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Posts posted by Farkas

  1. If you can remain mindful on your journey, you eventually reach a point when you realize that there is more road behind you than ahead.


    The "end of the road," though still out of sight, becomes less abstract, you begin to feel the pain of it, and you start to anxiously scan the horizon for it. I've already passed the mile marker of that realization.


    Perhaps this is also true of enthusiast organizations.


    At the point a group becomes self-referential, it's already decoupled from its vibrancy. It can sometimes be put back on track, but like the cigar which burns out, you can re-light it but it will never really be same.


    Turning and turning in the widening gyre

    The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

    Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.


    At one extreme, you can try to be all things to all people, let everybody join, be the forum for any topic, anything goes.


    By some fluke you might even survive despite the multitude of competitors trying to do exactly the same thing. But your members will have forgotten what the letters CR ever stood for .... Cooking Recipes? Conservative Review? By diluting yourself, you've deluded yourself.


    Or, on the other hand, you can try to stay true to your roots, maintain your integrity, risk a dwindling membership. But stop denying it:


    The days are numbered for amateurs driving their high-powered cars on the street in a "spirited" way.

    Your children will prefer their entertainment pods which pilot themselves to their destinations.

    Your grandchildren will not learn to drive at all.


    And you're looking for new blood for this hobby? There'll be precious few quickenings for creatures of the night the likes of us.


    I've driven my own drive and want to stay true to my route. I'm thankful for the miles I've logged. For me, it's been the journey, not the destination.


    I have no other insight to offer and no advice on how to run CR. I'm grateful for the ways the members of CR have enriched my life.


    *golf clap*

  2. Geeto only bothers me because he doesn't want assimilate into the site, he wants to come in and expect people to just see his point of view. Comes off very vein. Many have taken this approach and some of them take the time to "get it" or they just don't last. What he does currently is annoy more of us instead of doing anything constructive.


    Overall I think he'll either assimilate or leave all on his own.


    It's one thing to have an opinion, it's another thing to openly declare you simply disagree and opine people because it's, "fun". That is text book trolling.


    +1 for ban.

  3. Okay Farkas I'll gladly talk racing, how would you like me to start? Go do some street races and talk about it, go do some autocrosses and talk about it? Some of that still happens but not much. So despite you coming off sarcastic I actually do agree that more talk of racing would be nice, and even though a lot of the guys have grown more responsible I know there are guys still out doing it. I however have been more disconnected from that lately, the few people I know could seek out to street race are now way out of my league. Unfortunately my life got in the way and I can't keep up, if there are guys like me somewhere I'd like to meet them as I've just simply lost touch.


    I would enjoy reading and getting involved with more race-talk, myself. Just about all I see every time I log into CR is people talking about their damn guns, political hot buttons currently on the news, or whatever else they have problems with in life- ALL unrelated to racing or cars in general.


    Occasionally there will be a good thread or two, but I rarely stop by any more because the whole website has basically turned into a local off-topic forum.


    Maybe I've been out of the loop, but I feel like the CR track days have been few and far between lately. I understand people are busy and have lives, but I think more track days organized by CR would liven things up quite a bit around here.




    What kind of racing do you enjoy, oh his royal farkleness?


    And no, racing to destroy oil pans because moar low does not count.


    Auto-x? Working on prepping my car for Mid-Ohio. Drift events next year, etc.

  4. So what about the experience is new and improved and worth several hundred dollars?


    Not experiencing frequent crashes is pretty nice. Some people want the newest and most powerful, and others want something low maintenance that just works.

  5. So I could spend $600k to do 0-60 in 3 seconds in a car that no valet on Earth would put in a front spot...


    Or I could get an F12 Berlinetta for a bit under $400k and have a car that will have a classically beautiful look for years to come, do 0-60 in 3.1 seconds, actually be a pleasure to drive, and not make everyone think I'm suffering from glaucoma at age 30.


    End of the day, you still don't have a Juke-R.

  6. The only thing is that I am shooting for a decent amount of power and I am not sure if the w58 will hold, but you do have a good point in making it easy. As you know the car is light and won't have the stroke of the 7m so they could go a long way in saving the trans. Seems like I am talking myself to go your route.


    Word on the street is that over 400 rear wheel torque is where they become iffy as far as strength. Keep a good sprung clutch in front of it and don't shift like an idiot and you'll be fine! I know a couple people have done well over 500 on a W58, but it's a gamble at that point.


    Not sure what kinda power goal you had in mind, but 300hp in a car that size/weight will be scary as it is. I think W58 will work pretty well unless you had some crazy power numbers in mind.

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