... common sense.
  10. Lol... From the engine designation you're asking about, which is actually 22RTE, is the exact same motor, but turbo and FI.
  11. Farkas

    Get Low

    Damnit, I just got excited and clicked on this thread again..
  12. You're WAAAAAAAAAAAAY over-doing the HDR there, buddy.
  13. http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c8/eightsixgts/room20thinks20funny.jpg
  14. Sounds like you have a small peepee.. never had the problem, here.
  15. +rep for fellow Toyota enthusiast I have a huge soft spot for MX32s.. I've mulled over the thought of finding one for some time now, but the Midwest makes finding a clean chassis nearly impossible. I pretty much love everything PJ Bonificio has touched, but I especially love his MX. Anyhow, between me and my brother, we've got an interesting collection of Toyotas and a wide array of Toyota knowledge. My Rides: Heavily built 16V AE http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/165137_616640271297_50609503_34281032_335380_n.jpg And my TE which is unfortunately being sold http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/39122_593945312177_50609503_33788509_1803077_n.jpg I'll let my brother post his own cars.
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