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Everything posted by Zeppelin

  1. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/25.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/26.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/27.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/28.jpg
  2. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/21.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/22.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/23.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/24.jpg
  3. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/17.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats182.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/19.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/20.jpg
  4. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/13.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/14.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/15.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/16.jpg
  5. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/9.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/10.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/11.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/12.jpg
  6. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/5.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/6.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/7.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/8.jpg
  7. Finally got around to sizing these down and getting them out on the server. Enjoy. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/1.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/2.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/3.jpg http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/2009tanats/4.jpg
  8. While the out of state conviction will show up on the Ohio driving record if it is sent in, any points assessed will only count toward suspension in the state where the conviction occurred, unless you have a CDL license. Your insurance company WILL count the conviction though, as they have their own 'points' system for determining rates. As stated above, the class only credits you 2 points, allowing you to get 14 points before an Ohio 12 point suspension would take effect. Here is the ORC section where the points for violations are set out. Although a court may choose to ignore this and give as many points as they want. After all, they ARE GOD. Just ask them. It also speaks to another recent topic regarding points being charged for more than one violation out of the same incident. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/4510.036 You'll notice that recommended points are only for violations of other Ohio Revised Code sections. There is nothing in the ORC that allows or instructs the BMV to utilize out of state points in determining 12 point suspension action.
  9. Very nice. Let us know when you head out to pick it up.
  10. Sweet times Ray. Can't wait to see it run at the track day.
  11. Thanks Ray. I'm heading to the TA Nats Saturday to hopefully find a good front bumper I can use to get this project started. Also going to take a camera, so I'll definitely post some pics.
  12. I'm heading over to Dayton Saturday to the 25th Annual Trans Am Nationals. Anyone else heading over? Its Friday through Sunday. http://www.78ta.com/nats/index.htm
  13. Case in point. Remember this track day in 2003? Look at all the shiney parts all over the track behind my Formula, and even on the other side of the track around who I think is Anthony. http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/formula_goes_boom.jpg Made me get out of it for awhile. I even tried getting a 4-door with some kick (CTS-V), but ultimately I'm getting back into it. I have had a good dozen or so nice f-bodies over the years, from my first car (a '68 Firebird), a '69 Firebird, a '69 SS/RS 396 Camaro, '71 Camaro, '87 Trans Am, '92 1LE Z-28, etc. to the above '94 Formula. Wrenched on all of them and pissed away a small fortune. If its in your blood, it never goes away. Just gets temporarily shelved once in awhile. If you can get all the way out, you are VERY lucky.......and probably allot richer.
  14. Ya, my wood decks have been there since 1987 and still look pretty good. Just need to stain them every couple years. But I agree that concrete would be my first choice.
  15. Also, if youre looking for a fire pit, check out Lowes. They had allot of their patio stuff 50% off when I was in there last weekend. They had a few firepits included in that.
  16. I'm going to try and make it out to watch. Haven't seen allot of you guys for awhile.
  17. Sweet runs Ray. Can't wait to see it when its hitting its stride.
  18. They only had a couple '97 Firebird 6 cyl. out there and some Camaros......., so I'm still looking.
  19. Here's an old vid I ran across of it http://www.zeppelinsreef.com/images/Zeppelinsformula.mpg (dial up beware)
  20. Oh man. Thats harsh. To each his own though. I got TONS of compliments on that car's paint. My buddy and I did the flame job ourselves too. House Of Color Green micro metalflake straight over black, with seafoam green tips under the flake. Hand painted pinstriping too. ALLOT of hours in that paint job. Ramsey. Ya, thats the Raptor hood I believe. It still has the separation in the hood nostrils, and also utilizes the front holes in the bumper cover, which I plan to fill.
  21. If you are talking about the orange one(House Of Color Candy Tangerine, BTW), it was a GM High Tech Performance cover car, I believe. The pics in the mag looked very cool. I'm not looking to do orange anyway though. My plan is to go Ferrari 'Silverstone' dark grey metallic.
  22. The bumper cover I have modified was in an engine fire. The top middle section has enough charred plastic that I dont want to use it. If you look at the 'stock front marker' pic above, you can kind of see the tan area around where the headlight would be, near where I have the tape. Its scorched, and partially melted from there all the way to the other side, or I would definitely use it. Is the polyurethane rod better than the 3M Automix EZ Sand Flexible Parts Repair? If so, I'd definitely like to take you up on the lesson. Thanks for the offer.
  23. I have 2 wooden decks off the back of the house that were built in the mid 80's. I have to periodically pound nails back in, and like everyone has mentioned, stain it annually or at least every other year. If built right, they last a very long time. I just had a pool put in, and went with stamped tan concrete around it. I love the look. But it did cost $12 a sq. foot. Not the cheap route, but really did pick up the tan siding, and goes real well with the house color. If you end up looking into stamped concrete, be prepared for the sticker shock that comes with the extra work of applying the release agent and stamping it. The back of my house looks allot like yours with all the wires coming up the back, and the heat pump right next to it.(Built in 1977) Now I also have a pool heater, pump and filter there. We have azalia(sp) bushes right out back that I plan to extend back across the mechanicals. The bushes create a hedge about 3 feet tall, and hide allot of that. A small hedge of some kind would do wonders to hide your wires and heat pump. Good luck with the project.
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